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Cycles -- some quotes from Theosophical Literature

Sep 12, 2002 11:22 AM
by dalval14

Sept 12 2002

Dear Mic:

Perhaps these will interest you





Cycle. From the Greek kuklos. The ancients divided time
into endless cycles, wheels within wheels, all such periods
being of various durations, and each marking the beginning
or end of some event either cosmic, mundane, physical of
metaphysical. There were cycles of only a few years, and
cycles of immense duration, the great Orphic cycle,
referring to the ethnological change of races, lasting
120,000 years, and the cycle of Cassandrus of 136,000, which
brought about a complete change in planetary influences and
their correlations between men and gods--a fact entirely
lost sight of by modern astrologers." (see Isis I 31,
294fn) T. GLOSS. p. 91-2

"...we recognize but one law in the Universe, the law of
harmony, of perfect equilibrium." M L 141

The Primal Element and the Seven Principles

"...there is but one element and it is impossible to
comprehend our system before correct comprehension of it is
firmly fixed in one's mind...This speak
metaphysically--[is the] one sub-stratum or permanent cause
of all manifestations in the phenomenal universe...the one
incognizable element (to the uninitiated) the 6th principle
of the universe--call it Purush Sakti, while to speak of the
7th outside of the sanctuary was punishable with death. But
these five [principles] are but the differentiated aspect of
the one. As man is a 7-fold being so is the
universe...there is a 6th principle answering to the 6th
principle Buddhi, in man...but we are not permitted to name
it except among initiates. I may however hint that it is
connected with the process of the highest intellection...and
besides these, there is under all the activities of the
phenomenal universe and energizing impulse...This spirit
controls the entire line of evolution, around the
manvantaric cycle in its own department. The informing,
vivifying, impelling, evolving cause, behind the countless
phenomenal manifestations in that department of Nature...
[Example of fire used to illustrate these differentiations,
p. 92 ]...Every grain of sand, every boulder or crag of
granite, is that spirit crystallized or petrified... [
consider the manifestation of intelligence in the minerals]
How then can we doubt that a mineral contains in it a spark
of the One as everything else in this objective nature does
?" M L p. 90 - 93

Cycles and Karma

[ Reason for cycles ] "Fill with oil Den's little cup and
a city Reservoir of water, and lighting both see which burns
the longer, the Ego is the wick and Karma the oil: the
difference in the quantity of the latter (in the cup and the
reservoir) suggesting to you the great difference in the
duration of various Karmas. Every effect must be
proportionate to the cause. And, as man's terms of
incarnate existence bears but a small proportion to his
periods of inter-natal existence in the manvantaric cycle,
so the good thoughts, words, and deeds of any one of these
"lives" on a globe are causative of effects, the working out
of which requires far more time than the evolution of the
causes occupied..." M L p. 106

Wasting of Knowledge

"During the minority of a sub-race, it [knowledge, wisdom]
is preserved for it by its predecessor, which disappears,
dies out generally, when the former "comes to age." At
first, most of them squander and mismanage their property,
or leave it untouched in the ancestral coffers. They reject
contemptuously the advises of their elders and prefer,
boy-like playing in the streets, to studying and making the
most of the untouched wealth stored up for them in the
records of the Past. Thus during your transition
period--the middle ages--Europe rejected the testimony of
Antiquity, calling such sages as Herodotus and other learned
Greeks--the Father of Lies, until she knew better and
changed the appellation into that of "Father of History."
Instead of neglecting, you now accumulate and add to your
wealth. As every other race you had your ups and downs,
your periods of honor and dishonor, your dark mid-nights
and--you are now approaching your brilliant noon..."
M L p. 150

Manvantara -- A Universal Awakening

"Taking now this globe...its government and evolution
proceed under Manu or man, and from this is the term
Manvantara or "between two Manus." The course of evolution
is divided into 4 Yugas...The present age for the West and
India is Kali Yuga (the black age), especially in respect to
moral and spiritual development...Kali--is very rapid, its
motion being accelerated precisely like certain astronomical
periods known to-day in regard to the Moon...The first 5,000
years of Kali Yuga will end between the years 1897 and 1898.
This Yuga began about 3,102 years before the Christian era,
at the time of Krishna's death [18th of February] the
present time we are in a cycle of transition, when, as a
transition period should indicate, everything in philosophy,
religion and society is changing."
OCEAN p. 125-126

