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RE: Theos-World RE: What tricks us...opinions ? Corruption and dealing with it

Jun 24, 2002 05:21 PM
by dalval14

June 24 2002

Right on. BROTHERHOOD s an active effort does it all.



-----Original Message-----
From: Morten Sufilight []
Sent: Monday, June 24, 2002 4:04 PM
Subject: Theos-World RE: What tricks us...opinions ? Corruption and
dealing with it

Hi Dallas and all,

Well Dallas, thanks for the answer. It helped.

Dallas wrote in the below:
"One thing is certain: no crisis comes to any one of us unless we
> previously generated the Karma for it, wither earlier in this life
> in some earlier life. Is it again a meeting of victims and
> aggressors? How can the matter be resolved? Are we prepared in
> advance for a set of circumstances in which our "Higher Mind" has a
> key to control?"

Allright Dallas. There is individual Karma, and collective Karma. HPB
goes into that.

The Key to Theosophy - - Section 11:

"ENQUIRER. Do I, then, understand that the law of Karma is not
necessarily an individual law?

THEOSOPHIST. That is just what I mean. It is impossible that Karma
could readjust the balance of power in the world's life and progress,
unless it had a broad and general line of action. It is held as a
truth among Theosophists that the interdependence of Humanity is the
cause of what is called Distributive Karma, and it is this law which
affords the solution to the great question of collective suffering and
its relief. It is an occult law, moreover, that no man can rise
superior to his individual failings, without lifting, be it ever so
little, the whole body of which he is an integral part. In the same
way, no one can sin, nor suffer the effects of sin, alone. In reality,
there is no such thing as "Separateness"; and the nearest approach to
that selfish state, which the laws of life permit, is in the intent or
motive. "

And further

"........ENQUIRER. That is a sad but beautiful letter, and I think it
presents with painful conspicuity the terrible workings of what you
have called "Relative and Distributive Karma." But alas! there seems
no immediate hope of any relief short of an earthquake, or some such
general ingulfment!

THEOSOPHIST. What right have we to think so while one-half of humanity
is in a position to effect an immediate relief of the privations which
are suffered by their fellows? When every individual has contributed
to the general good what he can of money, of labour, and of ennobling
thought, then, and only then, will the balance of National Karma be
struck, and until then we have no right nor any reasons for saying
that there is more life on the earth than Nature can support. It is
reserved for the heroic souls, the Saviours of our Race and Nation, to
find out the cause of this unequal pressure of retributive Karma, and
by a supreme effort to re-adjust the balance of power, and save the
people from a moral ingulfment a thousand times more disastrous and
more permanently evil than the like physical catastrophe, in which you
seem to see the only possible outlet for this accumulated misery.

ENQUIRER. Well, then, tell me generally how you describe this law of
Karma? ......"

My view:
So let us become like those heroic souls and saviours of our Race and
Nation !
Men ridicule what they do not properly understand.

Time is an illusion.
The law is God and good.
Good is not bad.
God is not bad.
The law is Karma.

And Edwin Arnold says on Karma:

"It knows not wrath nor pardon; utter-true,

Its measures mete, its faultless balance weighs;

Times are as naught, to-morrow it will judge

Or after many days.

* * * * *

Such is the law which moves to righteousness,

Which none at last can turn aside or stay;

The heart of it is love, the end of it

Is peace and consummation sweet. Obey."

A view:
Let us then create peace on this Planet. Let us together remove
ignorance and corruption.

Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: "AA-B-Study" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 23, 2002 9:14 PM
Subject: Theos-World RE: What tricks us...opinions ? Corruption and
dealing with it

