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RE: Theos-World Thesosophical History Conference -- Call for Papers

Sep 11, 2002 12:27 PM
by dalval14

Dear Eldon:

Your inquiry abut material for an historical conference
reminds me that I have accumulated a number of references to
articles published in Theosophical books and magazines which
cover a truly remarkable range of history and pre-history.

Here is a sample of some of these from the archaic down to
the records of India.

Do you think this might be generally useful for reference?

If s I can complete the work and bring it up t modern times
and you can publish it on Theos-world

Let me know




A Chronological Index to Articles
Historical Subjects and Personages


A study in the transmission of the Wisdom of the Ages.

[ All references, unless otherwise indicated, are in
Theosophy Magazine.
Volumes 1 to 83 (T), and the Theosophical Movement Volumes
1 to 63 (TM).

Other references are taken from Key, HPB Articles, WQJ
Articles, S D,
ISIS, Collected Works of HPB, [ CWB ], Theosophical
Glossary [ Glos.],
Theosophist [ Thst. ], A	Modern Panarion [ Mod. P.], Path,
Transactions, etc...]

Page	Subject Sequence and Range

2	Archaic	27	Neo-Platonism
4 Aryan Race 28 Islam
5 India & Hinduism 28 Sufis
8 Buddhism 29 Druzes
9 Contemporary India 29 Medieval
10 China, Tibet, Mongolia 29 Renaissance &
11 Egypt & Its Mysteries 30 Florentine
13 Zoroastrianism, Magi, Persia 32 Rosicrucians
14 Sumeria 32 Hermeticists
14 Chaldea & Kassidim 32 17th Century
15 Babylon 33 Masonry &
15 Assyria & Syria 34 18th Century
16 Phoenicians 33 Cambridge
16 Judaism 35 19th Century
18 Kabala 36
19 Scandinavian & Teutonic 37 Spiritualism
20 Druids 37 Theosophy
20 Greece & Its Mysteries 38 Contemporary
Writers 2oth Cent.
21-2 Pythagoras & Plato 40 The Americas
23 Alchemy 41 Appendices
24 Rome Buddhism
24 Jesus & Christianity Bhagavad
26 Gnosticism Christianity

[ Note; These references are not complete, and more can be
added to widen
reference to the line of transmission of Wisdom. The
Editors of Theosophy will be
glad to receive additional entries, corrections or
suggestions. ]

Historical Chronology

From	To	or Individual if any


SD I 27	Dangma .	.	SD I 27 45-7 218fn [ Glos. 96 ]
SD I 27	Ah-hi - Dhyan Chohans-Dragons of Wisdom [ Glos.
11 ]
AD I 31	Lipikas - Recorders .	. Glos. 190; T M 463	33
Trans.147-8, SD I03-5, Echoes 13-15, TM 226	28
Who or What are the Lipika ?	. TM 463 33
SD I 10 38	Dhyan Chohans	Lord of Light-Archangels [ Glos.
101 ]
SD I 13 42 108	Dhyan - Dzyan - Gnyani- Jnani- Wise	[ Glos.
101 ]
Epitome 18, WQJ Art I 382 616, SD II 636fn
SD I 81	Planetary Spirits	.	.	.	[ Glos. 255 ]
SD I 81 89 94 Prajapati	- Life Givers	.	[ Glos. 259 ]
SD I 10 127	Rishi-Prajapati	.	.	.	[ Glos. 278 ]
SD I 87 89	Kumara . SD I 458fn; II 584; [ Glos. 182,
289 ]
Pushan - Sun	.	[WQJ Art I 583] [ Glos. 265 ]
Loka Pala	.	.	.	[ Glos. 191 ]
SD I 87 79 88	Agnishwattas-Pitris-Solar Ancestors Glos.
10, 182 ]
Manasa Dhyanis - Highest Pitris	.	[ Glos. 203 ]
SD II 557-60	Lunar Gods - Pitris	.	[ Glos. 192-3, 217, 254 ]
Marut Jivas .	.	.	[ Glos. 208 ]
SD I 378	Devapi & Moru	. [Morya]	.	[ Glos. 99 ]
Deva-Rishi	. .	.	[ Glos. 99 ]
SD I 57 359	Mundane Egg or Tree	.	.	. Glos. 218 ]
SD I 285 106 Titans Is I 122 567 II 217-8 425 487-8
SD I 169	Maha Vidya - Esoteric Science	.	[ Glos. 200 ]
Occult Sciences	.	.	.	[ Glos. 237 ]
Ageless Repositories (HPB)	.	T 244	54
Sishta - seeds - remnants - Sages	.	[ Glos. 300 ]
Leaflets from Esoteric History	. T	83, 129	48
SD I 126 404 Naga - Dragon of Wisdom	.	.[ Glos. 222 ]
SD I 46fn II 173	Mahatma	.	.	.	..[ Glos. 201 ]
The Fraternity of Perfected Souls	.	T 49	49
"Guardian Wall" of Sages [ Glos. 129, Voice 74 ]
Mme. Blavatsky on the
"Himalayan Brothers" HPB Art 315 1
SD I 132fn II 94	Nirmanakaya	.	. Voice 77fn	[ Glos. 231 ]
Trikaya	[3 "vestures" of the Wise ] [ Glos. 338-9 ]
Gymnosophists - [Sages of the Forests] [ Glos. 130 ]
The Septenary Character of History . T 216 261 44
Cyclic Parallels	.	.T v.67-193; T	332	70
Esoteric Anthropogenesis	. TM	19	63
The Earliest Races	.	.. T	408	45
Ancient Landmarks	.T series Vols. 14-17, 19-20, 27
Antiquity of Man	.	.. T series	13
Extensions of Evidence (Pre-History) T series 38, 39