"Our knowledge begins with differentiation, and all
manifested objects, beings, or powers are only
differentiations of the Great Unknown...The first
differentiation--speaking metaphysically as to time--is
Spirit, with which appears Matter and Mind. Akasa [term
used in place of AEther...tenuous state of matter] is
produced from Matter and Spirit, Will is the force of Spirit
in action, and Life is a resultant of the action of Akasa,
moved by Spirit, upon Matter...the real Matter is always
invisible...Primordial Matter... Mulaprakriti ...[we see or
perceive only the phenomena of matter]... Mind is the
intelligent part of the Cosmos, that in which the
plan of the Cosmos is fixed or contained...brought over from
a prior period of limit can be set to its
evolutionary possibilities in perfectness...Because there
never was a beginning to the periodical manifestations of
the Absolute, there never will be any end..."
OCEAN 15-16

"...evolution on the Earth, it is stated that the stream of
Monads begins first to work up the mass of matter in what
are called the elemental conditions when all is gaseous or evolution is possible without the Monad as
vivifying comes the mineral, when the whole
mass hardens, the Monads being imprisoned within. Then the
first Monads emerge into vegetable forms which they
construct themselves...the first class of Monads emerges
from the vegetable and produces the animal, then the human
astral and shadowy model...When the middle of the 4th Round
is reached no more Monads emerge into the human stage...

"The plan comes first in the universal mind, after which the
astral model or basis is made, and when that astral model is
completed, the whole process is gone over so as to condense
the matter up to the middle of the 4th Round. Subsequent to
that, which is our future, the whole mass is spiritualized
with full consciousness and the entire body of globes raised
up to a higher plane of development...7 great races have to
evolve here on this planet, and the entire collection of
races has to go 7 times round the whole series of 7 globes.

"Human beings did not appear here in two sexes first. The
first were of no sex, then they altered into hermaphrodite,
and lastly separated into male and female. And this...was
over 18,000,000 years ago." OCEAN p. 27-28

"The ultimate origin or beginning of man is not to be
discovered, although we may know when and from where the men
of this globe came from. Man never was not. If not on this
globe, then on some other, he ever was, and will ever be in
existence somewhere in the Cosmos. Ever perfecting and
reaching up to the image of the Heavenly Man, he is always
becoming." OCEAN p. 127

"The object of [the] amalgamation and precipitation is to
give to every race the benefit of the progress and power of
the whole derived from prior progress in other planets and
systems...Nature never does her work in a hasty or undue
fashion, but, by the sure method of mixture, precipitation,
and separation, brings about the greatest perfection...Hence
man did not spring from a single pair. Neither did he come
from any tribe or family of monkey...7 races of men appeared
simultaneously on the earth..."
OCEAN p. 122-3

" came to this globe from another planet, though of
course then a being of very great power before being
completely enmeshed in matter, so the lower kingdoms came
likewise in germ and type from other planets, and carry on
their evolution step by step upward by the aid of man, who
is, in all periods of manifestation, at the front of the
wave of life...This is the point where the intelligent aid
and interference from a mind or mass of minds is absolutely
necessary. Such aid and interference was and is the fact,
for nature unaided cannot do the work right...It is Man who
does this. Not the man of the day, weak and ignorant as he
is, but great souls, high and holy men of immense power,
knowledge and wisdom...just as every man would now know he
could become...Various names have been given to these beings
now removed from our plane. They are the Dhyanis, the
Creators, the Guides, the Great Spirits, and so on by many
titles..." OCEAN p. 130-1

"By methods known to themselves and to the Great Lodge they
work on the forms so brought over, and by adding here,
taking away there, and often altering, they gradually
transform...This process is carried on chiefly in the purely
astral period preceding the gross physical stage, as the
impulses thus given will surely carry themselves forward
through the succeeding times. When the midway point of
evolution is reached the species emerge on to the present
stage..." OCEAN p. 131-2

