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Re: Adam, Eve and differentiation

Jun 02, 2002 11:39 AM
by gddsssuze

Excuse me for interjecting here, I would like to add a few ideas that 
may make some sense on this subject and, please, allow me to 
introduce myself... my name is Suzanne. I have been listening in on 
this list for several years now and tho I perfer to remain a listener 
amongst all the great words, thoughts and ideas presented here, this 
current subject is very near and dear to my heart and head and having 
studied for many years this subject through the great works of the 
mystic seer Jacob Boehme, I felt compelled to say a few words. I'll 
be brief....

It is my understanding that if primordial man had never fallen from 
his purely spiritual (celestial) state and had "refused to create" 
(via his imagination), he would of never have learned to know the 
wonders of creation, the unfoldment of the third principle (nature). 
And so, the external (terrestrial) world, as we know it, was created 
by Adams fall.

You see, again, my understanding, Adam was of an early race not yet 
physical in nature. He was of the essence of the angelic celestial 
world created in the image (light) of God, his Father. But, Adam, 
the individual light (spark) of God, began to pale as his individual 
desire (lust) for life in the terrestrial world grew more.... and 
eventually Adam fell asleep to celestial light world and awoke in a 
world between light and darkness, our terrestial world. And so, man, 
in essence, is a mixed individuality distined to be an image 
according to the inner and also according to the outer world. But, 
Adam fell victim to his own magic (the magic of his imagination), and 
now, for the time being, his magnificence was (and still is) gone. 
Sleep signifying death to the celestial world, God's Paradise, and 
surrender to the terrestrial world. The terrestrial world had 
conquered Adam and now ruled over him. (Please do not be misguided by 
brievity of my words here... for greater understanding of this idea 
and it's magnificence, I highly recommend the book, 'Mysterium 
Magnum' by Jacob Boehme) But, here is the point to remember... that 
man, was not endowed with this third principle (that of the element 
of the body wherein resides sensual desire) for the purpose of 
surrendering himself to it, but that he was endowed with this 
principle so that he might introduce it into the light of God and 
glorify Him by means of that light. In Boehmes' words, "The external 
world is also of God and belonging to God, and man has been created 
therein, so that he may bring again the external into the internal 
one; the end into the beginning."

As for idea of differentiation, Boehme states, "The soul of Adam 
[Eve] fell in love the creation of the formed word in its 
differentiation, and not being conscious of the power of 
distingushing, she entered into lust, into differentiation."

And after Adam awoke... "Adam having lost the power to recognise the 
true woman, the eternal virgin within himself [his soul, Eve] it was 
necessarry that he should have an external objective substitute to 
whom he might be attracted, so as to stimulate his power to love; 
which would have entirely died out without such an object, or would 
have degraded him still lower by turning into desire for still lower 
beings in the scale of evolution" (from the thoughts of Franz 
Hartman). (I believe HPB, in the Secret Doctrine, mentions this 
degradation which may have resulted in a tribe of monkeys descended 
from aboriginal man.) It is important to remember here too, that 
while Eve initiated the fall of Adam it is also Eve and only Eve that 
can raise Adam again to his celestial beginnings. 

At any rate, the history of Adam is truly the history of Mankind as a 
whole... it's too bad the real truth our beginnings is lost now days 
in the literal meaning of words. 

Wishing you all a happy and glorious Sunday afternoon.
Most sincerely,

--- In theos-talk@y..., r.c.rivera@a... wrote:
> Dallas wrote: The spirit-soul in every human is held to 
> be an immortal which ever reincarnates as it grows 
> wiser, using many bodies, but always the same as to 
> I always wondered about this idea. It made me wonder 
> how the immortal part, as a spark(?) of the Infinite, 
> came to "start over again", as in needing the 
> opportunities to "grow in wisdom". Like if we are 
> immortal sparks of the Infinite, how did we arrive at 
> NOT being able to partake of the wisdom that is within 
> us by birthright? The Infinite was expressing itself in 
> matter and the denser the matter became, the further 
> consciousness separated from the Source of wisdom. I 
> know the fundamental Theosophical dogma answer for it 
> but I was looking for a more intuitive one. Is it all 
> within and we are too encrusted to realize? Is it part 
> of the plan (is there a plan?) of evolution to relearn 
> wisdom through many lifetimes or can we just snap out of 
> it at some point? Does the Infinite express itself in 
> the unrolling of evolution and the slower we progress 
> the more varied are the patterns are to be seen and 
> appreciated? I think of a kaleidoscope and how when you 
> turn it really slow it offers more beautiful and varied 
> joys of viewing.
> Any thoughts?
> Just wondering. :)
> Ruth
> > In each human three lines of evolution will be found combined and
> > interlaced: 1. The SPIRITUAL, 2. the Intellectual/psychic, and 
> > the physical.
> > 
> > The spirit-soul in every human is held to be an immortal which 
> > reincarnates as it grow wiser, using many bodies, but always the 
> > 
> > The whole of Nature is rules by equity -- laws that are fair and 
> > for all.
> > 
> > This is a brief answer.
> > 
> > Best wishes,
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Dallas
> > 
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Lady Firla [mailto:lilaroma@h...]
> > Sent: Monday, May 27, 2002 10:45 AM
> > To: study@b...
> > Subject: [bn-study] RE: Adam and Eve
> > 
> > Hello everyone!
> > 
> > I was wandering through a used bookstore yesterday, and found a 
> > titled,
> > "Ancient Landmarks", written by Blavatsky and printed by the 
> > Lodge of
> > Theosophists. Of course, I just couldn't resist bringing it home 
> > me!
> > Giggle, grin! :) I also couldn't resist sending an email to a 
> > to
> > ask him what he knew of Blavatsky's works - he is quite well read 
> > many
> > areas, but has concentrated primarily on The Golden Dawn 
studies. I
> > found
> > his perspective to be thought-provoking, and I would like to share
> > what he
> > wrote with you:
> > 
> > "I must confess a certain amount of ignorance when it comes to
> > Blavatsky. I
> > know she wrote a huge book called "The Secret Doctrine". I have 
> > read
> > it. I believe she also helped form the Theosophy movement with a 
> > called
> > Rudolph Steiner and I have read some Steiner, many years ago. It 
> > to do
> > with there being seven basic stages and evolution passes us 
> > each of
> > these stages. Like first there was grass, then next is insects, 
> > animals - dogs, cats - then humans and then like "Supermen". 
That's a
> > real
> > brief summary and it's probably kinda off. But you get the idea."
> > 
> > I have 2 questions that I would like to ask for your opinions on:
> > 
> > #1 - What do you think of this description of Theosophy?
> > #2 - In what stage of evolution does Theosophy place things like 
> > biblical story of Adam and Eve? Has any progress been made in the
> > evolutionary stage of humanity since the creation of "the first 
> > 
> > Thank you!! :)
> > 
> > Love & Light to All,
> > 
> > Debbie :)
> > 
> > 
> > CUT
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
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