Origin of Man	.	.	.. T series 27
The Races of Man	.	.. T series 202	66
Ethnico-Geological Myst. T 59 109 155 203 253 22
Geological Mysteries	.	.. T series 22
The Earth Chain of Globes WQJ Art 214, 218, 223 1
Rings, Rounds and Obscuration	. WQJ Art 204	1
Rounds and Races SD I 152-190; WQJ Art 209 1
(see S D Index under Globes, Races, Rounds,
and in Theosophy Index .	..[ Glos. 278 ]
Archaic History	.	.	. T 163	46
The History of Evolution	.	.. TM	485 36
Lost Continents	.	.	.. TM	116 21


4,000,000 BC c.	Lemuria Engulphed	.	.SD I 439; [ Glos. 187 ]
In Indian Ocean Is I 591-5, SD II 323-7
4,000,000 BC c.	Easter Island	.SD I 322, 439, II 224, 317
Meru ( Center of the Earth )	..	[ Glos. 213 ]
998,100 BC c.	Lost Atlantis Is I 557 593 SD II 10 144; TM
130 27
850,000 BC c.	Atlantidae, Atlantis Is I 557, 591; [
Glos. 42-3 ]
9,500 BC c.	Atlantis in Plato's Timaeus & Critas TM
469	46
Pelasgians - Cyclops-Atlantean SD II 745
Greek roots SD I 462 II 745 753 774
Monuments - Ancient [ ISIS I 561, 569, 571-2 ]
Ancient Temples	..	T	218	47
On Old Monuments	.. T	353	24
Vast Works of the Past	.. WQJ Art 91	2
Pyramids Is I-296 517; SD I-313 317fn 351-3 424 617
SD II 429 435 462 575 749-50; Is II-270
Submerged 3 times: Glos. 300; T 54	67
800,000 BC c.	Nagkon Wat (2nd. most Occult Edifice)	[ Glos.
223 ]
Is I 239 561-8 571-2
Sphinx	. Thst. v.4-p.38 Harmachus [ Glos. 135 ]
78,000 BC c.	Dendera Temple, Zodiac SD II-374f 431-6 456
SD II 577 580; Is I 440-1
Thebes [Th-aba] Is I 523-4 542-3 626 II 364 448
Karnak - Thebes Is I 523-4 553 [ Glos. 174, 327 ]
Dracontia-Temples of Dragons Is I 554 II 294
Caves, Labyrinths Is I 5 523 573 580 590
SD I xxiv xxviii 126 321; II 220fn 338 436
Rock-cut: Abu Simbel . Is I 542 470-1
Ellora	Is I 567 590; II 26 95 232
Ajanta Is I 349 590 II 270; SD II 290
Petra of the Mysteries IS II 30 139 392
Persepolis	.	. . Is I 534; II 436
Cave Art; Cyclopean Building SD I 208-9fn

Cyclopean Monuments	Is I 529 567 332; II 438
SD II 317 337 341-9 586 745 752-3 769
Of Mayas of Yucatan-Copan Is I 547 564 567