"It has been repeatedly stated that evolution as taught by
Manu and Kapila was the groundwork of the modern teachings,
but neither Occultism nor Theosophy has ever supported the
wild theories of the present Darwinists--least of all the
descent of man from an ape...Man belongs to a kingdom
distinctly separate from that of the animals...(187) Every
Round repeats on a higher scale the evolutionary work of the
preceding Round. With the exception of some higher
anthropoids...the Monadic inflow, or inner evolution, is at
an end till the next Manvantara...the full-blown human
Monads have to be first disposed of, before the new crop of
candidates appears on this Globe at the beginning of the
next cycle. There is a lull; and this is why, during the
Fourth Round, man appears on Earth earlier than any animal
creation...what the Occultists have never that
man was an ape in this or in any other Round; or that he
ever could be one, however much he may have been "ape-like."
SD I 186-7

"A vast period of time, about 300,000,000 years, was the end of that stretch of years the process of
hardening began, the form of man being the first to become
solid, and then some of the astral prototypes of the
preceding rounds were involved in the solidification, though
really belonging to a former period when everything was
astral. When these fossils are discovered it is argued that
they must be those of creatures which coexisted with the
gross physical body of man...[the missing links] all exist
on the astral plane..." OCEAN p. 132-3

"The object of all this differentiation, amalgamation and
separation is well stated by another of the Masters, thus:
"Nature consciously prefers that matter should be
indestructible in organic rather than inorganic forms, and
works slowly but incessantly towards the realization of this
object--the evolution of conscious life out of inert
OCEAN p. 133-4

Manifestation Cycle -- Man's Evolution

" old Book--so very old...One of its illustrations
represents Adam emanating from the Divine Essence like a
luminous arc proceeding to form a circle [Corrected per M.L.
p. 45 ]; and then having attained the highest point of its
circumference, the ineffable Glory bends back again, and
returns to earth, bringing a higher type of humanity in its
vortex. As it approaches nearer and nearer to our planet,
the Emanation becomes more and more shadowy, until upon
touching the ground it is as black as night." ISIS I p. 1

"At the birth of the future man, the monad, radiating with
all the glory of its immortal parent [ATMAN-SPIRIT] which
watches it from the 7th sphere, becomes senseless. It loses
all recollection of the past, and returns to consciousness
but gradually, when the instinct of childhood gives place to
reason and intelligence. After the separation between the
life-principle (astral spirit) and the body takes place, the
liberated soul--Monad, exultingly rejoins the mother and
father spirit, the radiant Augoeides, and the 2 merged into
ONE, forever form, with a glory proportioned to the
spiritual purity of the past earth-life, the Adam who has
completed the circle of necessity, and is freed from the
last vestige of his physical encasement. Henceforth,
growing more and more radiant at each step of his upward
progress, he mounts the shining path that ends at the point
which he started around the Grand Cycle." ISIS
I 303

"Eastern wisdom teaches that spirit has to pass through the
ordeal of incarnation and life, and be baptized with matter
before it can reach experience and knowledge. After which
it only receives the baptism of soul, or self-consciousness,
and may return to its original condition of a god, plus
experience, ending with omniscience. In other words, it can
return to the original state of the homogeneity of
primordial essence only through the addition of the fruitage
of Karma, which alone is able to create an absolute
conscious deity, removed but one degree from the absolute
All." HPB ART I 130.

"The conception of matter and spirit as entirely distinct,
and both one of the elementary and fundamental
doctrines of Occultism that the two are one, and are
distinct but in their respective manifestations, and only in
the limited perceptions of the world of senses." M L
p. 141

"The spirit in man is the only real and permanent part of
his being; the rest of his nature being variously
compounded...everything in man but his spirit is
impermanent...the Universe being one thing and not diverse,
and everything within it being connected with the whole and
with every other thing therein, of which upon the upper
plane...there is perfect knowledge, no act or thought occurs
without each portion of the great whole perceiving and
noticing it. Hence all are inseparably bound together by
the tie of Brotherhood... it is taught that there is no
creation of worlds...but that their appearance is due
strictly to evolution,

When the time comes for the Unmanifested to manifest as an
objective Universe, which it does periodically, it emanates
a Power or "The First Cause"--so called because it itself is
the rootless root of that Cause, and called in the East the
"Causeless Cause"...The projection into time of the
influence or so-called "breath of Brahma" causes all the
worlds and the beings upon them to gradually appear. They
remain in manifestation just as long as that influence
continues to proceed forth in evolution.

