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Good -Evil -- Karma --Human evolution

Jan 02, 2002 05:24 PM
by dalval14

Dear Friend:

To answer your several questions:


Yes there is one UNIVERSAL DIVINE PRINCIPLE. Some call it GOD.
(Unfortunately some make the error of thinking of IT as a
gigantic MAN. IT is not that, although it is everywhere and has
been in and through the human-stage and gone far beyond that. It
is the Intelligent part of the Universal It is also called
NATURE -- and in the old days in Greece it was: PAN -- the
anima of the Universe -- present everywhere.)

HEART -- as a symbol

In man it resides in his inmost essence, symbolized by the
"heart." But then, look at the heart - it has blood vessels that
carry the rivers of our life (blood) all over the whole body. We
could call the "Heart" an organ that touches the entire body and
yet it has a center which pumps and energizes the whole. It is a
"universal organ" so far as our body is concerned. The Brain and
its nervous system is another as the ramifications from the
brain -- the nerves -- go everywhere in the body and are also
universal to it.

Karmic Law

We could carry the analogy farther and call the Laws of Karma the
blood life and currents that pass everywhere in our visible and
invisible Universe. Each Monad is like one of the many kinds of
cells and blood corpuscles -- some carry the oxygen and then
remove the carbon dioxide, some defend the body against evil
invaders (diseases) and some carry away the dead cells and the
attackers and these are dumped into our channels of excretion

So there is constant movement and exchange and all is Intelligent
and moves under Karmic law. Even the migration of birds and the
eating of fish by other fish, and the flow of the rain water into
rivers and then back into the ocean are examples of Karmic law
acting in the animal and elemental kingdoms in Nature. Karma,
you see, rules everything and is the intelligent agent for
universal brotherhood in mankind, as well as all the rest of
nature -- the whole physical universe and the individual
intelligence of every being is perfectly integrated and
universally related. Karma is UNIVERSALLY active and welds all
aspects of Nature together. It is an impersonal force, and is
either "good" nor "bad" of itself. Human choices and actions
make it seem to be either good or bad.


If you think about it you will see that we, the plants, animals
and minerals are all composed of atoms and molecules, and these
are in constant motion. They are being exchanged as the
life-currents flow from one to the other under Karmic laws of
affinity. Atoms of air, gasses like oxygen, hydrogen, carbon
dioxide, nitrogen are everywhere in the world and universe. They
are in all forms of matter as water, gasses, and even minerals
when the combine with other elements to make oxides and
biological compounds as well as rocks, plants, animals, and the
bodies of all men and women. The Law of Karma and the Universe
touches and regulates all these with its universal harmony,
balance and INTELLIGENCE. These are facts that Science agrees
to, but they cannot explain how and who this works. Theosophy
does. It adds the ethical and moral aspect and plane of living
to the merely physical. It gives reasons for sensitivity, for
the effect of good and evil choices.


Since Karma, SPIRIT and Wisdom, are present everywhere, all
beings are BROTHERS. All humans belong to ONE FAMILY: The
Family of Man. We have to learn to look on all, as brothers, as
reincarnating fractions of the ONE GOD -- hence we should not, we
cannot hate or feel any annoyance at others, no matter what they
do. But we may pity them for their ignorant actions and try to
educate them if they will let us. If they hurt us, still we ought
to refuse to allow any hatred to arise. Pity and compassion
reconcile all errors, but we have to insist on our doing that
inside ourselves, in our own consciousness, regardless of their
reaction or rejection.

We have been reincarnating together for millions of years, but we
do not recall in every new brain-mind (as a returning baby /
infant) the relationships we used to have with others. It is a
grave error to think of any others in this life, as strangers,
regardless of where they may come from, or what religion they now
have, as "strangers." They, whom we do not recognize this
incarnation, may have been our parents, our children or other
close relatives in previous lives when we reincarnated together
then. Theosophy widens our perspective with these ideas.
Universal Brotherhood is the first principle to understand.


Similarly the LAW OF KARMA is universal. It is the foundation
Law of the whole Universe. It helps every being, whether it is
an atom, a man, or a world to progress along with every other
portion of the entire UNIVERSE. It unites all, and makes
universal HARMONY the objective of living so that mutual and
voluntary assistance is normal. As I said above, we, each of us
individually have to do our part. We have to refuse to retaliate
and to give our tolerance to the errors that others might impose
on us.

