Mar 16, 2003 11:30 AM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Sunday, March 16, 2003
Re: KUMARAS or the BUDDHI-MANASIC EGO of every Human Being
Preliminary Note:
"Every living creature, of whatever description, was, is, or will
become a human being in one or another Manvantara." Trans. p. 22
"The place where the line of involution and evolution meet is in the
incarnation of the descending gods-ourselves-in the highest evolved
form. The analogy is seen in any reincarnation. The consciousness
leaves the body, which goes to pieces on its own plane. When the real
man returns, he has to wait until the lower lives have built up a form
for him into which he may enter, this form being built under the
impress given by the real man in other lives. A Manvantara is an
enlarged and expanded similar process. We came from the Moon, where we
had evolved form to a degree. At pralaya all things stopped evolution
of form; on re-manifestation, the lower lives or "builders" began to
build up as before, and as their impress and previous building
admitted. When the form of man had reached the highest previous point
reached, the Kumaras, or real men, overshadowed and entered to carry
the evolution further. "They, and no other, are we. "Well, good nights
and days to you all the time. The days help make the nights and the
nights help to make the days; they both belong to life."
F. P. pp
"Alone a handful of primitive men -- in whom the spark of divine
Wisdom burnt bright, and only strengthened in its intensity as it got
dimmer and dimmer with every age in those who turned it to bad
purposes--remained the elect custodians of the Mysteries revealed to
mankind by the divine Teachers. There were those among them, who
remained in their Kumaric condition from the beginning; and tradition
whispers, what the secret teachings affirm, namely, that these Elect
were the germs of a Hierarchy which never died since that period:--
"The inner man of the first * * * only changes his body from time to
time; he is ever the same, knowing neither rest nor Nirvana, spurning
Devachan and remaining constantly on Earth for the salvation of
mankind ..." "Out of the seven virgin-men (Kumara) four sacrificed
themselves for the sins of the world and the instruction of the
ignorant, to remain till the end of the present Manvantara. Though
unseen, they are ever present. When people say of one of them, "He
is dead;" behold, he is alive and under another form. These are the
Head, the Heart, the Soul, and the Seed of undying knowledge (Gnyana).
Thou shalt never speak, O Lanoo, of these great ones (Maha...) before
a multitude, mentioning them by their names. The wise alone will
understand." (Catechism of the Inner Schools.) SD II 281-2
"...the early sub-races had evolved an intermediate race in
which...the higher Dhyan Chohans had incarnated. [ Fn.] This
is the
"undying race" as it is called in Esotericism, and exoterically the
fruitless generation of the first progeny of Daksha, who curses
Narada, the divine Rishi ... by saying "Be born in the womb; there
shall not be a resting place for thee in all these regions;" after
this Narada, the representative of that race of fruitless ascetics, is
said, as soon as he dies in one body, to be reborn in another."
SD II 275 - fn
"Happily for the human race the "Elect Race" had already become the
vehicle of incarnation for the (intellectually and spiritually)
highest Dhyanis before Humanity had become quite material. When the
last sub-races...of the 3rd Race had perished with the great Lemurian
Continent, "the seeds of the Trinity of Wisdom" had already acquired
the secret of immortality on Earth, that gift which allows the same
great personality to step ad libitum from one worn-out body into
another." SD II 276
"...there exists a power which can create human forms--ready-made
sheaths for the "conscious monads" or Nirmanakayas of past Manvantaras
to incarnate within ... a living Entity consolidating the astral body
with surrounding materials..." SD II 652-3
"Q. What is the real difference between the Dhyani-Buddhas in the
orthodox and the esoteric conceptions?
A. A very great one philosophically. They are-as higher Devas-called
by the Buddhists, Bodhisattvas. Exoterically they are five in number,
whereas in the esoteric schools they are seven, and not single
Entities but Hierarchies. It is stated in the Secret Doctrine that
five Buddhas have come and that two are to come in the sixth and
seventh races. Exoterically their president is Vajrasattva, the
"Supreme Intelligence" or "Supreme Buddha," but more transcendent
still is Vajradhara, even as Parabrahm transcends Brahma or Mahat.