After long aeons the outbreathing, evolutionary influence
slackens, and the universe begins to go into obscuration, or
pralaya, until, the "breath" being fully indrawn, no objects
remain, because nothing is but Brahm. Care must be taken by
the student to make a distinction between Brahm (the
impersonal Parabrahm) and Brahma the manifested Logos.

This breathing forth is known as a Manvantara, or the
Manifestation of the world between two Manus...For the
purpose of a Manvantara two so-called eternal principles are
postulated, that is, Purusha and Prakriti (or spirit and
matter), because both are ever present and conjoined in

This brings us to the doctrine of Universal Evolution as
expounded by the Sages of the Wisdom-Religion. The Spirit,
or Purusha, they say, proceeds from Brahma through the
various forms of matter evolved at the same time, beginning
in the world of the spiritual from the highest and in the
material world from the lowest form...yet unknown to modern
science. Thus, therefore, the mineral, vegetable and animal
forms each imprison a spark of the Divine, a portion of the
indivisible Purusha.

These sparks struggle to "return to the Father," or in other
words, to secure self-consciousness and at last come into
the highest form, on Earth, that of man, where alone
self-consciousness is possible to them. The period
calculated in human time, during which this evolution goes
on embraces millions of ages. Each spark of divinity has,
therefore, millions of ages in which to accomplish its
mission...all depends upon the individual's own will and

Each particular spirit thus goes through the Manvantara, or
enters into manifestation for its own enrichment and for
that of the Whole.

Mahatmas and Rishis are thus gradually evolved during a
Manvantara, and become after its expiration, planetary
spirits, who guide the evolution of other future planets.
The planetary spirits of our globe are those who in previous
manvantaras...made the efforts, and became in the course of
that long period Mahatmas.

This system is thus seen to be based upon the identity of
Spiritual Being, and, under the name of "Universal
Brotherhood," constitutes the basic idea of the T S, whose
object is the realization of that Brotherhood among men."
WQJ - EPITOME pp. 9-12.

"The universe evolves from the unknown, into which no man or
mind, however high, can inquire, on 7 planes or in 7 ways or
methods in all worlds, and this 7-fold differentiation
causes all the worlds to have a septenary constitution...The
divisions of the 7-fold universe may be laid down roughly
as: The Absolute, Spirit, Mind, Matter, Will, Akasa or
AEther, and Life. In place of "the Absolute" we can use the
word Space. For Space is that which ever is, and in which
all manifestation must take place." OCEAN, p. 14

"Every life-cycle on Globe D (our Earth) is composed of
seven root-races. they commence with the Ethereal and end
with the spiritual on the double line of physical and moral
evolution--from the beginning of this terrestrial round to
its close." SD I 160

"...every "Round" brings about a new development and even an
entire change in the mental, psychic, spiritual and physical
constitution of man, all these principles evoluting on an
ever ascending scale." SD I 162

"...the middle of the Fourth this
which the human stage will be fully developed--the "Door"
into the human kingdom closes; and henceforward the number
of "human" Monads, i.e., Monads in the human stage of
development, is complete..." SD I 173

"...Humanity develops fully only in the Fourth--our present
Round...Like a grub which becomes chrysalis and butterfly,
Man, or rather that which becomes man, passes through all
the forms and kingdoms during the first Round and through
all the human shapes during the two following
the commencement of the is the first form that
appears thereon, being preceded only by the mineral and
vegetable kingdoms--even the latter having to develop and
continue its further evolution through man. [Skandhas
?]...Humanity, like the globe on which it lives, will be
ever tending to reassume its primeval form, that of a
Dhyan-Chohanic Host. Man tends to become a God and
then--GOD, like every other atom in the Universe."
SD I 159

"...the Earth is 7-fold. It is an entity, and not a mere
lump of gross matter...The earth is one of 7 globes in
respect to man's consciousness only, because when he
functions on one of the seven he perceives it as a distinct
globe and does not see the other 6...the 7 globes are in
"coadunition with each other but not in consubstantiality"
(SD I 166)...these globes are united in one mass though
differing from each other in substance, and this due to change in center of consciousness."
OCEAN p. 23-24

