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RE: Re: Seth/Enos (Enoch) Patriarchs and the Rishis.

Jul 13, 2002 05:23 PM
by dalval14

July 13 2002

Re: Patriarchs and Rishis

Dear Reed:

You got me. No idea off hand, although I have some vague
memory of reading about that.

I think I got it: See H P B LETTERS TO A P SINNETT p. 194
bottom to 195: "...made to see all I have to as though in
my dreams...Thus all the Patriarchs from Adam to Noah
...parallel with the Rishis...(and a great deal more) "

Of course in The SECRET DOCTRINE she says they are
convertible with the Rishis and the Prajapatis
(progenitors -- I 355) (II 129, 318), they are she says a
"key" to the Bible (II 536)

Babylonian and Egyptian "gods" (I 266, 655) and the

Chaldeo-Judaic "gods" (I 349).

The "higher gods were made into "Patriarchs (I 390-1, II

Jehovah as Shaddai, was also a "Patriarch ((II 509).

Seth and Noah were of the 7 Patriarchs (II 266, 360fn, )
[ see TRANSACTIONS pp. 3-4 - Elohim)

Related to Zodiacal signs (I 651. II 391fn, 426 - cycles of

Well I guess my old notes (and in this case memory guess)
do help.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Reed Carson []
Sent: Saturday, July 13, 2002 9:05 AM
Subject:: Seth/Enos (Enoch)


Thanks for the quotes.


there is an obscure quote on the Patriarchs I would ask you
about. It is not in the SD and not in Isis. I think it is
in "How the SD
was written" by Boris DeZirkoff. I don't seem to have that
short (and very
valuable ) document around. I think it quotes HPB as saying
something to
the effect that the masters were showing her what the
contents of the SD
would be and as an example she says how the Patriarchs would
be shown to
represent early groups of peoples. Would you know where
that quote is?

We constantly hear about us references to the ages of the
Patriarchs and we
ought to have the facts at our fingertips.



At 01:50 PM 7/11/2002 -

>We will now look into the insight HPB gives on the
characters of Seth,
>Enos and Enoch.
>Remember, Seth is listed as the son of Adam and Eve, while
Enos is the
>son of Seth.
>Enoch is listed as both the son of Cain and the son of
Jared in the
>Sethian line.
>1-HPB makes the point that just as Adam and Eve, Cain and
Abel are
>symbolic fo the early races of man, so Seth and Enoch
continue the use of
>names as symbols.
>SD II: 125-126 ...the first and original meaning of Enos,
the son of
>Seth, was the First RACE born in the present usual way from
man and
>woman--for Seth is no man, but a RACE. Before him humanity
>hermaphrodite. While Seth is the first result
(physiologically) after the
>FALL, he is also the FIRST MAN; hence his son Enos is
referred to as the
>"Son of man." (VIDE INFRA.) Seth represents the Third Race.
>SD II: 715 fn Though we apply the term "TRULY HUMAN,"
only to the
>Fourth Atlantean Root-Race, yet the Third Race is almost
human in its
>latest portion, since it is during its fifth sub-race that
>SEPARATED sexually, and that the FIRST MAN WAS BORN
according to the now
>normal process. This "first man" answers in the Bible
(GENESIS) to Enos
>or Henoch, the son of Seth (ch iv.).
>2-HPB next makes the point that Enoch has been used as a
symbol for a
>whole group of superior men as well as for a race.
>SD II: 134 It is the Third, the last semi-spiritual RACE,
which was also
>the last vehicle of the divine and innate Wisdom,
ingenerate in the
>Enochs, the Seers of that Mankind.
>SD II: 267 fn As to Enoch, Thoth or Hermes, Orpheus and
Kadmus, these are
>all generic names, branches and offshoots of the seven
primordial sages
>(incernated Dhyan Chohans or Devas, in ILLUSIVE, not mortal
bodies) who
>taught Humanity all it knew, and whose earliest disciples
assumed their
>master's names.
>SD II: 361 Seth and Enos were borrowed from the Sabeans and
>disfigured by the Jews (exoterically); but the truth can
still be traced
>about them in GENESIS. Seth is the "progenitor" of those
early men of the
>Third Race in whom the "Planetary" angels had incarnated--a
Dhyan Chohan
>himself, who belonged to the INFORMING gods; and Enos
(Hanoch or Enoch)
>or Hermes, was said to be HIS SON--because it was a generic
name for all
>the early SEERS ("Enoichion")
>SD II: 211 Thot-Hermes is a generic name, as is Enoch
(Enoichion, the
>"inner, spiritual eye")), NEBO, the prophet and seer, etc.
It is not the
>proper name of any one living man, but a generic title of
many adepts.
>Their connection in symbolic allegories with the serpent is
due to their
>enlightenment by the solar and planetary gods during the
>intellectual Race, the Third. They are all the
representitive patrons of
>the Secret Wisdom.
>SD II: 532 To accept Enoch as a Bibical character, a single
living man,
>is like accepting Adam as the first one. Enoch was a
generic title,
>applied to, and borne by, scores of individuals, at all
times and ages,
>and in every race and nation...Enoch, or its equivalent,
was a
>term...which meant "Seer," "Adept in the SECRET WISDOM,"
etc., without
>any specification as to the character of the title-bearer.
>3-All this leads to the understanding of the connection of
Enoch to the
>Phoenix which HPB explains:
>SD II 617 The Phoenix--called by the Hebrews Onech (from
>symbol of a secret cycle and initiation)...
>Comments or questions?

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