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Re: "Concentrate on the Master as a Living Man inside you."

Nov 10, 2002 10:25 AM
by netemara888

--- In theos-talk@y..., "Daniel H. Caldwell" <comments@b...> wrote:
> "Concentrate on the Master as a Living Man inside
> you."
> Master Koot Hoomi [ ] once wrote:
> "Your best method is to concentrate on the Master as a
> Living Man inside you. Make his image in your heart
> and a focus of concentration so as to lose all sense
> of bodily existence in the one thought. . . ." 

That makes sense. The same method, different name. And BTW this was 
spoken of by Charan and other masters as being THE MOST difficult of 
spiritual practices, to have that visualization of the master within. 
But it is still YOUR creation. It is still YOUR illusion. But at 
least it is the path that you have created, your oversoul, your inner 
gaze focussed on the focus. This is the sine quo non of those who are 
beholden to a cult. That they are unaware that this outer physical 
man/master is but the template on which to create their own inner 

This Dyhan was priceless it was said. They would say that even those 
who spend a great deal of time with the master do not and cannot do 
Dyhan. This was the holy grail among Satsangis: visualizing the 
master within or having dreams of him.

My question then: does this difficultly arise because once this has 
been accomplished the disciple has become the master or is about to 
embark on the ladder and ascend the sounds as HPB describes in "The 
Voice of the Silence"? I like to think this is so.

When I had the first experience of the inner master externalizing and 
making me hear his voice it was the most thrilling experience of my 
life. But I had no physical master at the time. What or who was it I 
asked myself for years? The answer came back as it only could return: 
It is YOU, I AM. You are the object of your search.

Love that. Thanks


> "Every one of you create for yourself a Master. Give
> him birth and objective being before you in the Astral
> Light. If he is a real Master he will send his Voice.
> If he is not a real Master, then the Voice will be
> that of the Higher Self." Quoted from an E.S.T.S.
> document.
> COMPARE the above with the choice quotes below from
> "Then from the heart that Power shall rise into the
> sixth, the middle region, the place between thine
> eyes, when it becomes the breath of the ONE-SOUL, the
> voice which filleth all, thy Master's voice. . . ." 
> "Before thou set'st thy foot upon the ladder's upper
> rung, the ladder of the mystic sounds, thou hast to
> hear the voice of thy inner GOD [The Higher SELF.] in
> seven manners. . . . "
> "Silence thy thoughts and fix thy whole attention on
> thy Master whom yet thou dost not see, but whom thou
> feelest. . . ." 
> "Merge into one sense thy senses, if thou would'st be
> secure against the foe. 'Tis by that sense alone which
> lies concealed within the hollow of thy brain, that
> the steep path which leadeth to thy Master may be
> disclosed before thy Soul's dim eyes." 
> "The light from the ONE Master, the one unfading
> golden light of Spirit, shoots its effulgent beams on
> the disciple from the very first. Its rays thread
> through the thick dark clouds of matter. . . ."
> "Of teachers there are many; the MASTER-SOUL is one,
> Alaya, the Universal Soul. Live in that MASTER as ITS
> ray in thee. Live in thy fellows as they live in IT. .
> . ." 
> "All is impermanent in man except the pure bright
> essence of Alaya. Man is its crystal ray; a beam of
> light immaculate within, a form of clay material upon
> the lower surface. That beam is thy life-guide and 
> thy true Self, the Watcher and the silent Thinker, the
> victim of thy lower Self. . . ." 
> "Thy Soul-gaze centre on the One Pure Light . . . ." 
> For more quotes from THE VOICE OF THE SILENCE, see:
> Daniel H. Caldwell
> publishes rare & hard-to-find source 
> documents on Madame H.P. Blavatsky.

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