Thus the exoteric and occult significations of the Dhyani-Buddhas are
entirely different. Exoterically each is a trinity, three in one, all
three manifesting simultaneously in three worlds-as a human Buddha on
earth, a Dhyani-Buddha in the world of astral forms, and an arupa, or
formless, Buddha in the highest Nirvanic realm. Thus for a human
Buddha, an incarnation of one of these Dhyanis, the stay on earth is
limited from seven to seven thousand years in various bodies, since as
men they are subjected to normal conditions, accidents and death. In
Esoteric philosophy, on the other hand, this means that only five out
of the "Seven Dhyani-Buddhas"-or, rather, the Seven Hierarchies of
these Dhyanis, who, in Buddhist mysticism, are identical with the
higher incarnating Intelligences, or the Kumaras of the Hindus-five
only have hitherto appeared on earth in regular succession of
incarnations, the last two having to come during the sixth and seventh
Root-Races. This is, again, semi-allegorical, if not entirely so. For
the sixth and seven Hierarchies have been already incarnated on this
earth together with the rest. But as they have reached "Buddhaship,"
so called, almost from the beginning of the fourth Root-Race, they are
said to rest since then in conscious bliss and freedom till the
beginning of the Seventh Round, when they will lead Humanity as a new
race of Buddhas. These Dhyanis are connected only with Humanity, and,
strictly speaking, only with the highest "principles" of men.
Q. Do the Dhyani-Buddhas and the Planetary Spirits in charge of the
globes go into pralaya when their planets enter that state?
A. Only at the end of the seventh Round, and not between each round,
for they have to watch over the working of the laws during these minor
pralayas. Fuller details on this subject have already been written in
the third volume of the Secret Doctrine. But all these differences in
fact are merely functional, for they are all aspects of one and the
same Essence." Trans, p.50-1
"Q. But do not our minds receive their illuminations direct from the
Higher Manas through the Lower? And is not the former the pure
emanation of divine Ideation-the "Manasa-Putras," which incarnated in
A. They are. Individual Manasa-Putras or the Kumaras are the direct
radiations of the divine Ideation-"individual" in the sense of later
differentiation, owing to numberless incarnations. In sum they are the
collective aggregation of that Ideation, become on our plane, or from
our point of view, Mahat, as the Dhyan-Chohans are in their aggregate
the WORD or "Logos" in the formation of the World. Were the
Personalities (Lower Manas or the physical minds) to be inspired and
illumined solely by their higher alter Egos there would be little sin
in this world. But they are not; and getting entangled in the meshes
of the Astral Light, they separate themselves more and more from their
parent Egos. Read and study what Eliphas Levi says of the Astral
Light, which he calls Satan and the Great Serpent. The Astral Light
has been taken too literally to mean some sort of a second blue sky.
This imaginary space, however, on which are impressed the countless
images of all that ever was, is, and will be, is but a too sad
reality. It becomes in, and for, man-if at all psychic-and who is
not?-a tempting Demon, his "evil angel," and the inspirer of all our
worst deeds. It acts on the will of even the sleeping man, through
visions impressed upon his slumbering brain (which visions must not be
confused with the "dreams"), and these germs bear their fruit when he
awakes. ...
Q. We are taught that a man can unite all his "principles" into
one-what does this mean?
A. When an adept succeeds in doing this he is a Jivanmukta: he is no
more of this earth virtually, and becomes a Nirvanee, who can go into
Samadhi at will. Adepts are generally classed by the number of
"principles" they have under their perfect control, for that which we
call will has its seat in the higher EGO, and the latter, when it is
rid of its sin-laden personality, is divine and pure.
Q. What part does Karma play in dreams? In India they say that every
man receives the reward or punishment of all his acts, both in the
waking and the dream state.
A. If they say so, it is because they have preserved in all their
purity and remembered the traditions of their forefathers. They know
that the Self is the real Ego, and that it lives and acts, though on a
different plane. The external life is a "dream" to this Ego, while the
inner life, or the life on what we call the dream plane, is the real
life for it. ...
