Re: Theos-World The reincafnation of "WC" Leadbeater
Mar 07, 2003 06:55 PM
by netemara888
--- In, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> Well, If one judges the quality and value of a profound
philosophical and
> metaphysical teaching (i.e., theosophy) by the personality foibles
of the
> person who gave it out -- then that doesn't speak too well of the
> intelligence of the mentality behind such judgment. So now, at
least we know
> that such anti-theosophists are usually, also, racists at heart and
can only
> see the rest of the world through the fog of their own prejudices.
> In a message dated 03/06/03 12:18:44 PM, stevestubbs@y... writes:
> >--- In, Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...>
> >> Blavatsky stated that certain groups WILL be wiped out. I don't
> >recall
> >> her ever saying that they NEEDED to be.
> >
> >Well, yes, your rendering is more accurate. I think Frank
> >and whoever the character is who masquerades under the "nemetara"
> >pseudonym may be right, though. I am beginning to wonder if it is
> >time to stop apologizing for that fat, vulgar, repulsive Russian
> >slob.
I take those adjectives personally.
Maybe Theosophy really IS a form of Nazism as so
> >many "theosophists" keep insisting it is.
The Swastika was also used by the Catholic Church and they may have
taken it from the Greeks and Romans who probably got it from the
Egpytians or even Atlanteans. Hitler saw this symbol every day as it
was over the monastery of the monk who was his teacher. He strayed a
bit from Theosophy and took matters into his own hands. That is his
downfall and evil. He took matters into his own hands and played God
really. What this has to do with Theosophy I really don't know. I
think Zionists and Jews find delight in that the whole world is not
crying over their Holocaust and Hitler. I for one am not.
Hitler was a Catholic monk under Bernard of Clairvaux in France (I
have posted more details about this at theosophy_talks_truth from my
manuscript draft). This Bernard was later to become William Judge of
Theosophy. St. Bernard had to constantly check Adolf in that life as
he was continually leaving the monastery to participate in pograms
against Jews during the Middle Ages in France and Europe. They did
not condone it but could not change his strong feelings on the
subject. Yes, there is a definite tie between Hitler and Theosophy.
The thing is a person can have many children, but if one becomes a
Zodiac Killer and the rest of the family is normal then are the
parents the ones who raised this child to be a serial killer? I don't
think so.
The same with Hitler. He strayed from Theosophy. We had to disown him
completely. We were not in Germany and did not participate in the
Holocaust. In fact WE (The White Lodge) abandoned Hitler. This opened
the door to other forces, which crept in and gained power over him
and gave him power as well. That is partly why the horrors were SO
horrible. Then the world had to be saved from this. Hitler was used
by the Black Lodge. He did not use the ideals of Theosophy. He may
have used some symbols but HPB says many times there is NOTHING new
and those symbols DO NOT belong to Theosophy, any more than the word
Theosophy belongs to Blavatsky.
He has returned and will have to pay for this in subsequent lives
just like anyone else.
PS I'm glad you're not a Theosophist either.
Blavatsky was a profoundly
> >antisocial character whose chief joy in life, asiee from drug
> >and overeating was abusing and manipulating people. Her ownb
> >admirers admit that and have documented it profusely. There is no
> >question Hitler felt enough sympatico with "theosophists" to
> >appropriate their symbol for his own movement. After all,
> >is defined by the kind of people who profess it. Thank goodness I
> >not a Theosophist.
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