"The stream or mass of Egos which evolves on the 7 globes of
our chain is limited in number, yet the actual quantity is
enormous...the whole number of Monads now going through
evolution on our Earth Chain came over from the old 7
planets or globes [Moon]...a "life wave," meaning a stream
of Monads...This journey went on for four circlings round
the whole and then the whole stream or army of Egos from the
old Moon Chain had arrived, and being complete, no more
entered after the middle of the Fourth Round. The same
circling process of these differently arrived classes goes
on for 7 complete Rounds of the whole 7 planetary centers of
consciousness [Globes]...and when the 7 are ended as much
perfection as is possible in the immense period occupied
will have been attained, and then this chain or mass of
"globes" will die in its turn to give birth to still another
series." OCEAN p. 25-26

"Each one of the globes is used by evolutionary law for the
development of 7 races, and of senses, faculties and powers
appropriate to that state of matter: the experience of the
whole 7 globes being needed to make a perfect development.
Hence we have Rounds and Races. The Round is a circling of
the 7 centers of planetary consciousness; the Race the
racial development on one of those no complete race
could be evolved in a moment on any globe, the slow, orderly
processes of nature, which allow no jumps must proceed by
appropriate means." OCEAN p. 26

"The real age of the world is...almost incalculable, and
that of man as he is now formed is over 18,000,000 of years.
What has become at last man is of vastly greater age, for
before the present two sexes appeared the human creature was
sometimes of one shape and sometimes of another, until the
whole plan had been fully worked out into our present form,
function and capacity...[his shape was] at one time
globular...when conditions favored such a form...This was
accomplished by the Ego or real man going through experience
in countless conditions of matter all different one from the
other, and the same plan in general was and is pursued as
prevails in respect to the general evolution of the
universe...details were first worked out in spheres of being
very ethereal, metaphysical in fact. Then the next step
brought the same details to be worked out on a plane of
matter a little more dense, until at last it could be done
on our present plane of what we miscall gross matter. In
these anterior states the senses existed in idea,
until the astral plane which is next to this one was arrived
at, and then they were concentrated so as to be the actual
senses we now use through the agency of the different outer
organs...he who stops to think must see that the senses are
interior and that their outer organs are but mediators
between the visible universe and the real perceiver within."
OCEAN p. 21

" the beginning, the human body was of a half-ethereal
nature; and that, before the fall, mankind communed freely
with the now unseen universes. But since that time matter
has become the formidable barrier between us and the world
of spirits...before the mystic Adam, many races of human
beings lived and died out, each giving place in its turn to

As the cycle proceeded, man's eyes were more and more
opened, until he came to know "good and evil" as well as the
Elohim themselves. Having reached its summit the cycle
began to go downward. When the arc attained a certain point
which brought it parallel with the fixed line of our
terrestrial plane, the man was furnished by nature with
"coats of skin," and the Lord God "clothed them."

This same belief in the pre-existence of a far more
spiritual race than the one to which we now belong can be
traced back to the earliest traditions of nearly every
people...Jesus..."Know ye not, ye are gods ?" [John 1.12]
ISIS I 1-2

"...this philosophy of cycles...allegorized by the Egyptian
Hierophants in the "circle of necessity," explains at the
same time the allegory of the "Fall of man"...each of the 7
chambers of the Pyramids...was known by the name of a
planet. The peculiar architecture of the Pyramids shows in
itself the drift of the metaphysical thought of their
builders. The apex is lost in the clear blue sky...typifies
the primordial point lost in the unseen universe from which
started the first race of the spiritual prototypes of
man...Divine spirit being considered a unity, however
numerous the rays of the great spiritual sun, man has still
had his origins like all other forms, whether organic or
otherwise, in this one Fount of Eternal Light..."
ISIS I 296 - 297

Racial and National Cycles

"These cycles, according to the Chaldean philosophy, do not
embrace all mankind at one and the same time...the
metaphysical views of Plato were based upon the strictest
mathematical principles...(p. 7) geometry, of all sciences,
the only one which proceeds from universals to particulars
was precisely the method employed by Plato in his

"...The sacred numbers of the universe in their esoteric
combination solve the great problem (the cosmological theory
of numerals which Pythagoras learned from the Egyptian
hierophants, is alone able to reconcile the two units,
matter and spirit...) and explain the theory of radiation
and the cycle of the emanations. The lower orders before
they develop into higher ones must emanate from the higher
spiritual ones, and when arrived at the turning-point, be
reabsorbed again into the infinite."
ISIS I 6 - 7