Q. But the two, the higher and the lower, Manas are one, are they not?
A. They are, and yet they are not-and that is the great mystery. The
Higher Manas or EGO is essentially divine, and therefore pure; no
stain can pollute it, as no punishment can reach it, per se, the more
so since it is innocent of, and takes no part in, the deliberate
transactions of its Lower Ego. Yet by the very fact that, though dual
and during life the Higher is distinct from the Lower, "the Father and
Son" ARE ONE, and because that in reuniting with the parent Ego, the
Lower Soul fastens upon and impresses upon it all its bad as well as
good actions-both have to suffer, the Higher Ego, though innocent and
without blemish, has to bear the punishment of the misdeeds committed
by the lower Self together with it in their future incarnation. The
whole doctrine of atonement is built upon this old esoteric tenet; for
the Higher Ego is the antitype of that which is on this earth the
type, namely, the personality. It is, for those who understand it, the
old Vedic story of Visvakarman over again, practically demonstrated.
Visvakarman, the all-seeing Father-God, who is beyond the
comprehension of mortals, ends, as son of Bhuvana, the holy Spirit, by
sacrificing himself to himself, to save the worlds. The mystic name of
the "Higher Ego" is, in the Indian philosophy, Kshetrajna, or
"embodied Spirit," that which knows or informs kshetra, "the body."
Etymologize the name, and you will find in it the term aja,
"first-born," and also the "lamb." All this is very suggestive, and
volumes might be written upon the pregenetic and postgenetic
development of type and antitype-of Christ-Kshetrajna, the "God-Man,"
the First-born, symbolized as the "lamb." The Secret Doctrine shows
that the Manasa-Putras or incarnating EGOS have taken upon themselves,
voluntarily and knowingly, the burden of all the future sins of their
future personalities. Thence it is easy to see that it is neither Mr.
A. nor Mr. B., nor any of the personalities that periodically clothe
the Self-Sacrificing EGO, which are the real Sufferers, but verily the
innocent Christos within us. Hence the mystic Hindus say that the
Eternal Self, or the Ego (the one in three and three in one), is the
"Charioteer" or driver; the personalities are the temporary and
evanescent passengers; while the horses are the animal passions of
man. It is, then, true to say that when we remain deaf to the Voice of
our Conscience, we crucify the Christos within us. But let us return
to dreams.
Trans p. 65-68
"Kriyasakti--the mysterious power of thought which enables it to
produce external, perceptible, phenomenal results by its own inherent
energy...any idea will manifest itself externally if one's attention
(and Will) is deeply concentrated upon intense volition will
be followed by the desired result. A Yogi generally performs his
wonders by means of Ichasakti (Will-power) and Kriyasakti."...The 3rd
Race had...created the so-called SONS OF WILL AND YOGA, or the
"ancestors" (the spiritual forefathers) of all the subsequent and
present Arhats, or Mahatmas, in a truly immaculate way. They were
indeed created, not begotten, as were their brethren of the 4th
Race...For creation is but the result of will acting on phenomenal mat
ter, the calling forth out of it the primordial divine Light and
eternal Life. They were the "holy seed-grain" of the future Saviours
of Humanity." SD II 173
"There are 4 grades of initiation mentioned in exoteric
Sanskrit as "Scrotapanna," "Sagardagan," "Anagamin," and "Arhan"--the
4 paths to Nirvana, in this, our 4th Round, bearing the same
appellations...Three further grades have to be conquered by the Arhan
who would reach the apex of the ladder of Arhatship. There are those
who have reached it even in this 5th race of ours, but the faculties
necessary for the attainment of these higher grades will be fully
developed in the average ascetic only at the end of this Root-Race,
and in the 6th and 7th. Thus there will always be Initiates and the
Profane till the end of this minor Manvantara, the present life-cycle.
