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May 20, 2003 09:45 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell

Is this the direct lineage that Steven Levey is writing about:

". . . Masters' Messengers to the world, the Transmitters of the 
Wisdom-Religion. Among These, and in our own time and country: 
H.P. Blavatsky, William Q. Judge, and Robert Crosbie. . . "
Quoted from: "Theosophy" magazine, November 1929

As early as 1915, Robert Crosbie was writing:

". . . The various theosophical societies and esoteric sections of 
the day are in no sense representative of the School of the Masters 
or the Theosophical Movement. . . The Anciently universal Wisdom-
Religion, the School of the Masters and the Theosophical Movement are 
in unbroken continuity of existence to-day as always. . . .Now, as 
always, they have their representatives and agents among men, who 
cannot be found out by any but those who have earned the right to 
know them. . . ." Quoted from: "Theosophy," February 1915.

In June of the same year, Robert Crosbie wrote:

". . . After her [HPB's] death in 1891, the Esoteric Section - now 
School [the Second Section] - was reorganized. Mr. Judge was looked 
to and accepted by all as the LINK between the School [Second 
Section] and the Masters [First Section]. . . . " "Theosophy" 
magazine, June 1915, p. 371.

Then in 1919, soon after Crosbie's death, the editors of "Theosophy" 
magazine declared:

". . . Robert Crosbie preserved unbroken the link of the Second 
Section [the Esoteric School] of the Theosophical Movement from the 
passing of Mr. Judge in 1896, and in 1907--just eleven years later--
made that link once more Four Square amongst men...." "Theosophy" 
magazine, Volume 7, p. 289. 

This last excerpt would seem to be saying that the editors 
of "Theosophy" magazine believed that Crosbie was to be considered 
the LINK [agent??] between the Second Section and the Masters.

Furthermore, as several have asked previously, HOW DID 
Crosbie "preserve unbroken the link of the Second 
Section...from...1896" to 1907? 

Keep in mind in grappling with this question that from 1896 to around 
1904, Crosbie was a devoted follower and believer in Katherine 
Tingley. How was he preserving UNBROKEN this link during those 8 
years when he truly and sincerely believed that Mrs. Tingley was 
Judge's "chosen successor"?

Daniel H. Caldwell

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