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Re: [bn-sd] Re: "Lumen sit corpus"?

Jan 25, 2002 01:57 AM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 01/21/02 7:16:19 PM, writes:

>Jumping around increases the possibility of understanding. To bring
>together and reflect on all the writings, each time coming up with a
>different combination of writings that can bring about hopefully a deeper

Excellent idea. That's how the unified field theory of ABC was derived, and 
how we can see where all modern and postmodern scientific theories (that are 
for the most part consistent with ABC) -- from relativity, quantum, chaos, 
simplicity, complexity, Superstrings, M-branes, etc. -- were all presaged in 
the Secret Doctrine (and paraphrased by WQJ in the Ocean of Theosophy). 

Unfortunately, many of these scientific theories, limited to the physical 
matter plane only, and without their being based on the unifying fundamental 
principles (as ABC is), contradict or limit each other in one way or another. 
It's too bad that most scientists of this age still haven't carefully 
studied the Secret Doctrine (with the above "jumping around" idea in mind:-) 
and correlated it with their own disciplines -- which, if they did, would 
enable them to integrate all their inconsistent and contradictory scientific 
theories into one fundamental true science. Whenever this could come about, 
perhaps the rest of the world, following the lead of their scientific 
"gurus," might all become theosophists and accept and practice its moral and 
ethical precepts -- which could lead to a true universal brotherhood of all 
sentient beings, and ultimate peace on Earth.

> Jumping to Mr. Judge's Ocean Page 37 "What is Life" At the beginning
>of Chapter V it states "It is like mother earth in that it is made up of a
>number of infinitesimal "lives". Each of these lives is a sensitive point."
>That all we see in the phenomenal world is the effects of the "sensitive

As symbolically pictured in the primal field involution diagram (see ** 
below), and with references to my previous posts on the subject of universal 
origin of ("coadunate but not consubstantial") Astro Biological Coenergetic 
(ABC) fields, that emanate from a zero point surrounded by infinite energy in 
the form of dimensionless and eternal (abstract) spin or "spinergy" -- this 
"sensitive point" mentioned by WQJ is the same "zero point" of universal 
origin that is "everywhere" (in primal or "vacuum" space) at the centers of 
origin of every subsequent coenergetic field as well as at the junction of 
the energetic rays or surface contact points between each surrounding and 
each twin field within every triune monadic field -- whose cross section 
shape may be pictured as a figure eight within a circle. (Note the symbolism 
of the infinity sign within the zero sign -- indicating the fullness and 
emptiness of the primal beginning, and its relationship to the Chinese Tai 
Chi symbol of Yin/Yang.) 

These "sensitive" zero points, being everywhere as well as ONE with the 
static center of the angular motion of spinergy (the root of manifest energy 
or matter) are also the root of manifest spirit or consciousness, as well as 
of the "life" energies that pervades all that is was or ever will be in the 
manifest universe -- from the tiniest atom, through all the kingdoms of 
nature, to the most complex sentient organisms (i.e., mind beings or 
"Mankind" on the physical plane -- which are yet imperfect reflections of the 
super-conscious beings on the higher mental planes). 

>Jumping again is this sentence of latin stating that all Light has a cause,
>or is the body of a cause?
>Does :"The light is a body is it not". relate to what is further stated in
>the "Ocean of Theosophy"; "Life is not the result of the operation of
>the organs, nor is it gone when the body dissolves. It is a universally
>pervasive principle. it is the ocean in which the earth floats; it
>permeates the globe and every being and object on it. it works unceasingly
>on and around us, pulsating against and through us forever. When we occupy
>a body we merely use a more specialized instrument that any other for
>dealing with both Prana and Jiva." Prana is breath and Jiva is life. "..
>and also is applied to the living soul, for the life in general is derived
>from the Supreme Life itself..." All the effects we see around us have
>a cause.

This is another lead which indicates that the figure eight ray path inside 
and circling around the initial triune monad of the overall universal field, 
not only is the pattern of energy flow of the first manifest "light," but is 
also identical to the energy form or polar "spin" pattern of light on each 
subsequent lower monadic plane or field phase -- which form never changes as 
involution proceeds from the higher to the lower frequency phases or energy 
levels. Thus, the field structure of light is identical to the structure of 
all Monads; The primal force of the universe, represented by light, is 
"electrical" in nature; And, the cause of light is the primal "spinergy" tied 
to and circling in an analogous and continuously repeating spiral pattern (8 
in 0) around its (outside of time and space) "zero" or "Laya" point -- which 
could be considered as the absolute cause or "rootless root" of all. 

This 3-dimensional geometric pattern of a ray of light, in cross section 
forming two spirally spinning circular fields within a surrounding circular 
field is also identical to the flow of the lines of force of the initial 
non-dimensional spinergy. Thus, light has a specific body form (as WQJ 
points out) which, as it spins, is polarized in all angular directions 
perpendicular to its direction of propagation. Thus, on each plane, an 
individual ray (photon or wave front) of light (analogous to all electrical 
energy waves on any plane of consciousness, such as electrons, astrons, 
mentons, etc.) still carries the initial spin of its central zero point. 
This spin of the entire monad is the cause of the twisting of space (and the 
root of "friction" or "affinity") that induces a magnetic field surrounding 
any moving electrical force on any plane of consciousness. This magnetism is 
what transfers the electrical wave form modulations containing holographic 
information from one coenergetic field level or plane of consciousness to 
another. And, is the way holographic magnetic information patterns induced in 
the brain through the sense mechanisms are transferred inductively to the 
higher (spirally coiled) fields of the mind and memory. (Similar to the way a 
modulated electrical voice message can be induced in and picked up by a wire 
coil placed next to or surrounding the telephone wire carrying the original 
electrical signal.) 

Thus, we "see" (perceive) internally -- from the zero point center (third 
eye) of our individual monadic field (in coadunation with the zero-point 
representing the higher Self, and also with the zero points of each rod and 
cone of the retina) -- a replication in the astral light of the holographic 
sidereal light information reflected from external objects that are impressed 
on the rods and cones of our eyes and holographically transduced electrically 
and magnetically by the brain -- to eventually be replicated in the 
astral-mental-memory fields. The hologram image patterns in these fields are 
reconstructed into the holographic astral image we "see" by the coherent ray 
of astral light sent out from the pineal gland lased through its internal 
(SiO2) crystal structures. Ref: WQJ's teaching in the Ocean about the ray we 
project from the eyes. (I assume he meant the "third eye".) 

Since all field zero-point centers are coadunate, a similar process 
analogously occurs in every other sense channel. This coadunation of all 
zero points also explains why we *feel* the pain of a pin prick at the 
zero-point of the cellular field that was penetrated, and identify that point 
with our individual zero-point of self awareness. Another confirmation of 
this process is that we taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, and hear 
behind the ear drums -- some paths being electrical and others being optical, 
chemical, or mechanical. 

>From an objective point of view, such a theory of holographic information tran
sfer from one (coadunate but not consubstantial) level, field or dimension of 
consciousness to another is the most parsimonious solution possible to 
scientifically explain the mechanisms of sensory perception, and fulfills the 
principles of Occam's razor. It also explains how all such information is 
transferred to the higher akashic fields -- which, being of near infinite 
frequency and energy and closest to the eternal "spinergy" surrounding all 
coadunate zero-points, can retain such "memories" throughout eternity... All 
of this being in close consistency with the teachings in the Secret Doctrine, 
and as they are further explained in the Ocean of Theosophy. 



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