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RE: HPB -- Dialog on the Mysteries of the After-Life

Dec 24, 2002 05:30 PM
by dalval14

Dec 24 2002

Dear Friend:

Re: December 21 to January 4th ( Theosophical NEW

A period of renovation -- it was said: “The astral light of the
Earth is young and strong between Christmas and New year.” What
can this bring to mind ?

Look at the intersection of the cycles, for ourselves as part of
the Earth in seven different ways -- all united. Then the Earth
in its revolutions around the Sun, then the Sun around the
Galactic center, and so on.

Always, it is the physical form that revolves around its
SPIRITUAL CENTER. But we, limited in perception to our physical
instruments and senses -- we who find ourselves immured into the
outermost aspect of our being -- prisoners of the physical form
and of its psychic and kamic nature -- have to learn with the
help of our FREE MIND (Higher Manas, or BUDDHI-MANAS) the “gift”
of the DHYANIS ( The WISE --our ELDER BROTHERS ) have to learn
to pierce through to the SPIRITUAL IMMUTABLE CENTER. If we think
of it, if we can visualize its existence and its life-giving
activity, then we are “on the way.”

But -- who are we ? Can we say: a Monadic being with mind made
active on the physical plane -- not for its own improvement
(though that is also a consideration) but for the benefit of
others who are striving in ignorance to find the “Light.” We are
here to help our “younger brothers.” Have we found them? Are we
working for them? Or do we think we alone count, and
consequently we direct our creative energies to ourselves alone?
Those who become wise and see further into the soul of things
find that we are bound into a single whole and that anything we
do affects this bond and others who are interdependent with us.
This concept is the one that leads to perceiving BROTHERHOOD is
one, and for all. We cannot afford to be selfish, or think we
are isolated. If we make that error we retard ourselves and all
the rest [ See the essay on KARMA at the end of LIGHT ON THE

Life and death (like day and night, sleeping and waking, this
year and the next) are arbitrary divisions of an immortal’s
progress. It involves, on careful examination, (taking a detached
and impersonal view) a series of inter-related and co-operative
spiral experiences, of analogy and correspondence -- in states
that appear different or even, opposite to each other (when we
look at the other from solely this point of view).

But they are unified by the ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. WE ARE THAT. We
do not differ. Now, in this particular body we have at hand the
fragmentary and hobbling memories and experiences of the brain
constructed (by our own choice and subsequent Karma) for this
cycle of physical life, one that we think so much of, and to
which we are so greatly tied by DESIRE. It is ours. But it is
also not ours, as the rest of the world and universe also wait
upon us. We have to widen to the UNIVERSAL to become truly MEN

Truly our world-situation is a “hell.” If we could only see the
true extent of its horrors. And we, students of Theosophy, are
expected to extricate ourselves from it, to raise the company of
Monads asociated with us to a higher plane.

We built our bodies and environment, psychic and manasic. And we
are now building the next one to incarnate into. What shall it
be like?

Are we thinking of the innumerable Monads of lesser experience we
are aggregating for that future? Are we thinking of the use and
effort we ought to be putting into helping them? How are we using
it? What do we know of its capacity? [We are tenants in a most
marvelous Temple, and, we have our INNER GOD -- the HIGHER
SELF -- always in residence.] Do we treat our selves as a
temple? do we know the rules and laws of our own bodily life,
of the Earth, of the System and the Galaxy? Are we living
“sacred” lives? Look at S D I 207 -210 and se if you find
there a clue.

So of ancient times the Solstice ( Dec 21 ] was associated with
the birth of the SUN GOD (The Central SPIRITUAL SUN) and also
with its “reflection” made available to us in our System as the
Sun-center -- and for our Earth as its Planetary DEITY and
Regent. -- and for ourselves, finally as the HIGHER SELF. Are
these all different or are they ONE, and part of THE WHOLE ?

It is a time to take stock and think of the wider picture. Hence
a ” meditation upon death, decay, sickness and error,” as Krishna
says in the Gita is indicated.

I will be adding to this series the CONVERSATIONS ON OCCULTISM
between Judge and H P B. They for a consecutive and suggestive

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Steven L
Sent: Tuesday, December 24, 2002 7:07 AM
To: dallas
Subject: Re: HPB -- Dialog on the Mysteries of the After-Life

Hello Dallas-Thank you so much for the excerpt on "Dialogues of
the after-life". It will always serve to amaze me, how just
reading material like this, will bestows such calm awareness.

It is interesting that you thought to present this excerpt
as particularly appropriate to this time of year. Would you
comment further on that?-Steve L.


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