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RE: Re: Violent Death KARMA OF WAR

Mar 23, 2003 05:26 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck

Sunday, March 23, 2003


Dallas offers:

As I understand it:

Everything, without exception is under karmic law.

What seems to us an early death (disease accident, murder, etc…)
is not so karmically.

The “spook” is the Kama-rupa which some sensitives see or report
on. It is of
astral matter” and its life on the Astral Plane, varies according
to the nature of the desires it had during life.






Theosophical doctrines draw our attention to some basic

1. The Universe is All. IT has no limits, either in space or
in time. It is Immortal. It is Life.

2. The Universe operates under cyclic Law. Law cannot be It
supports universal progression. Morally It can be said to
provide justice and compassion to all beings. Universe = Nature
in toto.

3. Each being is a unit of Life. In its essence it is a ray
of the Universal One. The unit is variously called "Monad,” or
"Life-atom," etc... it is a "perpetual motion machine" and is an
immortal entity, it passes through all evolutionary processes,
acquiring intelligence and experience. It is analogous to a
solar system, or to a galaxy.

4. Every being shares in the immortality of the One in its
essence. It therefore cannot be destroyed or annihilated as a
Unit of Life. Life or energy is universal, and in its diversity
it animates every "unit of life."

5. In essence each "part" (Unit of Life), is united through
'electro-magnetic' links with all others. There is one whole;
only the 'units' seem to be separate, divided from one-another in
terms of our gross perceptions of "matter." Their unity is the
basis for cooperation expressed in brief as Universal

6. To make a physical form each 'unit' draws together other
‘monads’ or units of lesser experience than itself on the
"Ladder of Being." In doing that it makes itself responsible for
their growth and well-being. Just as a "teacher" makes himself
responsible for the progress of many pupils. It should be noted
that while the "Teacher" offers instruction based on his
experience, it is the responsibility of the "pupils" to test and
adopt it when they are satisfied as to its accuracy. We call
this, in general terms : Evolution, when viewed as a whole.

7. Any "form," serves temporarily as a place for those beings
of lesser experience to acquire more experience and thus have
opportunity to "advance." Under the operation of LAW, Karma,
they acquire, each in its own way, a wider experience, a higher
degree of consciousness. All those who have not yet reached the
"human-mind" state, are called non-self-conscious "life-atoms."
They are incipient men-to-be. They inform for the moment, the
lower kingdoms, or divisions of Nature. [ Elementals on the
astral plane, mineral, vegetable and animal forms.]

8. When the level of self-consciousness (mind, manas, man, soul)
is achieved by any of the "lives," it proceeds further, as a
human being, through the process of reincarnation, using many
successive physical bodies. All live in the same framework of
law, progression and mutual support. The whole evolutionary
scheme is a vast brotherhood. In the man-mind condition/stage,
progress is by trial/error, and thus the awareness or attentive
faculty is developed as the individual studies the operation of
universal laws operating in and around him.

9. Like the Universe, man is seven-fold in constitution:

1. Spirit - Atman, (a "Ray" of the Divine.)

2. Discrimination-Intuition-Conscience
- Buddhi, ( memory of

3. Thinking, Intellection, Reason,
- Mind - Manas, (choice &
free will

4. Emotion, Sensation, Selfishness -
- Kama, ( desire,
passion )

5. Vitality, Life-energy, magnetism -
- Prana, Jiva (vitality,

6. Electro-magnetic model form -
- Astral body,
(electro-magnetic form)

7. Physical Body. (Known to us.)

10. The Universe, Man, and all other beings go through an
evolutionary cycle which is seven-fold, covering an immense time,
during which each being passes through every one of the seven
phases that this seven-fold scheme provides, so that each may
secure the highest degree of perfection by its own experiences
and voluntary decisions. All progress is by self-effort. [ Very
much as in our educational system.]

11. The self-conscious man, in which Manas (mind) or
self-consciousness is the active principle, makes decisions.
Motive actuates Karma. If the decisions are universally-based,
'good' and progress for the unit, and the whole accrues rapidly.
Should decisions be self-focused, as opposed to the general good,
'evil' results. Karma thus actuated, teaches the unit through
disciplining circumstanc­es what the ideal decisions ought to be.
Thus evolution proceeds. All karmic events are the direct result
of the choices that are individually made.

12. Graduates from this "School-of-Life" face the choice or
responsibility of becoming, in their turn, "teachers." That is,
of actively assisting in the process of diffusing and explaining
this universal process. They are superior men. [ Similar to the
Professors in our Universities.]

