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Re: Theos-World Re: Question, that tricks us...opinions ?

Jun 22, 2002 01:38 PM
by samblo

Nice comment and very defined. Decades ago I was in my "Book" phase, and
cultured my energy on some topic of interest and urgency. Culturing my 
energy in 1 pointed focus with determination like Daniel told by the 
informing Angel
to take of this and eat it (a Book) I followed what I told friends was 
"My Red Thread",meaning my ergos and cultured energy to have it lead me to 
find the present focused defined need. In Rare Book Dealers shops in 
Hollywood it lead and even
found books they claimed they did not have by "Feeling" and scanning 
the shelves
from one location, then having determined a general area "Feeling" that, 
and finally
the book was before me in the locked cabinet to the exasperation of the 
Dealer. It 
was not too rare to literally have a book I searched for fall off a 
shelve and hit me in the head. Finally one Dealer the owner of Cherokee 
Books on Hollywood Blvd. told
me "I don't know how you do that-but I have seen it enough that I will 
not try to 
interest you in other works right now"

Nicolas Flammel,one of the most famous of the Alchemists has in the 
forepart of
his work on the Alchemical Symbols this instructive content:

"Part of these things thy mind will prompt thee to,
And part, some god will teach thee how to do"

So, your comment about "phases" that appear and change in time in the 
life of
seekers seems true and valid to me. thanks.


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