> June 23, 2002
> Dear Friend:
> Re: corruption, and what Theosophy suggests as methods of dealing
> with it. (My opinion)
> The counter-questions and comments are very well taken if the
> position, as one of the embodied mind is taken -- as we all have to
> use that tool, (I mean the Kama-Manas -- the mind enwrapped in
> passions, emotions and desires) as this is a period in which it
> operates, and through which the Inner, the Divine man, the true
> THINKER is forced to work.
> Theosophy states that in the process of perfecting ones' self, the
> lower Mind ( Kama-Manas) has to become the voluntary associate of
> HIGHER, the DIVINE MIND, resident in each of us and also called by
> some THE HIGHER SELF. It has to begin as soon as possible to apply
> the principles of virtue (to be founding the Higher Mind -- or
> BUDDHI-MANAS) practically.
> Now how can the power of the divine thought of the TRUE IMMORTAL MAN
> be invoked ?
> I did not say to do nothing against "corruption." I would say
> positively: If Karma brings you an instance of corruption then you
> can say you have a duty to fight to have it exposed and redressed.
> Corruption cannot stand exposure, but one has to have FACTS AT HAND
> do this. Without such facts that can be presented to any one, we
> powerless. We can verbally protest, but the FACTS alone are the
> desiderata.
> If you don't fight against corruption, then you connive to its
> continuing. That is not one of our duties. One should also
> that evil can never survive the light of day. The evil man always
> pretends to be virtuous, and to act in a rect, moral manner.
> The corrupt official is a subordinate of one or more supervising
> individuals or entities. All such independent entities have a
> judicial standing, they exist by statute and free election. And all
> are framed on rules and regulations which can be invoked publicly in
> case of corrupt obstruction. If persuasion and the threat of
> is disregarded, then it is necessary to use the hammer of justice
> demand that an unjust situation be exposed and reversed. The case
> be presented before one or preferably a group of senior officials,
> other interested parties at the municipal, county, state and
> levels. You say politics. I say humanity. Politics are always
> right in ideal, and are usually part wrong in execution. How can we
> have final justice unless all agree to practice sincerity, honesty
> truth. Those have real power, and no amount of argument from the
> "lower manasic" point of view is fund to be very helpful.
> Yes even to the death. I honor both great men and I knew and met
> Gandhi personally years ago and was deeply impressed by the
> and honesty he showed forth. I then met Coretta King many years
> and was also impressed with her. But knowing a fine and upright
> person means that we can also be upright and fearless. What keeps
> fearful? many things. Are we prepared to submit to that? Now that
> is a test leveled squarely at us and our integrity, as a member of
> society.
> I would say as a student of Theosophy that death is no punishment.
> Rebirth of the Spiritual and deathless SOUL is a fact. This is not
> said t be permissive. It merely means we ought to consider the end
> result of any situation we are in.
> If we stat from the high ground of being an immortal, the threats
> by those who live on the "dark side," have little worth. Let's say
> you find yourself i a situation where your loved and dear ones are
> threatened unless you comply with some illicit action. What to do ?
> This is a horrible situation. But it has, and embodies the
> truth: The one who threatens depends upon your fear to secure your
> compliance. He also depends on your belief that he will honor his
> promises if you comply. Is this so? How can you trust any one who
> already proved to be dishonest? How do you know that the will
> with their promises after you do what they want? In extreme cases
> promise of torture or death is employed and has historically been
> used. it is an extreme instance.
> Suppose you comply. Then does the situation vanish ? Are you sure
> that you will have your loved ones released? or will all be killed
> because the perpetrator is fearful. of being later recognized and
> identified. Dead lips tell no tales. I know this is horrible to
> contemplate.
> Theosophy suggests that we preview all possibilities, and then shape
> our response.
> A carjacker gets into your car and tries to compel you to drive,
> a weapon threatening you. You hold the wheel. You actually hold
> life hostage depending on how you drive. So it can be compliance or
> stand-off.
> There is not a simple single event in life that does not present
> decisions. In these cases the threat is extreme. Are we ready for
> such an emergency? What are the real moral tests?
> As far as I can see Theosophy presents us with the principles of
> living over a long range of several life times. Are we to
> investigate, and then trust? What criteria are we to develop in
> advance of a crisis?
> One thing is certain: no crisis comes to any one of us unless we
> previously generated the Karma for it, wither earlier in this life
> in some earlier life. Is it again a meeting of victims and
> aggressors? How can the matter be resolved? Are we prepared in
> advance for a set of circumstances in which our "Higher Mind" has a
> key to control?
> Well that's my opinion as I would base it on Theosophical concepts
> philosophy. See if it appeals to you.
> Best wishes,
> Dallas
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