Cycles of History -- Cataclysms

"...the ancients [divided] human history into cycles... At
the close of each "great year," [21,600 yrs = 6 x
3,600]...of six sars our planet is subject to a thorough
physical revolution. The polar and equatorial climates
gradually exchange places...This change of climate is
necessarily attended by cataclysms, earthquakes, and other
cosmical throes. As the beds of the ocean are displaced at
the end of every decimillenium and about one neros [ 600
years--totaling 22,200 years ], a semi-universal deluge like
the legendary Noachian flood is brought about. This year
was called the Heliacal by the Greeks...The winter of this
year was called the Cataclysm or Deluge,--the Summer, the
Ecpyrosis [fire]. The popular traditions taught that at
these alternate seasons the world was in turn burned and
deluged." ISIS I 30-31
[ Ocean p. 121--25,868 yrs., HPB Art III, p. 265 fn ]

"...while the new America was forming the ancient Atlantis
was sinking, and gradually wasting away;...the future fate
of your British Islands, the first on the list of victims
that have to be destroyed by fire (submarine volcanoes) and
water, France and other lands will follow suit. When they
reappear again, the last seventh Sub-race of the 6th Root
race of present mankind will be flourishing on "Lemuria" and
"Atlantis" both of which will have reappeared also (their
reappearance following immediately the disappearance of the
present isles and continents), and very few seas and great
waters will be found then on our globe, waters as well as
land appearing and disappearing and shifting periodically
and each in turn."

"...the approach of every new "obscuration" is always
signaled by cataclysms--of either fire or water. But apart
from this, every "ring" or Root Race has to be cut in two,
so to say, by either one or the other. Thus, having reached
the apex of its development and glory, the 4th Race--the
Atlanteans were destroyed by water; you will find their
degenerate, fallen remnants whose sub-races,
nevertheless...had its palmy days of glory and relative
greatness." M L p. 156

End and Beginning of a New Cycle - Transition

"...those guardians of the primitive divine revelation, who
had solved every problem that is within the grasp of human
intellect were bound together by a universal freemasonry of
science and philosophy, which formed one unbroken chain
around the globe. It is for philology and psychology to
find the end of the thread. That done, it will then be
ascertained that, by relaxing one single loop of the old
religious systems, the chain of mystery may be
disentangled...only ancient religions were in harmony with
nature, and ancient science embraces all that can be known.
Secrets long kept may be revealed ...The cycle has almost
run its course; a new one is about to begin, and the future
pages of history may contain full evidence, and convey full
proof... [1897-98]..." ISIS I 38

"The cycle is moving down, and, as it descends, the physical
and bestial nature of man develops more and more at the
expense of the Spiritual Self." ISIS II 366

"Our cycle is preeminently one of such soul deaths. "We
elbow soulless men and women at every step in life." ISIS
II 369

"If, for generations we have "shut out the world from the
Knowledge of our Knowledge," it is on account of its
absolute unfitness; and if, notwithstanding proofs given,
it still refuses yielding to evidence, then will we at the
End of this cycle retire into solitude and our kingdom of
silence once more...We have offered to exhume the primeval
strata of man's being, his basic nature, and lay bare the
wonderful complications or his inner Self...and demonstrate
it scientifically...It is our mission to plunge and bring
the pearls of Truth to the surface...For countless
generations hath the adept builded a fane of imperishable
rocks, a giant's Tower of Infinite Thought, wherein the
Titan dwelt, and will yet, if need be, dwell alone, emerging
from it but at the end of every cycle, to invite the elect
of mankind to co-operate with him and help in his turn
enlighten superstitious man. And we will go on in that
periodical work of ours; we will not allow ourselves to be
baffled in our philanthropic attempts until that day when
the foundations of a new continent of thought are so firmly
built that no amount of opposition and ignorant malice
guided by the Brethren of the Shadow will be found to
prevail." M L p. 50-1

Transition Cycle

"We are the bottom of a cycle and evidently in a transitory
state, Plato divides the intellectual progress of the
universe during every cycle into fertile and barren
periods...We are in a barren period the eighteenth century
during which the malignant fever of skepticism broke out so
irrepressibly, has entailed unbelief as an hereditary
disease upon the nineteenth. The divine intellect is veiled
in man; his animal brain alone philosophizes."
ISIS I 247
[WQJ I 211, LET 71-2, OCEAN 4, 50 55, 126, IS II 366-9]