49,186 BC c.	Diogenes Laertius: Egyptian records Is I 33
34,300 BC	Sumerian Tablet gives 32,234 years between
Deluge and King Isin 200 BC	T 195	16


9,566 BC c.	Deluge of Deucalion. Last Island of Atlantis
Submerged ML 155, 5 Yrs Thy. 99fn
SD II 406 444fn, Is I 589-594
Archaic Wisdom	.	. TM	7	47
Ageless Wisdom	.	. TM	387	37
Ancient Scriptures	.	. TM	122	15
Ancient Astronomical Knowledge TM	24	22
Ancient Storehouse of the Orient	. TM	241	39
Archaeological Differences	. TM 423 465	37
Casadia - The Antiquity of Man	. T 253	13
Legends and Myths	.	. TM	45	11
Obscured Adepts	.	. TM	9	16
The Cycle Moves On	.	. TM	145	18
Signs of the Times .	. T series	63
Codes of Duty	.	.	. T	495	19

Civilizations: The Reincarnation
of Nations (WQJ) T	271	59
Forerunners	.	.	. TM	54	7
Theosophy Down the Ages TM v.33-421; TM 107 38
Landmarks in Theosophical History TM	30	39
The Theosophical Mvt in Other Ages TM 93	35
Lodges of Magic HPB	.	. HPB Art 287	1
A History of Thy Down the Ages TM	421	33
A History of the Theosophical Mvt TM	107	38
Manasasarovara - Sacred Tibetan Lake	[ Glos. 203 ]
S'ambhala - future locality Kalki Av.	[ Glos. 287 ]

Atlantean, Babylonian, Chinese SD II 692
Sargon Established Great Library	SD II 691
Ephesus Library .. .	Is II 155
Alexandrian Library	Is II 27; SD I xxiii II 502fn
Diocletian's Destruction	. Is II 57 618 620
Pagans Destroyed	Is I 24-5 405-6 503 511
Is II 27-9 57 59 85-6 430
Vandalism	.	.	.Is I 403-6 511
Arabic MSS Burned in Spain Is I 511 II 438

ARYAN RACE	[ Is I 539 548 578; II 433-6 492 ]

Semites Is I 569-70 576; ]

1,050,000 BC c.	The Aryan Race	.	.	. T	219	45
Brahmins Invaded India	..	[ Glos. 222 ]
Is II 156fn, 169 158 323 192,
SD II 565 I 209
A Note on Aryan History. .TM	26	8
Leaflets from Aryan History.. T 176	48

1,000,000 BC c.	India - The Alma Mater T series v.19, 20; T
19 V.20
Raja-Rishis (Royal Sages) SD II 302
[Janaka]	Gita 25; G. Notes p. 102-3
Pre-Vedic Religio	n Is II 39 123 142-3 169
Jains	Is I-429; II 318-323, 609	[ Glos. 162 ]
Theosophist I-65, 234; Mod. Panarion 182
Jainism	.	.	Is II 322; T M 211 V 21
Mahavira Thst. 6-p.95 SD II-423 Is II-322

1,000,000 BC c.	Brahmins Invaded India	.	.	[ Glos. 222 ]
Is II 156fn, 169 158, 323 192, SD II 565 I 209
Learned from Raja-Rishis--Kshatriyas	[ Glos. 354 ]
The Heritage of the Brahmins	TM	16	28
India A Storehouse for Us . WQJ ART Vol. 86 2
Indian Metaphysics	- HPB Mod. Panarion 163
Avalokiteshwara - Padmapani	..	[ Glos. 44 ]
Kamadeva	.	.	.	[ Glos. 170 ]
Narada	. .	.. Glos. 224; T 75	61
Vaivaswata Manu (Collation HPB)	T 78	47
Vishwakarman - Artificer of the Gods	[ Glos. 366 ]


Moru - Rishi - Morya - .	. [ Glos. 299, 217 ]
Bhrigu - Rishi	.	.{ Glos. 57 ]
Kandu - Sage of the 2nd Root Race [ Glos. 172 ]
Vashista Rishi	.	.	..[ Glos. 361 ]
Indian Books - C. Johnson Path v. 9-416
1,000,000 +	Manu-law-giver-Treta Yuga Is I 585-6	[ Glos.
206 ]
Is I xxxii xxxvii 18 271 585-90 620-1
Is II 50 427-8
Manava Dharma Shastra - Laws of Manu	[ Glos. 203 ]

