Re: Theos-World RE: Creating yet another duality.
Jan 25, 2002 01:56 AM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 01/20/02 7:33:48 AM, writes:
>(LHM) It is essential that, in order to create a complete circular or
>spherical entity starting with the emanation out of the primal
>zero-point of the first ray of manifestation, the ray must complete its first
>repetitive path in three cycles -- forming a figure 8 within a surrounding
>circle -- which eventually spirally revolves into two inner spheres within
>an outer sphere. These three elements (circles or spheres), as an
>interconnected unity, constitute the root nature of all succeeding triune
>consisting of differentiation's analogous to Atma, Buddhi, Manas. (e.g.,
>Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva;
>Kether, Binah, Chokmah;
>Mulaprakriti, Purusha, Prakriti, etc.)
>DTB This kind of Diagram is PLANAR. Have you tried to make
>it 3-dimensional?
LHM: The planar diagram described above (as a figure 8 inscribed in a
circle) is simply the 2-dimensional symbolic representation of the first
triple circle formation of the ray initially emanating from the primal
zero-point center on only one axes of the subsequent triple axes spherical
form that eventually evolves. Since the zero point spinergy also turns in all
angular directions simultaneously, the ray, when manifest, as it repeats its
repetitive triple cycle path (passing twice through the central zero-point of
origin over and over again) will wind completely around each of the triple
spheres in a spiraling pattern much like a thread winds over the surface of a
ball of yarn.
In other words, due to this triple axis polar spin (related to the 6
directions of 3 dimensional space) the initial ray winds itself around the
outer spherical surface as well as the twin inner spherical surfaces by
eternally repeating its three cycle vertical path while the central point
also spins in its horizontal directions. The initial eternal angular motional
energy, or spinergy, even though non-polar in itself (having zero dimensions)
actually is spinning in several angular directions simultaneously. Thus, when
this nonlinear spin throws off its linear ray upon initial manifestation and
generates the triple cycle based form, the central zero-point's nonlinear,
non polar spin directions resolve into spherical surface rotations on three
polar axes at right angles to each other.
Since the inner Buddhi-Manas spheres are enclosed within the outer Atma
sphere (thus, coadunate with it) and their spherical surfaces are connected
with their inside-outside and their outside-inside, much like the single
surface of a two dimensional mobius strip or a 3 dimensional klien bottle --
to picture this winding of the ray around the triple spherical surfaces is
extremely difficult. We might, however, visualize this continuous path
3-dimensionally, as being the surfaces of two transparent bubbles enclosed
within an outer transparent bubble -- whose combined surfaces are connected
to each other through their three zero points of contact -- where the rays
cross over from one sphere to another on their endless spiral path.
The linear geometric form that can be inscribed within the triple sphere
structure is the octahedron or diamond, that has four upper triangular sides
or quadrants and four lower triangular sides, as well as three polar axes at
right angles to each other -- with six outer points and four square bases
crossing through their centers at right angles to each other. This
corresponds to the outer spherical field of the initial monadic form that has
four upper and four lower quadrants formed between the three rotational axes
at right angles to each other. HPB noted this correspondence in her
reference to the "Diamond Heart." (I'm sure you will have the page
references.) Incidentally, when looked at transparently from different
points of view, all two dimensional mystical symbols can be projected from
this diamond shape and the shape of the triune spherical monad.
>DTB You would have 3 spheres as a kind of pyramid enclosed within the
>larger sphere -- which has "center no-where and circumference
>Could this be, in one aspect, the DIVINE TETRAKTYS ?
(LHM) When considering the discussion of the triune form of the initial
monad and their coenergetic relationships, this view of three spheres as a
kind of pyramid inside another sphere is illogical from both a scientific and
an objective geometric point of view. (Although, in some diagrams of the
Sephirothal or Brahmanic tree the three top emanations or spheres are
sometimes shown in a triangular form surrounded by a circle that symbolically
represents their unity.)
However, in our scientific (geometric) view, the descending energy spheres at
each stage of differentiation from one plane to the next must involve
analogously and correspondingly in the form of a triune group of coadunate
spheres (2 in 1) as described above... In this progression, each inner
sphere would have its own central zero-point -- which, in turn, generates a
continuously repetitive three cycle energy flow of increased substantiality
and lesser energy that forms the next inner or lower triune monad. Imagine
this descending process progressing in accord with the simultaneous
involutional growth, from the center outward and the top down, as
symbolically pictured in the primal energy field (cross sectional) diagram at:
Note the correspondences to all the sacred numbers and geometry's as well as
the theosophical fields of consciousness, chakras, koshas, worlds, etc. In
the first stage of triune monadic field involution there are three spheres (2
inner and 1 outer) . In the second stage there are seven spheres (6 inner
and 1 outer). And in the third stage, there are fifteen spheres (14 inner
and 1 outer). See the zero points of conjunction between one field and
another as Chakra points as well as centers of consciousness. Also, the
pyramid structure is expressed by the inscribed diamond (double pyramid) form
that has the same geometric correspondences to the spherical form of the
monad and its inscribed dual fields. In addition, if we consider all three
axes of spin in each monadic sphere, there would be 7 zero points of contact
with adjacent fields in each of the three worlds. This corresponds to the
center and six outer points of the inscribed diamond form.
Because of this essential trinity of primal structure along with the unity of
origin -- we might say that the "DIVINE TETRAKTYS" would be better considered
as; The sum of (A) the essential triple nature of the initial unmanifest
"spinergy" representing the three worlds of Matter (that, in its
potentiality of emanating the spherical triune monadic forms, can involve and
evolve into infinite circumferences surrounding inner and outer spherical
coadunate and coenergetic fields that are "nowhere") -- added to (B) the
primal "zero-point center" representing Spirit or consciousness (that, even
after manifestation remains dimensionless, coincident and coextensive and,
therefore, is "everywhere,").
Note that even though we have attempted to picture the spheres as if they
were actually 3-dimensional physical bubbles within bubbles within bubbles,
this too, is only a metaphorical or symbolic representation -- since the
universal space is both physical and nonphysical, and the different fields
representing the 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13 stages or planes of initial involution
are all on different levels or dimensions of consciousness, as well as at
different degrees, phases or spectrums of frequency and energy, and thus,
immeasurable and non illustratable in ordinary physical terms.
I hope you find this more or less scientific view of the involution of fields
of consciousness (starting with the universal Monad) consistent with the
teachings of cosmogenesis in the SD.
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