RE: Theos-World RE: PARABRAHM -- the ABSOLUTE -- Universal ATMA ( ATMAN) etc...
Jan 12, 2002 06:00 AM
by dalval14
Saturday, January 12, 2002
Dear M S
Thanks -- some notes below in answer and further query -- inn
your text
-----Original Message-----
From: M--------n S------t
Sent: Friday, January 11, 2002 6:46 AM
Subject: RE: PARABRAHM -- the ABSOLUTE -- Universal ATMA ( ATMAN)
Hi Dallas and all of you,
Thank you for your interesting answer in the below.
Well Dallas -
I really disagree with you, because of my own inner experiences.
But let us see.
The below is just my view and what I offer:
1. You wrote: "Parabrahm and KARMA are ONE."
***I agree so very very much on that. But ParaBrahman is even so
also beyond Karma - or Transcending Karma. That is what I know !
ALL. For us who are a part of IT in Manifestation , and evolving,
IT is the Eternal background to all. Everyone of us is a MONAD --
A Spiritual being wrapped in Matter. Hence I would say KARMA is
one of its attributes. In any "manifestation" the Universe is
the product of the amalgamation of all KARMA.
Karma is imprinted on the plastic nature of every Monad. A
"Monad" in manifestation is a closely intertwined amalgam -- a
UNIT of SPIRIT-MATTER-MIND. It is far "smaller" than the "atom"
conceived of by our 'science.' We might think of it as a Power
or a Center of force from which radiate in all directions, the
"force fields of Brotherhood and interactive relations of all
kinds: intellectual as well as emotional.
ParaBrahman could with its free will transform any human to a
high master - just like that - without paying respect to the Law
of Karma ! That is what I put forward. Well ParaBrahmn doesn't do
that so often these days - for reason of within the nature of
ParaBrahman. Ignorance will not find the answer - but removal of
it - certainly will.***
DTB Observation and deep thought would tend to show that
PARABRAHM never acts. it does contain the POTENTIALITY of every
action. It is the source of all being, of all law, of all
wisdom. It does not create anything, but periodically Universes
manifest, and eventually they die and their experience is rolled
back into the Unmanifest (Parabrahm). Later, under ITS immutable
LAW that we call KARMA, all components roll out again and a fresh
Universe (out of the old materials now placed in fresh
configurations according to their inherent Karma) are formed.
One must always remember that we think and speak from the point
of view of the SPIRITUAL Monad (which is our HIGHER MIND). It is
Buddhi, the Vehicle of Atma in conjunction with Manas (forming
Buddhi-Manas) which has voluntarily taken on the limitations of
its many layers of matter.
It does this so as to let the Monads (of lesser experience) live
and work out their own "Path" to PERFECTION -- which is also the
"path" to "Liberation" if they choose it, when they achieve the
Karma-less state of perfection for any one Manvantara. [ See
VOICE OF THE SILENCE the last 4 pages.]
But I would think it a grave mistake to believe that Parabrahm is
like a "Personal God," which is said by priests to do things
according to "His" arbitrary whim.
I would rather say that it is the parent and the GUARDIAN of the
LAWS and LAW. It is ever-present, but at no time does it ever
interfere with the free-will of any of its component parts. it
is there. but it refrains from acting. It encourages by its
presence, the independent choices of it component Monads, and, to
elevate their aim towards universal and impersonal SPIRITUAL
KNOWLEDGE and, thus, engage in the daily practice of benevolence
and brotherhood.
It does not require further advancement (for itself). it is the
If you open the S D Vol. I to pp. 207 to 210, you will find a
description of a very WISE Personage who has sacrificed his
SPIRITUAL CONDITION to remain as a kind of Planetary Director for
our Earth -- as an inspiration for us all. There is further
information given about this situation in ISIS UNVEILED, Vol II,
pp 98-103.
But it offers every one of its multitude of components
( Monads ), the right to choose their own Path. We as humans
with Minds are in this situation.
We think of Parabrahm as Truth, as Perfection, as Omnipotence
which never acts directly, but only through its independent and
free-willed components -- the Monads.
2. ***Why the Monad suddenly gets important here - I don't
DTB The MONAD is said to be the final and ultimate component of
the UNIVERSE. It is said to be ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS intertwined as
a single UNIT -- this is the INDIVIDUALITY which constantly
reincarnates to assist the embodied mind ( Lower Manas, the
"Lower Self") to self-develop and escape from the ever changing
limitations of "matter."
3. You wrote: "Reincarnation as a process of initiation and
development, of the
ONE SPIRIT getting to KNOW ITSELF is eternal -- it goes on
***No Dallas. Seen from a lower level of conciousness - this is
true. But from a even higher level - this is a lie - or at least
partly a lie.
A more real truth is, that There is only ParaBrahman - as HPB
states : "Omnipresent", "Unspeakable" "Unthinkable". So this
"reincarnating forever" buisness - you have going Dallas -
'forget' that for a while, - don't even think - "transcend
thinking"- (i.e. THINKING) then you will get enlightened and
understand. ParaBrahman is immense - please don't underestimate
DTB You are right Parabrahm ought not to be underestimated. But
the fact we can THINK about it and its nature, implies that a
portion of IT is resident within each one of us and forms the
basis for Universal Brotherhood. It also provides the basis for
our thinking in such a high spiritual manner -- it is another
proof of the inner HIGHER SELF in each one of us.
Those who think - reincarnates - forever. Those who transcends
thinking, - they transcends time - and - they - merge with
ParaBrahman. - I am talking about - a transcended future - where
all is transcended. Does this help ?
DTB Yes, I think you are right as the MONAD which perfects
itself -- but read the last 4 pages of the VOICE OF THE SILENCE.
The moment of Truth is given there for all to read and decide on.
VOICE OF THE SILENCE is available at to
read or to download.
4. You wrote:
"The SECRET DOCTRINE has to be truly and humbly studied again and
again. There, resides the entrance to the "Path." And if The
SECRET DOCTRINE is based on the ancient stanzas of DZYAN recorded
in that universal secret sacerdotal scripture and tongue, recall
also, that the verses in the VOICE OF THE SILENCE are derived
from the same source."
***Well yes Dallas - or at least - just ONE "Path" out of many.
The Voice of Silence came form a scripture in South India. So
maybe, there are some clues in South India - on ancient
scriptures and languages. Maybe even on Wivans/Vimanas. Anyone -
any comments ?***
DTB The Vimana are mechanical flying vehicles or contrivances and
are classified under the 6 Anjanis (Sciences) as Yantras -- that
is as I understand it. And the coded texts that describe them are
preserved by certain Brahmin families.
But this has NOTHING to do with the Perfection of Wisdom,
individually, as described in the VOICE OF THE SILENCE (the last
4 pages).
I am not sure of a South Indian source for the VOICE OF THE
SILENCE as H P B says in the preface to that small but highly
valuable book that it is derived from the STANZAS OF DZYAN -- and
the Senzar -- the universal secret sacerdotal tongue of
5. You wrote:
"From our own limited perceptions in the "here and now" we tend
to mentally endow all "things that are named" with a form, a
substance and a limit in terms of TIME for their existence."
***I agree.***
6. Dallas wrote: "Excuse if this long and rambling -- it merely
shows that there
are several ways of approaching this study and H P B has covered
***All right Dallas. I suggest, that you keep it more short.***
7. Love can only be got through Love. The fruit of Mental -
communication is Mental communication. The fruit of Love is Love.
The fruit of dry talk is dry talk. Let us teach - the Secret
teachings - of all ages.
Let us always keep our hearts open.
thank you Dallas
Feel free to do your best
from S---------
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