Theosophy, considers that the whole Universe, our World, and
ourselves down to the most minute particle of an atom in our
bodies, are under these uniform, sensitive, generous, and
compassionate LAWS. Yet the same laws have an educational force.
It is they which return to us good or evil according to our
previous or earlier thoughts, feelings and actions of the past.
We are made to experience the exact result of our previous
decisions. No one else but us is responsible for them.


At this point Theosophy states with great force: We ought not to
make ourselves the instruments for the "bad karma" of another.
Let Nature take care of adjustments. But if we see that many are
threatened by the actions of one who is evidently insisting on
evil, we can restrain them, and refuse to carry our their
orders -- even if it means pain and sorrow for us. We have to
remember that at the base of their innermost nature they are
spiritual beings, but in them the clouds of passion and vice have
obscured their Spirit and have prevented it from being perceived
and from acting through the body..

The reason for this is that the whole Universe exists for the
purpose of assisting every aspect of the Soul potentials of every
being there., It treats all monads, however situated, as beings
on the common path of evolution, which takes care of the rights
and prerogatives of every component.


An atom (as a vehicle for a spiritual Monad) has rights, the same
potential rights to grow and rise in experience and power, as
does a human. A planet has "rights" (as a united mass of beings
all evolving together) and so does a Sun, or a Galaxy. Nature --
the UNIVERSE -- sees to their observation of the LAW, and to the
protection of the weak. Every being has a right to exist and to
be assisted in its living by all others. The Law of Karma is
Universal and can be traced and seen operating everywhere.

All those Laws interact in areas of life that are "below," as
well as "within," the level of consciousness and thought that are
those of mankind. What are those levels? Briefly they are those
that make a body possible -- the laws of chemistry, biology,
physics, mathematics and psychological intelligence -- finally of
the independence of the mind as faculty as well as its
independently acting to become the "creator" of its own "future."

THEOSOPHY, then, looks at EVOLUTION as a totally integrated and
sympathetic whole. It speaks of Monads -- as the basic and
individual points of consciousness that make up the whole of
Everything -- Universal Space. And in that SPACE -- which has no
limits discernable to us, either in terms of minuteness or in
terms of greatness -- we live as individual, eternal Monads of
Consciousness and Life. And, so do all other beings. The whole
is alive and each one is necessary to all the others.


It is the Spiritual MONAD, immortal and eternal, that is named
the Eternal Pilgrim. The definition given to the Monad is SPIRIT
( a Ray of the One Universal SPIRIT) in conjunction with a speck
of Primordial MATTER -- named BUDDHI (wisdom) -- which means "the
accumulated WISDOM of experience." [A shape or form built up of
"matter" has, embedded in each "material half (Buddhi), an active
memory of all its experiences over an immense past -- which means
that the electro-magnetic fields, moved by Life, Desire and Mind,
are ready to assume any form which Nature directs or finds to be


We most usually, as individuals when we are awake and attentive,
think of ourselves as the body or the form we live in. But
Science, as well as Theosophy, holds that the "form" -- any
"form" -- depends on the electro-magnetic FIELDS underlying it.
Science does not determine who, or how those electro-magnetic
fields are established -- say, for the atoms, the molecules, the
cells, and various other structures -- alloys and crystals for
minerals, for plant life, branches, leaves, flowers and seeds,
and then, the forms, intelligence and powers of animals, insects,
fish, and infusoria, and finally, for the animal structure we
humans use: the human body itself. But Science acknowledges
that the body as an "effect" is there as the vehicle or container
of the individual consciousness that animates millions of cells,
molecules and atoms into a coherent whole, and to this it gives a
CONSCIOUSNESS of selfness ( "I AM I" ).


Theosophy says, on the understanding that the rules of analogy
and correspondence are universal, that underlying those fields of
force, are the currents of LIFE-ENERGY, and in turn (looking at
the human constitution) the Life-Energy is dependent for its
existence on two factors: 1, our FEELINGS ("desires, vices,
selfishness and passions"); and 2, on our MINDS -- which not
only carry memory, but are creative, and project visions of
possible improved futures which we can adopt and work towards.