13. These are designated Sages, Wise Men, Adepts,
Masters-of-Wisdom, Arhats, Bodhisattvas, Buddhas, Dhyan Chohans,
Tathagatas, Prophets, etc... [ In history we may name Jesus,
Gautama the Buddha, Krishna, Pythagoras, Lao Tse, Plato,
Shankaracharya, Apollonius of Tyanna, and many
others.] they all came as reformers, and if their original
teachings are compared it will be found that they all taught the
same metaphysical doctrines and practical ethics.

14. The process of securing experience by mankind is called
reincarnation. The "Life-atom" that is self-conscious, or the
Real Man, uses a physical body which is assembled, as above
described for it to live in. In this life process it not only
advances (or recedes) depending on its choices, but at the same
time serves to assist and elevate by its example the whole mass
of "life-atoms" for which it has specific
karmic responsibilities. [DTB1]

At death the man-consciousness passes first into a
state called Kama-Loka, where a separation between the moral,
and the immoral occurs. A 2nd "death" occurs in a short while
and the immoral side of one's nature is allowed to disintegrate
gradually in the astral plane of Kama-Loka.

The higher, immortal Ego, the moral side of our
being, passes into a state called Devachan, which has three
stages 1st the rupa-loka, where the consciousness of the Ego is
occupied with the aspirational and noble feelings, thoughts and
actions of the last personal life. This process of
assimilation being over, the MIND-EGO enters a spiritual plane
where, united with the "Ray" of the Universal Spirit, it is
quasi-omniscient. This 2nd stage is called the arupaloka
[formless stage]. In that condition it is able to review the
life last lived within the perspective of all previous lives, and
thus trace the line of its Karma. The 3rd stage is one of
preparation for a new incarnation, and it begins to draw to
itself those personal elements (skandhas) which will be used to
make up its new personality.


"...Man (physically) is a compound of all the
kingdoms, and spiritually--his individuality is no worse for
being shut up within the casing of an ant than it is for being
inside a king. It is not the outward or physical shape that
dishonors and pol­lutes the five principles--but the mental
perversity. Then it is but at his fourth round when arrived at
the full possession of his Kama-energy and is completely matured,
that man becomes fully responsible, as at the sixth he may become
a Buddha and at the seventh before the Pralaya--a "Dhyan
Chohan."...He starts down­ward as a simply spiritual entity--an
unconscious seventh princi­ple (a Parabrahm in contradistinction
to Para-parabrahm)--with the germs of the other six principles
lying latent and dormant in him...(76) [ follows a description of
stages of differentiation, round by round, a kind of 'gestation'
process ]...Volition and consciousness are at the same time
self-determining and deter­mined by causes, and the volitions of
man, his intelligence and consciousness will awake but when his
(77) fourth principle Kama is matured and completed by its
(seriatim) contact with the Kamas or energizing forces of all the
forms man has passed through in his previous three rounds. The
present mankind is at its fourth round ( a genus...)
the individual entities in them are unconsciously to themselves
performing their local earthly seven­fold cycles--hence the vast
difference in the degrees of their intelligence, energy and so
on. Now every individuality will be followed on its ascending
arc by the Law of retribution--Karma and death accordingly. The
perfect man or the entity which reaches full perfection, (each of
his seven principles being matured) will not be reborn here. His
local terrestrial cycle is completed .(The incomplete entities
have to be reborn or rein­carnated)...On their fifth round after
a partial Nirvana when the zenith of the grand cycle is reached,
they will be held responsi­ble henceforth in their descents from
sphere to sphere, as they will have to appear on this earth as a
still more perfect and intellectual race. This downward course
has not begun but will soon...The above is the rule. The Buddhas
and Avatars form the exception as verily we have yet some Avatars
left to us on earth." M L p. 75-77



"The world of effects are not lokas or localities.
They are the shadow of the world of causes their souls--worlds
having like men their seven principles which develop and grow
simultaneously with the body. Thus the body of man is wedded to
and remains for ever within the body of his planet; his
individual jivatma life principle that which is called in
physiology (72) animal spirits returns after death to its
source--Fohat; his linga shariram will be drawn into Akasa; his
kamarupa will recommingle with the Universal Sakti--the
Will-Force, or universal energy; his 'an­imal soul' borrowed
from the breath of Universal Mind will return to the Dhyan
Chohans; his sixth principle--whether drawn into or ejected from
the matrix of the Great Passive Principle must remain in its own
sphere--either as part of the crude material or as an
individualized entity to be reborn in a higher world of causes.
The seventh will carry it from the Devachan and follow the new
Ego to its place of re-birth..." M.L. p.


