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Theos-World Re:Leadbeater & Krishnamurti

Dec 01, 2002 10:48 AM
by Steve Stubbs

Larry: "It seems clear that the turning point for K in his 
relationship with the TS was the death of his brother.

Unquestionably true that this was the crisis point. The breakup had 
been building up for some considerable time if he was put together 
the way everyone else is.

Larry: "The NT shows this pattern between Jesus and his disciples who 
wanted a political messiah and had to be contantly reminding that "my 
kingdom is not of this world"

It is rather likely that the historical character thought he would in 
fact become king of the Jews and that he expected a miracle to bring 
this about so he would not have to violate his pacifist principles. 
There are hints to this effect scattered all throughout the NT. The 
truth is said traditionally to have finally dawned on him when he was 
dying on the cross and he cried out that God had abandoned bim.

Larry: "Yet the TS leaders had a clear image of the role K was to 
play as their world leader.

True, but he was only a child when Leadbeater selected him for abuse.

Larry: "One must concider the evidence that K's teachings di indeed 
retain a theosophical flavor

True, but after the manner of homeopaths who sell you distilled water 
and say the active ingredient has been wtered down so much it is no 
longer present.

Larry: "As to K's skills as a tent preacher and his learning skills 
from TS people, what of the supposed Kundalini experience.

People do have Kundalini experiences and there is no reason to 
believe K did not have one. Why would that make him another Marjoe? 
It sould be said that some people think kundalini is the basis of 

Larry: "Joseph Smith, that stupid, listless, n'er do well farmboy who 
manages to pull of the biggest religious fraud in American history

Smith was working for some charlatans who were far more dangerous 
than he was, notably Brigham Young, who organized a gang he called 
the "Avenging Angels" and sent them out to commit murders at his 
behest. Not only did Young routinely order the murders of people he 
thought were getting in his way, but it is interesting that Smith's 
murder conveniently cleared the way for Young to rise to the top.

Larry: "I do take issue with much of K's work, largely because of how 
it has now interfaced with my persomal life and turned my wife 
against me

Well, you opened the door, so how does K end marriages now that he is 

Larry: "I don't see much evidence that for all his work, he
truely was able to "transform" many individuals.

Has anyone? No man can be responsible for another's karma unless 
there is something like what Leadbeater was doing going on. 
Leadbeater transformed people, but for the worse.

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