It should then be clear that the element of free-choice resides
in the human Mind, as it can base its decisions on the IDEAL LAWS
of the Universe, or on the selfish and isolated desires of the
personality, which lasts for a single life-time. The Lower Mind
in this case is our "tool." We are the PERCEIVER, the Director
of our Higher Minds. But when we ask: "Who are we ?" the answer
is: WE are the divine Pilgrim, the Human Monad, a Ray from the
ONE SPIRIT, which has chosen to incarnate again into a material
situation, for the benefit we (as a spiritual being with
experience) can offer to the "monads of lesser experience" which
are now undergoing their own evolution in a realm, and in
personal situations, where moral and ethical values are to be

Of the "Monads of lesser experience," there is one, which we
could call our "Lower Mind." It is this that becomes the
director and the chooser for all the rest. It is ourselves, as
we are here and now, using our bodies and directing them. those
of us who become wise and aware of this can direct themselves to
idealism, to altruism and to universal acts based on a vision of
the unifying ONE SPIRIT.

To repeat, Theosophy holds that the ruling Intelligence in every
unit of mankind is a Monad -- deathless, immortal -- which is
undergoing repeated experiences in living under the fundamental
Rules of Universal Law -- called Karma (action and reaction in
Sanskrit and Hindu philosophy). It does this as a gift to the
emerging intelligence that will in time become consciously
independently immortal, and worthy of the trust implied in
knowing the rules and harmonizing with the laws of nature.


The tendency, as many incarnations pass, is to further
individualize the "Lower Mind" -- the pilgrim Monad, and place an
increasing responsibility (as it is with growing children) on it
for its own, more responsible progress. This progress is always
self-chosen. It demands that Man pay attention to his
environment so as to learn its work and potentials, then to
harmonize himself with other Human Monads. We all progress
together as a great Unit made up of individual tendencies, so
that the seeming individual discords and differences are
consciously harmonized and trained to meld with others, who are
our brother immortals.

The eternal Monad that we are, is contained within its form made
up of several "principles -- astral, psychical, mental,
spiritual -- and within the more universal plane shared with all
beings, and in all circumstances of living, our awareness is
being expanded.). As said, these laws are set, so that the
existence of "Monads of lesser experience" and "Monads of greater
experience," may live together in brotherhood, the more advanced
being expected to lend the hand of friendship and experience to
those who have had less. The teacher/pupil relationship is a
universal one. Every family, every community, every nation
witnesses it.


In no case is any terror, torture, or destruction a part of the
duty of any Monad in its relations with other monads. If and
when this might happen (because of selfishness, misunderstanding,
a desire for isolation) a distortion in impressed on those Monads
who are our charge, our "children," entrusted to us, and under
our guidance and tuition. Should we distort them, and then
release them into the world to follow other paths of natural
attraction open to them, they are incorporated elsewhere, but,
eventually they cycle back to us.

When this happens, a mass of those so distorted by us, become,
for us, the basis for an accident, or circumstances that bring
the same kind of pain and sorrow on us -- as we had imposed
earlier on some other Monad. This, is the balancing process of
Nature -- which seeks to teach us the responsibilities of virtue,
all the time, of equity, honesty and brotherhood in regard to all
beings. This, in effect, is what the Great Souls, the Mahatmas,
achieve -- to be an impersonal Force for GOOD in Nature.
Theosophy is a record of their observation and teaching, for us
to study, test, and apply when we are satisfied it is useful and

In other words the process and Path of Evolution in the Universe
is not natural when there
is oppression, judgment, or discipline imposed by the "arrogant
mighty," on the "weak and defenseless." To do this in secrecy is
specially abhorred -- it adds hypocrisy to the burden of "bad
karma" and evil in the world.


As human Monads, we are said to be endowed with independent
Minds. This independence of the Mind gives the Great Ones the
capacity of perceiving all the invisible records of the Past of
every being, as they are impressed on the leaves of the
imperishable "Akasa." The Akas is the living, super-sensuous
plane where a record of all ranges of vibration, electro-magnetic
effects, and, self-conscious decisions are made. As Humans,
observing others, we may judge their act and the words, but we
are never sure that our "judgment" is accurate. Certainly it is
not the INDIVIDUAL MONAD who may have erred, but only its
reflection embedded in the mind and the desire nature of a human.
At no point have we the wisdom to impose an ideal punishment that
compensates the victim for his injury and suffering, and to the
oppressor a full consciousness of the error made. Nor are the
Mahatmas such "judges." NATURE which sees all and feels all, and
KNOWS all is alone equipped to handle the educative and the
re-adjustment process.