The Arhats of the "fire-mist" of the 7th rung are but one remove from
the Root-Base of their Hierarchy--the highest on Earth, and our
Terrestrial chain...a name..."the ever-living human-Banyan." This
"Wondrous Being" descended from a "high region," they say, in the
early part of the 3rd Age, before the separation of the sexes of the
3rd Race." SD I 206-7
"This 3rd Race is sometimes called collectively "the Sons of Passive
Yoga," i.e., it was produced unconsciously by the 2nd Race...In the
first or earlier portion of the existence of this 3rd race, while it
was yet in its state of purity, the "Sons of Wisdom," who, as will be
seen, incarnated in this 3rd Race, produced by Kriyasakti a progeny
called the "Sons of Ad" or "of the Fire-Mist," the "sons of Will and
Yoga," etc. They were a conscious production, as a portion of the
race was already animated with the divine spark of spiritual, superior
intelligence. It was not a Race, this progeny. It was at first a
wondrous Being, called the "Initiator," and after him a group of
semi-divine and semi-human beings. "Set apart" in Archaic genesis for
certain purposes, they are those in whom are said to have incarnated
the highest Dhyanis, "Munis and Rishis from previous Manvantaras"--to
form the nursery for future human adepts, on this earth and during the
present cycle. These "Sons of Will and Yoga" born, so to speak, in an
immaculate way, remained, it is explained, entirely apart from the
rest of mankind." SD I 206-7
"It is under the direct, silent guidance of this MAHA --(great) --
GURU that all the other less divine Teachers and instructors of
mankind became, from the first awakening of human consciousness, the
guides of early Humanity. It is through these "Sons of God" that
infant humanity got its first notions of all the arts and sciences, as
well as of spiritual knowledge; and it is they who have laid the
first foundation-stone of those ancient civilizations that puzzle so
sorely our modern generation of students and scholars." SD II
"...divine man dwelt in his animal--though externally human --form;
and, if there was instinct in him, no self-consciousness came to
enlighten the darkness of the latent 5th principle [Manas]. When
moved by the law of Evolution, the Lords of Wisdom infused into him
the spark of consciousness, the first feeling it awoke to life and
activity was a sense of solidarity, of one-ness with his spiritual
creators. As the child's first feeling is for its mother and nurse,
so the first aspirations of the awakening consciousness in primitive
man were for those whose element he felt within himself, and who yet
were outside, and independent of him. DEVOTION arose out of that
feeling, and became the first and foremost motor in his nature; for
it is the only one which is natural in our heart, which is innate in
us, and which we find alike in human babe and the young of the animal.
This feeling of irrepressible, instinctive aspiration in primitive man
... It lives undeniably, and has settled in all its ineradicable
strength and power in the Asiatic Aryan heart from the 3rd Race direct
through it first "mind-born" sons,--the fruits of Kriyasakti. As time
rolled on the holy caste of Initiates produced but rarely, and from
age to age, such perfect creatures: beings apart, inwardly, though
the same as those who produced them, outwardly...the 3rd primitive
race...was called into being, a ready and perfect vehicle for the
incarnating denizens of higher spheres, who took forthwith their
abodes in these forms born of Spiritual WILL and the natural divine
power in man. Its physical frame alone was of time and of life, as it
drew its intelligence direct from above. It was the living tree of
divine wisdom; and may therefore be likened to the Mundane Tree of
the Norse Legend, which cannot wither and die until the last battle of
life shall be fought, and while its roots are gnawed all the time by
the dragon Niddhogg; for even so, the first and holy son of
Kriyasakti had his body gnawed by the tooth of time, but the roots of
his inner being remained for ever undecaying and strong, because they
grew and expanded in heaven not on earth. He was the first of the
FIRST, and he was the seed of all the others. There were other "Sons
of Kriyasakti" produced by a second spiritual effort, but the first
one has remained to this day the Seed of divine Knowledge, the One and
the Supreme among the terrestrial "Sons of Wisdom." S D I 210-211
"Q. Then the Ah-hi and Universal Mind are necessary complements of one
A. Not at all: Universal or Absolute Mind always is during Pralaya as
well as Manvantara; it is immutable. The Ah-hi are the highest
Dhyanis, the Logoi as just said, those who begin the downward
evolution, or emanation. During Pralaya there are no Ah-hi, because
they come into being only with the first radiation of the Universal
Mind, which, per se, cannot be differentiated, and the radiation from
which is the first dawn of Manvantara. The Absolute is dormant, latent
mind, and cannot be otherwise in true metaphysical perception; it is
only Its shadow which becomes differentiated in the collectivity of
these Dhyanis.
