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Re: [Blavatskiana] The issue before us

Mar 13, 2003 08:19 AM
by netemara888

--- In, Mic Forster <micforster@y...> 
> --- rodakjl <rodakjl@b...> wrote:
> The focus seems to
> > be solely on what the
> > current American policy is perceived as and the
> > demonization of George W.
> > because he is trying, in his own way, to do what his
> > conscience dictates to
> > relieve the pain and suffering of the Iraqi
> > citizenry. 
> But that IS exactly the issue before us. No one is
> disagreeing that Saddam is evil and needs to be
> ousted;

I think that has been bandied about, but I don't think it is a good 
enough reason for any sort of action. How many leaders are NOT evil 
and need a good kick in the butt? What about Choucheschou (sp) who 
was deposed and left in the street dead with his wife by his own 
people? Now there was an evil man who needed to be ousted and his own 
people (I think) did the job. That happened while I was in India and 
I missed the story until I returned to the States, but saw the 
pictures in France.

I don't think Sadaam is evil and needs to be overthrown. Why? Because 
I am not one of his people and what I think don't mean a hill of 
beans. How many puppet governments have we put up? We put Liberia on 
the map and a guy in place and now that country is torn up just like 
the rest of the continent. That's why I don't believe the reason or 
the method given is the real deal. There is some stuff that we don't 
know about behind this war. I mean something ugly. He is NOT the 
first leader to kill his own people or nearby people. He has been a 
bit more sophisticated about his weapons of choice, but that is the 
only difference I see so far. And and yeah, the country is oil rich 
meaning they have the means and the dictator to put them on the 
political map of the world. A tiny tiny country about to wipe out the 
rest of the world? Don't make me laugh. Look at the millions of Hutus 
and Zulus that got chopped up in Africa. No one said a damn thing. 
Don't make me cuss....


PS I do agree that this could open the door to unprecedented 
terrorism against this country. Now, if we did or were doing the 
right thing would this be the karmic reaction? Just wondering.

it is the means of ousting that is causing
> world-wide concern. Why:
> i) if the US does go to war unilaterally then it opens
> itself to unprecedented terrorism. Going to war will
> merely fuel the flames of extremists;
> ii) the Iraqi army is a spent force and poses
> absolutely no direct threat to US security. If the
> argument is that Saddam has WMD and he will be willing
> to give these to terrorists, and he is in contact with
> such terrorists, then why don't these terrorists have
> these weapons already?
> iii) if the US goes to war without UN backing, what
> will the US do if China (as a hypothetical) decides to
> claim back Taiwan?
> iv) the US is the only super power left on this
> planet. In the past its power was checked by the USSR.
> Who, in the future, will be willing, or even have the
> capability, to stop any other US military action? Some
> may say China which then begs the question: would you
> rather deal with the UN or a China that has finally
> attained a position of world-wide power? And don't
> laugh because China is quickly catching up to the
> US......
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