"...I told you long ago to expect many and great
disturbances of all kinds as one cycle was closing and the
other beginning its fateful activities. You already see in
the seismological phenomena of late occurrence some of the
proof; you will see a great many more and shortly..."
M L 396

Using Cycles -- Each has to Will and do it for

"Good resolutions are mind-painted pictures of good deeds:
fancies, day-dreams, whisperings of the Buddhi to the Manas.
If we encourage them they will not fade away like the
dissolving mirage in the Shamo desert, but grow stronger and
stronger until one's whole life becomes the expression and
outward proof of the divine motive within...In the eyes of
the "Masters" no one is ever "utterly condemned." As the
lost jewel may be recovered from the very depths of the
tank's mud, so can the abandoned snatch himself from the
mire of sin, if only the precious Gem of Gems, the sparkling
germ of the Atma, is developed. Each of us must do that for
himself, each can if he but will and persevere...Your acts
in the past...cannot be obliterated, for they are indelibly
stamped upon the record of Karma, and neither tears nor
repentance can blot the page. But you have the power to
more than redeem and balance them by future acts. Around
you are acquaintances, friends, and associates...who have
committed the same and even more grievous faults, thro' the
same ignorance...Show them the dreadful consequences of it,
point them to the Light, lead them to the Path, teach them,
be a missionary of love and charity, thus in helping others
win your own salvation. There are innumerable pages of your
life record still to be written up, fair and blank they are
as yet...seize the diamond pen and inscribe them with the
history of noble deeds, days well-spent, years of holy
striving, So will you win your way ever upward to the
higher planes of spiritual consciousness. Fear not, faint
not, be faithful to the ideal you can now dimly see...Learn
to look at men below the surface, and to neither condemn nor
trust on appearances." --K.H.
Letters From the Masters of Wisdom, p. 60-2

Manvantaras and Pralayas

"It is but matter (or material man) which is compelled by
its own weight to descend to the very bottom of the "circle
of necessity" to there assume animal form; as to the winner
of that race throughout the worlds--the Spiritual Ego, he
will ascend from star to star, from one world to another,
circling onward to rebecome the once pure planetary Spirit,
then higher still, to finally reach its first starting
point, and from thence--to merge into mystery. No adept has
ever penetrated beyond the veil of primitive Kosmic matter,
The highest, the most perfect vision is limited to the
universe of Form and Matter." M L p. 47

"The progress of man throughout the whole--from its starting
to its closing points meeting on the highest point of its
circumference--is what we call a Maha Yug or Great Cycle,
the Kuklos, whose head is lost in a crown of Absolute
Spirit, and its lowest point of circumference in absolute
matter--to viz. the point of cessation or action of the
active principle...The great is the Prototype of the smaller
cycles: and as such each star world has in its turn its own
cycle of Evolution which starts with a purer and ends with a
grosser or more material nature...Propelled by the
irresistible cyclic impulse the Planetary Spirit has to
descend before he can reascend. On his way he has to pass
through the whole ladder of Evolution, missing no rung, to
halt at every star world as he would at a station...when the
Spirit-man reaches our planet, which is one of the lowest,
having lost at every station some of the ethereal and
acquired an increase of material nature, both spirit and
matter have become pretty much equilibrized in him. But
then he has Earth's cycle to perform..." M L

Final Cycle ? -- Endings -- What Then ?

"When the Spirit-man has reached the last bead of the chain
and passed into final Nirvana, the last world also
disappears or passes into subjectivity...When the last cycle
of man-bearing has been completed by that last fecund earth;
and humanity has reached in a mass the stage of Buddhahood
and passed out of the objective existence in to the mystery
of Nirvana--then "strikes the hour;" the seen becomes the
unseen, the concrete resumes its pre-cyclic state of atomic
distribution. [ describes how after rest and sleep the life
functions reawaken and continue ]...planetary development is
as progressive as human or race evolution, the hour of
Pralaya's coming catches the series of worlds at successive
stages of evolution; (i.e.) each has attained to some one of
the periods of evolutionary progress--each stops there,
until the outward impulse of the next manvantara sets it
going from that very point--like a stopped time-piece
rewound...all these planets will be physically disintegrated
in the pralaya, yet not destroyed; for they have their
place in the sequence of evolution and their "privations"
coming again out of the subjective, they will find the exact
point from which they have to move on around the chain of
"manifested forms." repeated endlessly throughout
Eternity. Each man of us has gone this ceaseless round, and
will repeat it for ever and ever. The deviation of each
one's course, and his rate of progress from Nirvana to
Nirvana is governed by causes which he himself creates out
of the exigencies in which he finds himself entangled.