Q. Does this mean that it was absolute consciousness, but is so no
A. It is absolute consciousness eternally, which consciousness becomes
relative consciousness periodically, at every "Manvantaric dawn." Let
us picture to ourselves this latent or potential consciousness as a
kind of vacuum in a vessel. Break the vessel, and what becomes of the
vacuum; where shall we look for it? It has disappeared; it is
everywhere and nowhere. It is something, yet nothing: a vacuum, yet a
plenum. But what in reality is a vacuum as understood by Modern
Science-a homogeneous something, or what? Is not absolute Vacuum a
figment of our fancy? A pure negation, a supposed Space where nothing
exists? This being so, destroy the vessel, and-to our perceptions at
any rate-nothing exists. Therefore, the Stanza puts it very correctly;
"Universal Mind was not," because there was no vehicle to contain it."
Trans p. 19
"Q. Have the Ah-hi been men in previous Manvantaras, or will they
become so?
A. Every living creature, of whatever description, was, is, or will
become a human being in one or another Manvantara.
Q. But do they in this Manvantara remain permanently on the same very
exalted plane during the whole period of the life-cycle?
A. If you mean by "life cycle" a duration of time which extends over
fifteen figures, then my answer is most decidedly-no. The "Ah-hi" pass
through all the planes, beginning to manifest on the third. Like all
other Hierarchies, on the highest plane they are arupa, i.e.,
formless, bodiless, without any substance, mere breaths. On the second
plane, they first approach to Rupa, or form. On the third, they became
Manasa-putras, those who became incarnated in men. With every plane
they reach they are called by different names-there is a continual
differentiation of their original homogeneous substance; we call it
substance, although in reality it is no substance of which we can
conceive. Later, they become Rupa-ethereal forms.
Trans. p. 22-3
"...those EGOS of great Adepts who have passed away, and are also
known as Nirmanakayas;...for whom--since they are beyond
illusion--there is no Devachan, and who, having either voluntarily
renounced it for the good of mankind, or not yet reached Nirvana,
remain invisible on earth...they are re-born over and over again...Who
they are, "on earth"--every student of Occult science knows..."
SD II 615
"When our great Buddha--the patron of all the adepts, the reformer and
the codifier of the occult system, reached first Nirvana on earth, he
became a Planetary Spirit, i.e.,--his spirit could at one and the same
time rove the interstellar spaces in full consciousness, and continue
at will on Earth in his original and individual body. For the divine
Self had so completely disfranchised itself from matter that it could
create at will an inner substitute for itself, and leaving it in the
human form for days, weeks, sometimes years, affect in no wise by the
change either the vital principle or the physical mind of its
body...that is the highest form of adeptship man can hope for on our
planet. But it is as rare as the Buddhas themselves, (44) the last
Khobilgan who reached it being Sang-Ko-Pa of Kokonor (XIV Century),
the reformer of esoteric as well as of vulgar Lamaism. Many are those
who "break through the egg shell," few who, once out are able to
exercise their Nirira namastaka fully, when out of the body.
Conscious life in Spirit is as difficult for some natures as swimming,
is for some bodies...The planetary Spirit of that kind (the Buddha
like) can pass at will into other bodies--of more or less etherealized
matter, inhabiting other regions of the Universe. There are many
other grades and orders, but there is no separate and eternally
constituted order of Planetary Spirits..." MAHAT. LET.
"...the terrestrial spirit of the earth is not of a very high grade.
It must be remembered that the planetary spirit has nothing to do with
the spiritual man, but with things of matter and cosmic beings. The
gods and rulers of our Earth are cosmic Rulers; that is to say , they
form into shape and fashion cosmic matter, for which they were called
Cosmocratores. They never had any concern with spirit; the
Dhyani-Buddhas, belonging to quite a different hierarchy, are
especially concerned with the latter...the "Planetary"--who are not
the Dhyani-Buddhas--have everything to do with the earth physically
and morally. It is they who rule its destinies and the fate of men.