Nor are we empowered to retaliate or mete out judgment to a
"sinner," or one whom we may judge to have erred. [ A review of
our own lives in memory will show that there have been many a
moral error that has not been publicly revealed, nor have we been
held accountable -- a form of hypocrisy -- but the infinite
sensitivity and wisdom of Nature holds us fully accountable, as
it has an imperishable record of all we have thought, felt and
done. ]

EVIL -- Can it be defined ?

What then is evil? Put is very simply. It is an unwitting, or a
deliberate transgression against the law of BROTHERHOOD which is
paramount in our evolutionary process. IT IS THE BREAKING OF

Breaking Nature's laws, and unfairly, or unjustly, making another
a victim, is an evil.

The only mitigation we can offer after the event, is to expose
our error to the victims and attempt to make immediate and full
restitution. Delay on our part, merely adds to the eventual debt
we will have to repay.

One might say that the eternal Law of the World and the Universe
is: HARMONY and Progress. Anything that distorts or delays
this, is an "evil."


And, Nature alone has the wisdom and the POWER to take care of
those transgressions and repair the harm done. It is also
charged with the education of the Monads who unwisely create
evil. They have to be brought (by Nature, impersonally, not by
men) to see the error of their decision. Circumstances and
accidents are brought to bear (by Nature), from WITHIN the form
of the transgressor. This is not to be done by any "outside"
agency. It is done by Nature itself. When we create oppressive
and unjust circumstances we distort the "Monads of lesser
experience" that are under our tuition. When they cycle back to
us, they bring to us the consequences of our evil deeds or words.

Your description of the learning process is indeed a wonderful
experience. It is well known. If you wish you will be able to
find a similar one described in LETTERS THAT HAVE HELPED ME by
Mr. W. Q. Judge -- This book is available. Would you like to see
a copy ? It is available through for
reading or down-loading.

We all "learn" individually, but the communion of fellow pupils
and students is a blessing as often one's experiences and
surmises can be cross checked for accuracy and experience with

Loosing one's temper is something we observe because we are
detached. To avoid repeating this, we ought to take at least
several minutes to think thing over before answering or reacting.
If we delay we can think of some better way to secure adjustment.
We have to "slow down" our reactions, specially if we know they
are tending to be impulsive.


We are the ones who give the TRUTH to ourselves (to the Lower
Mind which is in present control of our material form). The
"Path of Liberation" implies that we separate ourselves from
impulses that arise from passion and desire. It is difficult,
but it can be done. One of the best ways is to "put ourselves in
the place of the other." This means we ought to say before
reacting: "Suppose I was the other fellow? How would I like to
be treated ? Brotherhood and the opportunity to do active "Good"
will tell us how to act.

We are "in the flesh" which is made up of Monads, because we are
responsible for their education. We cannot "liberate" ourselves
( WHICH IS SELFISHNESS) until those have been helped to develop
and become each one PURE in their turn, and fully responsible for
their own destiny. This is the great Law of SPIRITUAL


Study carefully the teachings of the after-death states. Note
that the triad of ATMA-BUDHI-MANAS ( the Higher Mind) is
immortal. The "after-death" states are of importance to the
"Lower Mind." This is the Monad that has reached the human stage
of responsibility and is learning how to live and act in harmony
with the Karmic Law of Harmony in Nature. Every good deed, word,
or impulse is in the after-death state meditated on and engrafted
on its consciousness and memory. It becomes as said earlier, an
aspect of its Buddhi-the immortal memory of its existence -- a
part of its WISDOM. This individualized "wisdom," is of course,
part of the universal WISDOM also.

In what you write you need to define exactly what "I" or "WE" are
in terms of the principles. It is the "IMMORTAL." It is the
Higher Mind become one with Atma and Buddhi.

"Faith" is a dangerous word. because it usually means to accept
without proof. Theosophy on the contrary asks us to PROVE
EVERYTHING FOR OURSELVES, so that we will transform "faith" or
"belief" into actually proved knowledge. We can do that by
carefully studying the logic in Theosophy. The KEY TO THEOSOPHY
(HPB) has to be read carefully several times.


