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Re: More on Avalokiteswara

Nov 10, 2002 01:20 PM
by Steve Stubbs

--- In theos-talk@y..., "Daniel H. Caldwell" <comments@b...> wrote:
> Earlier this morning, I quoted KH on Avalokiteswara:

The tranlation of Avalokitesvara (from THE THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY, I 
believe) as "the on looking Lord" is not all that absurd. The same 
idea can be found in the Upanishads, where we are told that Purusha 
(the Higher Self) "looks on" with total detachment. Many yogis have 
experienced this, which strongly suggests the ancient writers of the 
Upanishads were putting experience and not speculation into writing.

KH: "Avalokitesvara is both the unmanifested Father and the 
manifested Son, the latter proceeding from, and identical with, the 

Some will find this confusing, so let it be said that "unmanifested" 
means "before the arising of consciousness." Where there is no 
consciousness there is no manifestation.

It might also be worthwhile to say that the pronunciation of this 
difficult word is:

Ah VahLow Kituhs Vahrah

Pronounced as a single word with slight emphasis on the first 
syllable of each part of the name.

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