450,000 BC c.	Valmiki's RAMAYANA	.	. Glos. 275 ] T	349
C & J p.73; Thst. 10-p.35; SD II 278 496

3,200 BC c.	Date given to last Veda Vyasa	.	[ Glos.
362 ]
On the Vedas	. Glos. 361; T v.3-213; T 380 6
[ Rig, Saman, Yajur, Atharva ]
SD I 269-71; II 450 483-4 606 616; TM 67 5
Is I 444; Thst. v.1-247; WQJ Art 82-3	2
Antiquity of the Vedas . HPB Articles 321	3
Rig Veda	.	.	..[ Glos. 277 ]
The Rig Veda on Gambling	-. WQJ Art 514 2
Jaimini - Teacher of the Sama Veda.[ Glos. 162 ]
A Commentary on the Gayatri	. WQJ Art 583 1
The Origins of Indian Castes	.. T M 22 3


The Heritage of Ancient India	... T	220	19
Indian History & Civilization	.. T 497	11
Races of Ancient India	.	.. T	427	6
The Red Rajputs - WQJ	.	..TM	143	21
India--Body and Soul	.	.. T	482	16
India--A Storehouse for Us	.. T	152	2
The 6 (Philosophical) Demonstrations.. T	19	20
Trans. 5,6 Thy. 19-21;
HPB and the Vishishtadwaita	. HPB Art 264	3
Originator: Ramanuja Thst. 4-228

Adwaita - Shankara (Monistic)	[ Glos. 7, 307 ]
ML 53-4; Thst. 10-p.7; SD I 8 55 522 II 637
Dwaita - Madhwa (Dualistic).	. T	19	28
Nyaya - Rishi Gautama (Mechanistic) T 19	28
Kapila Rishi - Sankhya Philosophy	.[ Glos. 173, 289 ]
Vaisheshika - (Atomistic) - Kapila	.	[ Glos. 359 ]
12,300 BC c.	Vedanta - Vyasa, Badarayana SD I 50 269 451;
Gl. 361]
Vyasa - U. Mimansa Is II 621; SD I 7 50 269 451,
Uttara Mimansa Thst. I-201,207; 9-411; Luci. 6-119]
Purva Mimansa - Jamini (Interp. of Karma)
Uttara & Purva Mimansa (Vedanta) [Glos. 253 356,361 ]
Thst. 1-201 207; 9-411; Lucif. 6-119
Yoga - Patanjali [Emotions & Mind to Spirit]
( see below )

The Puranas - Dvivedi	.. TM 219, 246	41
HPB and the Hindu Puranas TM	134	4
Linga Purana	.	.	..[ Glos. 189 ]
Upanishad - Esoteric Doctrine	.[ Glos. 353 ]
Upanishads on Rebirth	.	WQJ Art 77 1
Studies in the Upanishads	WQJ ART . 567 1
F. Flamel - The Upanishads	.. T 329	2

Dynasties	.	.	..[ Glos. 107 ]
Chandravansa - Lunar Race .	.[ Glos. 76 ]
Suryavansa - Solar Race .	. [ Glos. 313-4 ]

Janaka - Royal Sage	[ Gita 25; DKM 392 Glos. 163 ]

What is the Udgitha ?	.	. WQJ AR. 565 1
Proverbs from Hitopadesa	..TM	92	31
Charaka - Medicine	. .[ Glos. 78 ]
Charvaka - Materialist .	.	.[ Glos. 79 ]
Vaibhachikas - Materialists	.[ Glos. 358 ]
Tantrikas: Dakshina- and Vamacharis	[ Glos. 319 ]
[Right-hand, and Left hand: Hatha-Yoga]
Jnana Yoga	.	.	..TM	143	38
Chitti - Vritti - Nirodha	.	. TM series 38


450,000 BC c.	Rama - The Divine King	.	. T M 414 42
The Romance of Sita	.. T	333	2
Lanka - Built for the Demons	.[ Glos. 186 ]
The Nilgiri Sanyasis Theosophist v. 5-153
Todas - Nilgiri	.	.	.[ Glos. 335 ]
People of the Blue Mountains .	HPB	book

3,000 BC c.	MAHABHARATA.	.	.	[ Glos. 200 ]
8,000 BC c.	Tchandalas begin to emigrate from India to
Chaldea through Persia SD II 200 [ Glos 165, 323 ]
Yadava - Krishna's Ancestry	.[ Glos. 374 ]