"...The rule is, that a person who dies a natural
death, will remain from "a few hours to several short years,"
within the earth's attraction, i.e., in the Kama-Loka. But
exceptions are, in the case of suicides and those who die a
violent death in gen­eral. Hence, one of such Egos, for
instance, who was destined to live--say 80 or 90 years, but who
either killed himself or was killed by some accident, let us
suppose at the age of 20 --would have to pass in the
Kama-Loka not "a few years," but in his case 60 or 70 years, as
an Elementary, or rather an "earth-walker;" since he is not,
unfortunately for him, even a "shell." Happy, thrice happy,
(113) are those disembodied entities, who sleep their long
slumber and live in dream in the bosom of Space ! And woe to
those whose Trishna [desire to live] will attract them to
mediums, and woe to the latter, who tempt them with such an easy
Upadana [vehicle]...[more details on this]...And now, you may
understand why we oppose so strongly Spiritualism and
medium­ship...(114)...Could the Spiritualists be only made to
understand the difference between individuality and personality,
between individual and personal immortality and some other
truths, they would be more easily persuaded that Occultists may
be fully convinced of the monad's immortality, and yet deny that
of the soul--the vehicle of the personal Ego; that they can
firmly believe in, and themselves practice spiritual
communications and intercourse with the disembodied Egos of the
Rupa-Loka, and yet laugh at the insane idea of "shaking hands"
with a "Spirit" !; that finally, that as the matter stands, it
is the Occultists and the Theosophists who are the true
Spiritualists, while the modern sect of that name is composed
simply of materialistic phenomenal­ists." M L p.
(see Theosophical Articles & Notes, p. 237-8)


"The good and pure sleep a quiet blissful sleep, full
of happy visions of earth-life and have no consciousness of being
already for ever beyond that life. Those who were neither good
nor bad, will sleep a dreamless, still a quiet sleep; while the
wicked will in proportion to their grossness suffer the pangs of
a nightmare lasting years: their thoughts become living things,
their wicked passions--real substance, and they receive back on
their heads all the misery they have heaped upon others. Reality
and fact if described would yield a far more terrible Inferno
than even Dante had imagined." M L p.123



[ Explanation of state of consciousness of violent or
acci­dental death victims .] "...In cases of good and innocent
Egos...the latter gravitates irresistibly towards the 6th
[bud­dhi] and 7th [atma ], and thus--either slumbers surrounded
by happy dreams, or, sleeps a dreamless profound sleep until the
hour strikes...The victim whether good or bad is irresponsible
for his death, even if his death were due to some action in a
previous life or an antecedent birth; was an act...of the Law of
Retribution, still, it was not the direct result of an act
delib­erately committed by the personal ego of that life during
which he happened to be killed. Had he been allowed to live
longer he may have atoned for his antecedent sins still more
effectually: and even now, the Ego having been made to pay off
the debt of his maker (the previous Ego) is free from the blows
of retributive justice. The Dhyan Chohans who have no hand in
the guidance of the living human Ego, protect the helpless victim
when it is violently thrust out of its element into a new one,
before it is matured and made fit and ready for it. We tell you
what we know, for we are made to learn it through personal
experience... Yes; the victims whether good or bad, sleep, to
awake but at the hour of the last Judgment, which is that hour of
the supreme struggle between the 6th and the 7th, and the 5th and
4th at the threshold of the gestation state. And even after
that, when the 6th and 7th carrying off a portion of the 5th have
gone into their Akasic Samadhi [devachan ], even then it may
happen that the spiritual spoil from the 5th will prove too weak
to be reborn (132) in Deva-Chan; in which case it will there and
then reclothe itself in a new body, the subjective "Being"
created from the Karma of the victim (or no victim, as the case
may be) and enter upon a new earth-existence whether upon this or
any other planet [read "Globe"]." M L p. 131-2

"What you were taught is the Rule. [Bear always in
mind that there are exceptions...] Good and pure "accidents"
sleep in the Akasa, ignorant of their change; very wicked and
impure--suffer all the tortures of a horrible nightmare. The
majority--neither very good nor very bad, the victims of accident
or violence (including murder)--some sleep, others become Nature
pisachas, and while a small minority may fall victims to mediums
and derive a new set of skandhas from the medium who attracts
them. Small as their number may be, their fate is to be the most
deplored." M L p. 132


"Motive is everything and man is punished in a case
of di­rect responsibility, never otherwise."
M L p,132

"Love and Hatred are the only immortal feelings..."
M L p. 127

"Unless a man loves well or hates as well, he will be
neith­er in Deva-Chan nor in Avitchi. "Nature spews the lukewarm
out of her mouth" means only that she annihilates their personal
Egos (not the shells, nor yet the 6th principle [buddhi ] ) in
the Kama Loka and the Deva-Chan. This does not prevent then from
being immediately reborn--and, if their lives were not very very
bad--there is no reason why the eternal Monad should not find the
page of that life intact in the Book of Life."
M L p. 134


The Adept states: "We tell you what we know, for we
are made to learn it through personal experience."
ML p. 131


Though not separated completely from Buddhi and Atma
yet there is a vast gulf until the day when they would have
normally died.