This picture of an eternity of action may appall the mind
that has been accustomed to look forward to an existence of
ceaseless repose. But their concept is not supported by the
analogies of nature...We know that periods of action and
rest follow each other in everything in nature...and
that...all nature...has her times for recuperation. So with
the spiritual individuality, the Monad which starts on its
downward and upward cyclic rotation. The periods which
intervene between each great manvantarian "round" are
proportionately long to reward the thousand of existences
passed on various globes; while the time given between each
"race birth"--or rings as you call them--is sufficiently
lengthy to compensate for any life of strife and misery
during that lapse of time passed in conscious bliss after
the rebirth of the Ego..." M L p. 67-8

The Future, -- Some Glimpses of Cycles to Come

"...our present continents, have--like "Lemuria" and
"Atlantis"--been several times already, submerged and had
the time to reappear again, and bear their new groups of
mankind and civilizations; and that, at the first great
geological upheaval, at the next cataclysm--in the series of
periodical cataclysms that occur from the beginning to the
end of the Round,--our already autopsized continents will go
down, and the Lemurias and Atlantises come up again. Think
of the future geologists of the 6th and 7th races. Imagine
them digging deep in the bowels of what was Ceylon or Simla,
and finding implements...every object of the civilized
portions of humanity that inhabited those regions having
been pulverized to dust by the great masses of traveling
glaciers,--during the next glacial period--imagine him
finding only such rude implements as now found among those
savage tribes [Veddhas and Paharis]; and forthwith
declaring that during that [Simla] period primitive man
climbed and slept on the trees...hence jumping to the
conclusion that in the year 1882 A.D., mankind was composed
of "man-like animals," black-faced and whiskered, "with
prominent prognathous and large pointed canine teeth..."
M L p. 151-2

"Our 4th Round Humanity has its one grand cycle, and so have
her races and sub-races. The "curious rush" is due to the
double effect of the former--the beginning of its downward
course;--and of the latter (the small cycle of your
"sub-race") running on to its belong to the 5th
Race, yet you are but a Western sub-race. Notwithstanding
your efforts, what you call civilization is confined only to
the latter and its off-shoots in America. Radiating around,
its deceptive light may seem to throw its rays on a greater
distance than it does on reality.--There is no "rush" in
China, and of Japan you make but a caricature...What do you
know of America, for instance, before the invasion of that
country by the Spaniards?

Less than 2 centuries prior to the arrival of Cortez there
was as great a "rush" towards progress among the sub-races
of Peru and Mexico as there is now in Europe and the U.S.A.
Their sub-race ended in nearly total annihilation through
causes generated by itself; so will yours at the end of its
cycle...We may speak of the "stagnant condition" into which,
following the law of development, growth, maturity and
decline every race and sub-race falls into during its
transition period. It is the latter condition your
Universal History is acquainted with, while it remains
superbly ignorant of the condition even India was in, some
10 centuries back. Your sub-races are now running towards
the apex of their respective cycles, and that History goes
no further back than the periods of decline of a few other
sub-races belonging most of them to the preceding 4th
Race...a few, miserable dozens of centuries...Beyond--all is
darkness for it, nothing but hypotheses." M L 149-50

Sun Cycles

"It is the Kernel [of the concealed Sun] from which proceed
to spread on their cyclic journeys all the Powers that set
in motion the atoms in their functional duties, and the
focus within which they again meet in their seventh Essence
every eleventh year." SD I 290 [ see Thy 23-520 ]

All beings in action cause the cycles. G. N.

Weather cycles and the Planetary motions
Thy 19-571, 238 Thy 22-373, Thy 23- 379, 427 (rainfall),

Natural and Cosmic cycles affect the Earth Thy 20-262

"There is a secular change in the inclination of the earth's
axis, and its appointed time is recorded in one of the
Secret Cycles." SD II 726

"There are cycles of 7, 11, 21, 77, 107, 700, 11,000, 21,000
M L 272

Cycles of time Lucif 5-321


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