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Re: Theos-World Re: Australia's karma

Oct 18, 2002 11:31 AM
by Bart Lidofsky

Steve Stubbs wrote:
> The site bombed was a nightclub in a Muslim country. My
> understanding is, in Muslim countries many people find it offensive
> to have night life, movie theatres, dancing, and especially alcohol
> consumption. It is also not OK to be an infidel in their midst,
> although if you are a few thousand miles away they probably would not
> take note of you. Had they bombed a bus or a hotel the significance
> might have been different. The fact that they chose a night club
> seems to be the key here.
> If you want to visit Indonesia, it might make sense to make yourself
> look something like the locals (i.e., blend in), and avoid behaviors
> which the locals will consider offensive, such as eating pig,
> drinking alcohol, having a good time, and consorting with women. 

And indulge in Muslim encouraged behaviors, like seizing and enslaving
non-believers, denial of basic human rights, beating women, etc.


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