These two: Atma-Buddhi are passive for the
intervening time, (to the hour of the last judgment--when the
last and final
struggle between Atma-Buddhi on one hand and Kama-Manas on the
other occurs). (Theos. Articles & Notes,

Suicide is death brought on voluntarily and with full
and deliberate knowledge of its immediate consequences.

If, in a fit on insanity a man commits suicide, he
falls asleep like any other victim of accident.
TA&N (240)


The victim, good or bad, is irresponsible for his

Even if the death by accident were due to past Karma,
it is not the direct result of a personal act of the Ego in this

The Dhyan-Chohans protect the hapless accident victim
when it is violently thrust out of its life before it has matured
been made ready for the new place in a normal way. (239)

In the case of accidental death, the 2 groups of
principles (Atma-Buddhi-Manas) and (Astral-Prana-Kama-Lower
Manas) attract each other.

1. In the case of good and innocent egos the
lower 4 gravitate irresistibly towards Atma-Buddhi, and thus

1. a dreamless slumber, or

2. are surrounded by happy dreams until
the hour when death would have normally taken place occurs and
the separation between the "higher" and the "lower" principles
occurs just before Devachan ("gestation state").

If at that time Atma-Buddhi carrying the essence of
Higher Manasic experience proves to have too little for the
operation of the process of "Akasic Samadhi" in Devachan the
Manasic principle will re-clothe itself in a new body
(the direct result of the remaining Karma of the victim)
and enter upon a new life on earth. [ Quick reincarnation ? ]
TA&N (240)


The only "visitors" at seance rooms as astral forms

1. Suicides, and

2. Elementaries -- Kama-lokic
remains & "Black

3. Executed criminals.

No pure Spirits visit any seance room.
TA&N (240-1)

4. Victims of Vicious
Indulgence:-- (life shortening)

The cause of vice receives punishment. Motive is
every­thing, and man is punished in a case of direct
responsibility only.

Vicious indulgence can cause an earlier death than
provided for under the personal karma of that life.
TA&N (240)


Under the influence of the last violent thoughts and
feel­ings he felt before execution, the executed person will be
ever reviewing on the Astral Plane his anger and fear, and will
receiving the impact of the changes made in the lives of others
influenced by his acts. TA&N (240-1)

Those who are vicious, and not insane, are only
partly killed on execution. From the Astral Plane they will be
affect­ing all those who are sensitive enough to "feel and
receive" them.

Especially at spiritualistic seances. There they
project scenes of blood and punishment into such weak persons,
influencing them to copy. [ They may also "haunt" astrally by
attraction the place of their crime or of execution.] (241)

At scenes of collective murder, where victims are
over­whelmed by a group and killed, the struggle and emotional
impact may be reenacted several times a year for many years.
[ Ex.: Marathon ] Those sensitive to the Astral images will see
this. TA&N (241)


Suicide and murder can be committed while insane.
The peri­od between death of the body and the real death would be
passed in sleep. (Theos. Articles & Notes, p. 240


Some further references:--

1. HPB Articles VOL. II, pp. 104, 116, 198-203
2. Ocean P. 100;
3. S.D. II 57 fn, 306;
4. Theosophy Mag. Vol. 2, p. 402, 561;
5. Theosophy Mag. Vol. 19, p. 410, 465-7, 506-8;
6. Key p. 163, 185;
7. Theosophical Movement Mag. Vol. 23, p. 281-2
8. HPB Articles Vol. I 494 top
9. HPB TO APS p. 242-56


Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Tatoorachael]
Sent: Saturday, March 22, 2003 11:24 AM

I can envision a situation wherein an individual is Karmically
"taken before his time" yet that does not eliminate the "spook"
phenomena. In other words, it could be ones time to die
karmically but that early death has not been astrally "programed"
so an outside instrument of Karma forces the early death but the
astral still reacts as Judge described.

But the question really is, are all murders, accidental deaths,
early death due to disease, etc., brought about by Karma?
Ultimately, I believe so.




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