They are the Karmic agencies...they have no concern with the three
higher principles {Atma-Buddhi-Manas]; they have, however, something
to do with the fourth [kama ]. To recapitulate, therefore; the term
"Dhyan-Chohan" is a generic name for all celestial beings. The
"Dhyani-Buddhas" are concerned with the human higher triad in a
mysterious way...The "Builders" are a class called...Cosmocratores, or
the invisible but intelligent Masons who fashion matter according to
the ideal plan ready for them in that which we call Divine and Cosmic
Ideation. They were called by the early Masons the "Grand Architect
of the Universe" collectively: but now the modern Masons make of
their G.A.O.T.U. a personal and singular Deity...I wish you to
understand that they are not an Entity, a kind of personal God, but
Forces of nature acting under one immutable Law, on the nature of
which it is certainly useless for us to speculate...Esoteric
Philosophy teaches that the "Spirit" (collectivity again) of Jupiter
is far superior to the Terrestrial Spirit, it is not because Jupiter
is so many times larger than our earth, but because its substance and
texture are so much finer than, and superior to, that of the earth.
And it is in proportion to this quality that the Hierarchies of
respective "Planetary Builders" reflect and act upon the ideations
they find planned for them in the Universal Consciousness, the real
great Architect of the Universe" TRANSACTIONS, pp.
"...The Host of Dhyanis, whose turn it was to incarnate as the Egos of
the immortal, but, on this plane, senseless monads--that some "obeyed"
(the law of evolution) immediately when the men of the 3rd Race became
physiologically and physically ready, i.e., when they had separated
into sexes. These were those early conscious Beings who, now adding
conscious knowledge and will to their inherent Divine purity, created
by Kriyasakti the semi-Divine man, who became the seed on earth for
future adepts. Those, on the other hand, who, jealous of their
intellectual freedom (unfettered as it then was by the bonds of
matter), said:--"We can choose...we have wisdom,"...and incarnated far
later--these had their first Karmic punishment prepared for them.
They got bodies (physiologically) inferior to their astral models,
because their chhayas had belonged to progenitors of an inferior
degree in the 7 classes. As to those "Sons of Wisdom" who had
"deferred" their incarnation till the 4th Race, which was already
tainted (physiologically) with sin and impurity, they produced a
terrible cause, the Karmic result of which weighs on them to this
day...the bodies they had to inform had become defiled through their
own procrastination...This was the "Fall of the angels," because of
their rebellion against Karmic Law. The "fall of man" was no fall,
for he was irresponsible..." SD II 228
"The adepts can control the sensations and alter the conditions of the
physical and astral bodies of other persona not adepts; he can also
govern and employ, as he chooses, the spirits of the elements. He
cannot control the immortal spirit of any human being, living or dead,
for all such spirits are alike sparks of the Divine Essence, and not
subject to any foreign domination." ISIS II 590
" the work of each Round is said to be apportioned to a different
group of so-called "Creators" or "Architects," so is that of every
globe; i.e., it is under the supervision and guidance of special
"Builders" and "Watchers"--the various Dhyan-Chohans...It becomes the
task of the 5th Hierarchy--the mysterious beings that preside over the
constellation Capricornus, Makara, or "Crocodile" in India as in
Egypt--to inform the empty and ethereal animal form and make of it a
Rational Man...Many are those among the Spiritual Entities, who have
incarnated bodily in man, since the beginning of his appearance, and
who, for all that, still exist as independently as they did before, in
the infinitudes of Space....the invisible Entity may be bodily present
on earth without abandoning, however, its status and functions in the
supersensuous regions..." SD I 233
"Every Spiritual Individuality has a gigantic evolutionary journey to
perform, a tremendous gyratory progress to accomplish. First--at the
very beginning of the great Mahamanvanataric rotation, from first to
last of the man-bearing "planets," as on each of them, the monad has
to pass through the seven successive races of man...up to the present
fifth race, or rather variety, and through two more races, before he
has done with this one. Each of the 7 races send 7 ramifying
branchlets from the Parent Branch: and through each of these in turn
man has to evolute before he passes on to the next higher race; and
that--seven times...The branchlets typify varying specimens of
humanity -- physically and spiritually--and no one of us can miss one
single rung of the ladder...when I say "man," I mean a human being of
our type. There are other and innumerable manvantaric chains of
globes bearing intelligent beings--both in and out of our solar
system--the crowns or apexes of evolutionary being in their respective
chains, some--physically and intellectually--lower, others
immeasurably higher than the man of our chain..."
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