Theos-World Re: So was this materialization/precipitation "a big CON" too?
Nov 13, 2002 12:19 PM
by Steve Stubbs
--- In theos-talk@y..., Bart Lidofsky <bartl@s...> wrote:
> The last of the great charlatans was, of
> course, Count Cagliostro.
Actually, Caglostro was not a charlatan. There is not a single
recorded instance of him getting a single sous from anyone by means
of imposture, and his experiments, such as having child clairvoyants
see visions in a bowl of water, have been successfully repeated since
his time. He was extremely careless to go to Rome and loudly
proclaim himself to be a Free Mason knowing that the catholic church
routinely murdered Free Masons, but his confession is not entirely
trustworthy. If the not-so-holy Inquisition were to streap you to a
rack and start pulling your fingernails out, you would probably agree
to being Joseph Balsamo, too. Or anything else they wanted to hear.
It is notable that the church hierarchy was terrified of him and had
him removed from The Castle of the Holy Angel and incarcerated in a
hole in a mountain away from Rome, lest he bring down the wrath of
the seven archangels on his majesty the pope and all the pedophiles
and scoundrels who manned the vatican. All of this has been well
The last great Egyptian magician was Zergvan Bey (I believe that is
the right name), who was actually Egyptian, which Cagliostro was
not. There is no reason to believe he was a charlatan, though some
critics have suggested he possessed extraordinary courage in allowing
himself to be buried alive, but probably not occult powers.
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