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Re: Theos-World Some words of Mahatma Gandhi on the Jews

Jun 28, 2002 09:38 AM
by Frank Reitemeyer


>It is interesting that the article starts out with the phrase, "The
>Jewish Question", which is the phrase the Nazi's used in their plans to
>exterminate the entire Jewish population of Europe, and, eventually, the

The "Jewish Question" was raised f.e. by the Jew Karl Marx in his 1848
pamphlet "On the Jewish Question" and that is more that 70 years before the
Nazi entered the stage.
The Jewish Question was also raised by many Jewish writers in Germany.
The German Reich under Kaiser Wilhelm II. (he himself has had many Jews as
was named "New Palestine" by the known anti-semit Wilhelm Marr (of whom is
said that he was a Jew).

BTW, it was only some days ago that I saw again on tv news that Yad Vashem
in Tel Aviv shows continually the faked photo were a German soldier shoots
with his rifle a woman with her little child in her arms. This is of course
a fake. The photo is well known and the whole right part is cut. The
cut part shows that before the woman there are enemy soldiers who shoot
this woman and the German soldier directs his rifle to this enemies - not to
kill the woman, but rather to protect her.

Only one example of many that one has to develop discrimination power to see
the difference between Truth and warfar and post warfare and created myths
for politicial purposes.

>And, as I stated before, Gandhi's entire thesis is based on a lie: that
>the only evidence Jews have that Palestine was their homeland is the
>Bart Lidofsky

Seems that you support the Jewish interpretation. From the view of Aryan
thought Mahatma Gandhi spoke the truth.

And he did NOT say that the bible is evidence that Palestine is Jewish
homeland, he on the contrary said that to the Jews it is so - but it is NOT
the truth. There is no biblical evidence for that - and there is in Aryan
thought or pukka Theosophy also no further evidence for it, it is an
exoteric, twisted, misunderstood and misused MYTH. (A! There is the REAL
anti-judaism! That is to make the Jews believe that there is something in
the bible which in fact is not)

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