Re: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the bloody riots
Feb 09, 2003 10:14 AM
by Etzion Becker
One billion? Cool. We also killed negros and native Americans? I am proud.
I'll prepare a cocktail for the passover made of Negro blood, Indian blood,
poor Russion blood (the Russians and the Ukraines used to rape the Jewish
women systematically, though we actually killed our kin); the black people
are actually descendants of King Solomon, and some of the lost tribes, and
as you well know, one of our tribes actually made it to America. You know
that Jesus went there as well? He tried his luck there as well. By the way,
can you send me a drop of your kosher blood? It will make a wonderful
cocktail for our Jehova this April. Gezuntheit.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank Reitemeyer" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, February 09, 2003 11:29 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the bloody
> Bart, the war took place at least with the launching of the Jesuitic
Society by Ignaz of Loyola and its major aim to slaughter that country which
fought the most against Rome in the first 30 year's war.
> Rome is regarded by Benjamin Disraeli as the exoteric HQ of Jewish
Cabalism. The esoteric HQ of that black magic organization is Jafed and
works behind the curtain.
> There is a new, careful analysis of the Jewish blood track thru the
Centuries and continents out by German historian Wolfgang Eggert. His work
consists of 3 vols., titled: "im Namen Gottes. Israels Geheimsvatikan als
Vollstrecker biblischer Prophetie" [In the name of God. Israel's secret
Vatican as executor of biblical prophecy), 2001, ISBN 3-935845-00-6 (for all
3 vols.).
> Here Mr Eggert quotes from a mass of primary Jewish - or rather Zionist -
sources. In other words: no "anti-Semitic" slanders from foes, but thousands
of original sources of the leading Jews themselves, assuming responsibility
for World War I, World War II, the Bolshevist revolutions of 1905 and 1917
in Russia, the National-Socialistic revolution in Germany etc. etc., as
outlined by the Jew Karl Marx under Rothschild orders.
> All this evils and crimes are justified by the Jewish sources as worship
for Jehovah and the coming of a new Messiahs. The summary of this sources
is: The more the nations are horrified, the more humankind has to suffer,
the more wars and the more revolutions and holocausts are produced by the
Jewish secret Vatican the earlier comes the Messiahs.
> BTW, does that a Theosophist remind on certain pseudo-theosophical
activities of Annie Besant, who was rather under pledge of Jewish Parisian
Cabalists then of Tibetan Mahatmas? Was Besant's staged Messiahs drumming
just a foreplay? A test for 2020? Are new Holocausts in the making?
> Today, at the dawn of World War III (which would have been now at its top
had it not been for Germany who tries all as always and ever to stop the
Jewish American madmen) the Jews declare also that it is their plot work.
> The Zionist actions of the Jew Lenin in Russia alone against the innocent
Russian Jews with his neck-shot commandos of the Bolshevist Jewish
Commissars alone did cost around 50 Million people their life, according to
the Black book of Communism.
> The slaughter of the Jewish SJ in the first 30 year's war (the second one
was to John Major from 1914-1939) led to the destruction of 2/3 of the
population in Germany.
> Counted all in all together, until now the Jews have killed at 500
Millions. If you add the millions of negroes and red Indians to it, their
terrible suppressions were also mainly done by Jewish organizations, you
come to a figure of 1 Billion or more. And no memorial for them!
> You should also consider the cover up book by Jewish author Aron Morus and
ex Masonic insider and his book "Conspiracy", Isle of Man 1994, where he
prints several insider documents of the black magic (Jewish) Paris Masons,
that in WWIII hundreds of millions of Arabs have to be killed for the glory
of Jehovah. This was published as said in 1994!
> That was before the 9-11 and Space Shuttle stories!
> Of high interests to Blavatsky students my also be the 2000 book of Vienna
historian Miss Elisabeth Heresch: "Geheimakte Parvus. Die gekaufte
Revolution" [Top secret file Parvus. The brought revolution]. According to
new Russian documents she proofs that Jewish insider Parvus alias Helphand
was major instrumental in the October revolution with the help of the
Rothschilds. This is a clear later on historical proof of HPB's claim in the
1880's that the Rothschild bank in New York pays murders and all the mob to
make violent revolution in Russia. That seems to have been her rationale in
declaring that no Communist must be a TS member and that the TS was launched
to fight Socialism.
> Also "The Bible Code" by Michael Drosnin may be of interest. Despite the
fact that the Thora is according HPB just a retranslation of Greek texts and
that therefore hardly any code can be found (except those self fulfilling
prophecy they want us to believe), Drosnin writes in that book (appeared in
Germany in 1997) that World War III is coming and it will begin with atomic
first strike of Israel. Does that mean that Drosnin is an antisemitic Jew or
does he have insider information of a bigger plan for the glory of Jehovah?
> Frank
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Bart Lidofsky
> To:
> Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2003 2:24 AM
> Subject: Re: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the
bloody riots
> Jeremy Condick wrote:
> > All the rest, including the traditional
> > fierce fights of the "chosen people" with their next of kin, the
> > idolatrous tribes of Israel,
> When did these fierce fights take place? What historical evidence of
> these fights is there?
> Bart
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