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RE: [bn-study] RE: Color and Music

Jul 03, 2002 05:13 PM
by dalval14

July 3 2002

The force of Thought underlies all Music, sound and words.
The motive when we generate them determines their value.

Dear Friends:

The impact of choice is a universal and automatic impression made of
the surroundings. Those surroundings consist of "monads" in
evolution. We call them by their appearance: minerals, vegetables,
animals, humans, etc... The components of these gross forms are
living monads -- points of life. These are the "eternal pilgrims."

The concept of the immortal monad as a "pilgrim" is yet to be
recognized. Science however posits the eternal (perpetual) motion of
those atoms and their components.

Theosophy goes a step deeper and says that those are indestructible
and that their progress is ever forward towards a higher kind of
consciousness, a greater awareness of their environment and a learning
of their own powers (as integral parts of the whole Universe).

Our choice is always a deliberate one, hence we make an impress,
however light, on our surroundings. This aspect of interactive life
is yet to be generally recognized. If we listen solely for our
pleasure the impression is of that purpose. Is it selfish? We alone
can answer that, because we alone determine our MOTIVES.

All sounds and vibrations carry a force. Science demonstrates this.
Words are framed by MINDS. They carry this additional force. ( Try
listening to a good speaker or a bad one. Listen to a good singer or
a bad one.)

The impact on us depends also on our understanding of the nature of
sound, music, poetry, rhythms, and MEANINGS. In time they attenuate
and may fade away. But the original impact always remains dormant in
every part of that energy that expands through the Universe. We may
not be aware of those vibrations, but that does not mean they do not
exist and produce some effect on us and on others.

We participate when we listen. We can refuse to listen, and shut out
the sounds.

We generate potential effects when we act, be it in receiving or in
generating, song, or in writing, or anyway. We are responsible for
those potential effects.

Those who receive and then consider them with their MINDS, assume a
certain responsibility in doing so. We allow, or debar, the effect of
music, words, etc... depending on our understanding of them and the
effects they convey to us. This can be proved any time by carefully
examining the effect on us of such stimuli.

The use of swear words in conversation conveys a carelessness and an
indifference to the refinements of thought. They are expressions of
emotion, however careless or casual. They simply indicate we are
faced with an individual who is adolescent, or even childish, and one
who has not realized the importance of thinking. He or she is unable
to express themselves intelligently. The have yet to learn to think
and use words that have meaning. Wee are then looking at an emotional
wreck fit only for the language of the lowest aspects of humanity --
the crude, the rude, the careless, the boorish, the tyrant, and the
fool. Who desires extensive contact with those ?

I would say it is indicative of the general counter-tendency in the
world: to dumb people down. To prevent them thinking and asking
intelligent questions. To encourage reliance on amusement and
pleasure as the only basis for living. If the majority of humanity
can be kept at a kamic (desire and passion) level of life then they
can be all the more easily manipulated. To what end does a life of
emotionalism lead? What is there that is inspiring there? Do we
treasure the biographies of idiots or of Sages? What makes the
difference ? Is a Caesar Borgia respected, or a Solomon? Do we pay
honor to Machiavelli, or to Jesus who tried to reform a whole tribe ?

Most of us, for instance read or listen to the "news." It is a
selection of high spots, usually the evils and the horrors of life are
recounted or made visual. Why this fascination with the extremes?
Why this desire for unintelligent emotionalism? Each ought to answer
this for themselves.

Theosophy presents us with the concept of a totally interactive and
vibrating universe in which life's experiences always add to a greater
capacity to understand the root causes of all events. Most care
nothing for those. For them the unimagined and indistinct future is
an area of continuous surprise, and wonder. If their fancies are
magnified, then they believe they are being entertained.

But who recalls the movies or news of say, a month ago in any detail ?
Who draws the lessons from history and its unrolling? who looks on
their daily participation as important? Who envisages for themselves
a truly viable and useful future ?

As you suggest most of us use words without considering their
potential effect. Can this be changed now that our attention is drawn
to this fact ?

Finally, in my esteem, the whole panorama of our life is determined by
our purpose. I is to be one of greatness and of assistance? Or is
it to be one of selfish isolation ? Each none determines this for
themselves. Which is the more valuable ?

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: chris
Sent: Wednesday, July 03, 2002 6:41 AM
Subject: RE: Vibrations, Color and Music

Is it then, a matter of what you make of it? Is choosing to listen to
music something that may be inderectly selfish? This is way over my

Now I can ask this as well: on the subject of sounds and language, they only carry the amount of force and energy that the
originator put into them, or do they resonate/disintegrate on their
depending upon the recipient and the environment?

I ask because there are so many instances where people use the
'four-lettered words' in casual conversations; and, I would venture to
say that they [the words] do not carry literal and intentional meaning
in most cases. They are used as 'coulourful metaphors'[?] adjectives,
adverbs. Colloquial as they are, vulgarism is not foremost in the
mind when the word or words are said. Is that just ignorance of the
power of words, or do we infuse the words with the power through
intended mind action?

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