3,000 BC c.	Bhagavad Gita	[ Glos. 56 ]
The Gita and the Bible	.	.T series	43
The B. Gita and the Tao-teh-king	TM 219, 266	60
Two Lost Keys: the Zodiac and
the B. Gita	WQJ ART. 580	1
Notes on the B. Gita	.	WQJ	. book
Vyasa - Interpreter - "Petroma"	.	[ Glos. 367 ]
Krishna	.	.	.	.	[ Glos. 180 ]
Krishna - The Word Become Flesh TM	361	49
Krishna Avatara	.	.	. TM	397	37
Krishna - The Spirit of the Universe TM	341	30
Krishna The Man of Peace	TM	365	51
Vaishwanara [ Universal Man ]	. TM	54	49
Vikramaditya Rules at Ujjain	SD I 662

3,100 BC c.	Orpheus Identified with Arjuna Glos. 242 T 148
in Greece IS I 532; II 129 550; HPB Art 138 3
SD I 207 267fn 529 784; Lucif 16-273; Thst. 5-.20
Arjuna in the Three Halls	. TM	42	6
Arjuna's Unfolding Vision	. TM	295	37
The Slough of Despondency	.. TM series 42
The Adverse Omens of Arjuna	. TM	328	42
Arjuna Sees the Way	.	. TM	228	65

Patanjali ( Oriental Psychology - A Key )

1,200 BC c.	Among Patanjali's Aphorisms.	. T	162	38
Everyday Questions on Patanjali (series) T v.35, 36
Yoga Philosophy - Patanjali -	.	[ Glos. 380 ]
Patanjali	.	.	..	[ Glos. 251 ]
Patanjali and his Yoga Aphorisms .TM	471	30
TM v.32-177, 263; v. 34-425
Patanjali's Yoga : Meditation	.TM	103	48
Patanjali and the Will	.	.TM	64	53

600 BC c.	Panini - Grammarian	.	..	[ Glos. 248 ]
Gaudapadacharya (Shankara's Paraguru) SD I 457fn


Shankara-Acharya [ Buddha's return ]
500 BC c.	Shankaracharya	- reformer [ Glos. 21 307-8,
361 ]
Thst. I-71, 89; 10-p.7; SD I xliv 86 271 457fn,
TM 8-104; 15-105; 37-385; Lucif 4-387; T 318-9 36
BCW 12-346; 5 Yrs. Thy. 145, 177, 278;

Shankara The Teacher	.	..TM	228	39
Shankara's Catechism	.	. TM 419, 467	40
Shankaracharya's Atmabodh (The Awakening
to the Self)	.	.TM	230	39
Shankara - Essence of His Teaching. .TM	109 46
Shankaracharya's Date & Doctrine. TM	329, 377	37
Shankara, The Acharya and Gautama,
The Buddha: Two Divine Men	.T M 97 17
Shankara's Atma Vivekha - the Spirit and
the Not-Spirit	. TM 59, 95 56

300 BC c.	Gymnosophists - Sages - .	.. [ Glos. 130 ]
Brotherhood of Luxor	.	.[ Glos. 193 ]
Marga - "Path"	.	.	..[ Glos. 207 ]
Ancient Hindu Science	.	..TM	125	7
Ancient Hindu Medicine	.	..TM	6	19
Divine Incarnations	.	..TM	333	33
Traces of India in Ancient Egypt	..TM	135	23
Brahmanism & Buddhism - WQJ-	..TM	166	33
The T.S. Related to Brahmanism & Buddh. T M 116 15

Initiation in India
Soma-drink	.	IS I xl	[ Glos. 304-5 ]
Brothers of the Tum	.	.	{ Glos. 345 ]

5th Cent BC	BUDDHISM	[ Glos. pp. 64-68, 126, 286; ML 43 76
98 ]
[ SD I 161 II 423; Thst 5-p.39; TM 7-27 15-105 ]

Later Incarnations of the Buddha (WQJ)	. T 179	6
563-483 BC	Buddha's Method	.	.	.. T 538	6
Buddha's Teaching (Dhammapada). T 24, 57	10
-483 BC	Buddha's Death, The Lesson of	.. T	444	22
Buddhism & Christianity, Notes v.6-184; . T 147	11
Buddhism in India	.	.. T	506	12
Buddha and Shankara, A comparative Study T M 243 43
Sakya Muni	.	. . TM v.37-516; TM 25	38
Padmapani - Avalokiteshwara SD II 178 [Glos. 44, 79 ]
Svabhavika - School	.	..	[ Glos. 314 ]
Mahayana - Founded by Nagarjuna.	[ Glos. 201 ]
Nagarjuna	.	.	..	[ Glos. 223 ]
Hinayana	- School	..	[ Glos. 142 ]
Madhyamikas - materialists	..	[ Glos. 196 ]
300 BC c.	Sthavirah - mystical school	..	[ Glos. 310 ]


