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RE: [bn-study] Re: FW: RE: Pythagoras Triangle

Dec 31, 2002 11:32 AM
by dalval14

Dec 31 2002

Dear Gopi:

Why not, along with me, see if this works:

Start with the fundamental statement of The SECRET DOCTRINE

SPIRIT is the SINGLE IMMUTABLE center and Source of all things
that are IN MANIFESTATION. It is changeless. Mentally in the
boundless UNIVERSE we cannot conceive of the WHOLE passing into a
MAHA-PRALAYA, however vast. There is always manifestation
proceeding somewhere at all times. These are then metaphysical
distinctions. They are created by our limited Kama-Manasic minds
so as to grasp universals and eternals, and as such they are
severely limited and not the ONLY REALITY. [Maha-Maya ?]

Spirit is of course an aspect of the ABSOLUTENESS -- Parabrahm --
which is forever non-manifest and totally indescribable. It is a
NECESSARY BACKGROUND to everything whether in or out of
manifestations. IT FOREVER IS.

In Manifestation, SPIRIT as a POLE, to be tangible, needs a
reflection surface = BUDDHI the highest and purest of primordial
SUBSTANCES [ SUDDHA SATTVA -- T. Gloss p. 311 ] This
represents the MATERIAL POLE

Midway between SPIRIT and MATTER stands the MIND - MANAS this is
the Witness and the Perceiver IN MANIFESTATION and it “sees and
understands both SPIRIT and MATTER. It is therefore dual: One
aspect of Manas is united to BUDDHI, and the other is united to
KAMA -- the seperative, selfish, ignorant and mayavic
p. 170-1].

So theosophically, we have Higher and Lower MANAS. Buddhi-Manas
and Kama-Manas. These are eternally conjoined as universal
manifestation demands such a link persist. It has been called
THE ONE CONSCIOUSNESS. But this term also relates to SPIRIT and
the ABSOLUTENESS in each of their positions.

To this we ought to add: ATMA - spirit; BUDDHI - wisdom
acquired through countless incarnations, MANAS (Higher and
Lower), KAMA- desires and passions--, then the LIFE currents
( PRANA) and their vahan (vehicle) or the ASTRAL BODY
(consisting of the skandhas -- monads of lesser experience --
which are the vehicles of our personal KARMA) and the last: the
Physical Body in which we now work, test and observe, feel, live,
act and think.

It is, this last (body) the plain of KURUKSHETRA, where to
endless battle between BUDDHI and KAMA is witnessed by the MANAS,
by ARJUNA, by the Universal SELF -- Sri KRISHNA -- and we find
that Vyasa and Sanjaya are also witnesses -- so they also are
Rishis (or Sages) and are possessed of the “divine Eye.”

The Master in his writings -- commentary -- ( S D I 189 center)
states that in Manifestation: “There is not one finger’s breadth
(ANGULA) of void space in the whole Boundless (Universe)…”

In other words, the manifested MONAD consists of three interlaced
and inextricably cooperative items: SPIRIT, MATTER, MIND. It
is the source and basis for the primeval and eternal Pilgrim --
MAN -- if one is able to view MAN as everything from potential
prototype to final IMMORTAL and PERMANENT GNANI. this is how we
as manifested minds are able to conceive of it metaphysically.

The “MONAD” is for us the “key” to the whole puzzle. It emerges
from the undifferentiated Monadic Essence (or “chaos”) [ see S D
I 176, S D II 619, 632, ]

Regardless of the possible number of “dimensions” which
mathematical science needs for its series of “transformations,”
the REALITY is still ONE. And FOR US it is ONE as a part of ALL.

See if this helps. But better still go the OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY
(on-line at ).

Don’t “study” my writings, they are opinions and serve only as
leads, perhaps. Go direct to THEOSOPHY as H P B expresses it.
That is what ought to be STUDIED and meditated on.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Gopi Chari []
Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2002 5:50 AM
Subject: [bn-study] Re: FW: RE: Pythagoras Triangle

Hi Dallas,

You are the only one that attempted to answer this enquiry!

I feel that this statement is the core of SD. This chapter deals
with the process of materialization and how the entire
relationship of Monad from Mental to Physical planes works! The
origin of course is the AtmaBudhiManas. That is the Higher one
where Masters exist as Light Beings. So, the whole Mystery is in
relating these existences of the Monad (Jiva). As far as I know,
this is where Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva Acharyas differ,
Ramanuja's being the closest to the Christian one and the
Buddhist (Theosophy).

Your explanation is wonderful and has many elements of the Truth.
For me Mathematics is The Divine Language that can clearly
express these Principles and has thus far not been attempted.
Sacred Geometry is one that has attempted to a very small extent.
I understand that Templar ideas are also to be studied.

(I know none of that!) I am looking into the Relativity, Quantum
Mechanics and Witten's String Theory. At least I am comfortable
in reading without really understanding. I am also looking into
Lead Beater's Astral Body and Devachan. That gives an
extraordinary view of these bodies.

It seems to me that the Astral Body and Mental Body are different
planes and can not as such be studied as Physics (the study of
the Physical Plane). The only attempt is the String theory and
Quantum Mechanics that go into the Astral relationship to
Physical. Quantum Theory gets away from Deterministic concept
(Concretization). String Theory goes into other Dimensions of
which they have no idea. It is a matter of accepting mathematics
(the divine language). Some say there are 5 dimensions, some say
10 and still others say 26. No body talks about (that I know of)
what any of those dimensions are.

Relativity itself is not the Truth. That is merely a refraction
of the Truth by perception. Relativity is merely a perception
problem and it is of great practical use. SD says that Time is
like seeing refraction of a solid in a beaker of water. It
perceives a break in the metal rod but Truth is there is no break
at all. So, Time is merely the mirage created in the Physical
plane, the true Physical Plane has no Time (Chapter 11 of Gita
where He shows Viswam; Universe without any Time barrier).
Theosophically, we have to skip that idea of Relativity.


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