Exegesis of Buddhism	.	. T	441	37
A Key to Buddhism (Ed. Taylor)	.. T	469	43

2nd Cent.	Kanishka - King	.	.	.	[ Glos. 172 ]

3rd Cent BC	Asoka - Missionaries sent out . [ Glos.
35-6,100,255 ]
Asoka - The Father of his People	. TM	12	44
Asoka's Humanism	.	. TM	172	19
Asoka's Missionaries	.	. TM	185	7

Marishi - Bodhisattva	.	.[ Glos. 207 ]
Japanese Buddhist Sects	WQJ	.. T	128	2
Mahavanso (Buddhism in Ceylon)	[ Glos. 201 ]
Maitreya Buddha	.	..	[ Glos. 202 ]
Nagkon Wat (most Occult Edifice)	[ Glos. 223 ]
Prasanga Madhyamika	.	.	[ Glos. 260 ]
Pratyekha Buddha	Voice 47fn, ML 114; [ Glos. 261 ]
Saccha Kiriya ( White Magic Power )	[ Glos. 282 ]
Tri Kaya [ 3 Forms ]	[ Glos. 287 339, 100, 231 ]
Trisharna	[ 3 Refuges ]	.	.[ Glos. 342 ]
Udayana Raja - Originator of Buddhistic
Idolatry	.	.	[ Glos. 351 ]
Nirvana - not "Extinction"	.	[ Glos. 232 ]
[ More on Buddha,-ism: in Appendix ]

Yogacharya School of Raja Yoga	.	.[ Glos. 381 ]

4th Cent. BC	Aryasangha - Yogacharya School .	.[ Glos. 32 ]
Yogacharya School	- .	[ Glos. 381 ]
Raja Yoga	.	.	.	[ Glos. 275 ]
Dharani	- .	.	.	[ Glos. 100 ]
Marishi - Bodhisattva	.	.	[ Glos. 207 ]
Samanta Bhadra - Universal Sage	.	[ Glos. 286 ]
Vajrapani - Subjective Force	.	. Glos. 359 ]

Vajrasattva - Dhyani Buddha	.	.[ Glos. 360 ]


Akbar, Emperor	.	..	[ Glos. 13 ]
Shall We Go to India (RC)	.. T	361	9
Indian Spiritual Arousal	.	.. T	28	12
The Arya Samaj	HPB Modern Panarion 184
Castes in India (D K Mavlankar)	.. T	222	5
What India Needs	.	.. T	162	14
Pandit Bhavani Shankar [Pupil HPB] TM v.2- 5; 146 6
The Caves & Jungles of Hindoostan HPB . book
The People of the Blue Mountains HPB . book
Kali Yuga	.	.	..	[ Glos. 70 ]
The West and India	.	..TM	108	19
Kalki Avatar - of the future	.	[ Glos. 170 ]



-----Original Message-----
From: Eldon B Tucker []
Sent: Wednesday, September 11, 2002 7:04 AM
Subject: Theos-World Thesosophical History Conference --
Call for Papers

Following is a notice from Leslie Price that appeared on
theosophical list. Leslie has indicated that it is ok to
make the notice
known as widely as possible, so I'm posting a copy on

-- Eldon

---- cut here ----


The Foundation for Theosophical Studies is hosting an
conference on theosophical history on the weekend of 14-15
June 2003 at
50 Gloucester Place, London W1U 8EA , England. Previous
conferences have
been held in London in 1986-9, 1995 and 1997, and others in
San Diego,
USA and Edmonton, Canada.

Any person may offer a paper for consideration by the
Committee, on any aspect of theosophical history. Summaries
exceeding 500 words should be sent before 1 January 2003 to
Colin Boyce,
Information Officer, either by post or electronically to Presentations will normally
last thirty
minutes with fifteen minutes for discussion. Any audiovisual
requirements should be specified.

The conference is non-residential, and only light
refreshments will be
served. Those presenting papers, and those attending as
guests must make
their own arrangements for travel, meals and accommodation.
There will
be a small fee for registration.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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