To "pray" in secret is the same as meditation on the teachings
and attempting to prove them -- are they correct or incorrect ?
Theosophy shows us the integrated universe. No superstitions, no
"beliefs," no "magic," but always laws and sound reasons for
everything. Theosophy says that what is called "miracle" by some
is only a deeper understanding of the laws of Nature.


We can stop making mistakes if we are not impulsive. We have to
learn to take time to respond and not to answer or act on the
moment. We should always make sure that others understand our
needs and wants BEFORE HAND. We cannot expect them (except in
rare cases) to anticipate us all the time. Wisdom is not
suddenly acquired. Like all things, it is discovered; and then
made a part of our living. The rule is: "Putting ones' self in
the place of another one may not oppress or blame them. We have
to seek to express ourselves with charity and compassion. To be
wise we need to seek to assist to raise others to the common
level of all wisdom."

We will all raise ourselves together. No one is able to soar
very far beyond others.


We always have our spiritual freedom. As spiritual Monads, we
have taken on the responsibility of being a tutor to another
"Monad" -- one who also desires to acquire its spiritual freedom.
Our duty will not stop until they have acquired it. The
personality, our Lower Mind is the one we are advising. We
cannot do the work for it. It has to be encouraged to do it for
itself. This duty requires a great deal of patience. We as
Spiritual Beings have this patience, and we need to get the Lower
Mind to gain the facility of also doing this: patience,
calmness, attention, virtue in action and attention. But we
cannot force it. That would be tyranny and would be the opposite
of spiritual instruction. We can only ADVISE. We cannot force
the Lower Mind to become SPIRITUAL. It has to want to become
spiritual. You and me, and every member of the human race is in
the same condition. That is why it is reported that "God" said
to St. Paul: "My grace is sufficient to you."

What is meant there is what is just explained: The Divine Monad
(ATMA-BUDDHI-- HIGHER MIND -- our inner GOD) speaks to the Lower
Mind. It gives advice. It says: "My "grace" is "Spiritual
Advice." Consider it, and use it." This is exactly what
Theosophy teaches.


When Jesus says he will return to take the disciples with Him, it
means: "As the SPIRITUAL MONAD I will always be WITH YOU. If
you follow my advice, you will be able to raise yourself and
return to the SPIRITUAL CONDITION from which you came." (That
advice is given by Jesus ( the DIVINE MAN) to the disciples witch
are the Lower Minds that aspire to become DIVINE. [ In John, 10,
34-05, you will find Jesus turning to his disciples and saying:
"Know ye not ye are gods?"]


The "many mansions" are the conditions of spiritual wisdom which
each disciple acquires, as active faculties, to use to do good,
each in his own way and at his own pace, on his personal ascent
to re-become a DIVINE INDIVIDUAL. We are all on that "Path."
Our minds see the goal. We also see our impatience. But we "as
the 'higher aspect' of the Lower Mind" have to purify, placate,
calm and direct our own lower Mind in ways that enable it to
spiritualize itself. NOTHING IS DONE as a "GIFT," nor is any
work done for us. We have to do all the work ourselves.

It is the misinterpretation of Jesus' sayings that have caused
all the misunderstandings in the Church and which has turned
Jesus' advice upside down. All the great saints have seen and
known and practiced this. Calmness, discrimination,
impersonality, wisdom and universality are keys to
self-improvement and spiritual re-birth.

We, the Divine Self, watch the Lower Mind which is in this place
of material things all the time. It teaches by advice-- and asks
the Lower Self to judge its own actions. It says: "If you wish
to be wise, then make your judgments wisely AHEAD OF TIME and not
after the event."


The "flesh" represents the Karma of our past choices. It is made
up of "monads of lesser experience." We have used them in the
past and they have cycled back to us and to others. These "Monads
of lesser experience," have been used and impressed for good or
evil by us in the past. According to how we used them (for good
or evil) they either assist or delay us now. If we have
difficulties, we created those in the past by our free choices.
If we wish to improve our future, we should take care now not to
magnify and enlarge our old errors. It is only in the present
that we can make changes for our future. If we know something is
wrong and break the Laws of Nature (our Voice of Conscience
advises us constantly -- so we instantly know what is good or
bad) then we know, if we indulge ourselves in some vice,
secretly or openly, we merely create a painful future for
ourselves. Is it worthwhile for a fleeting pleasure (now) to do
wrong things? We cannot hide them from Nature, as there is no
such thing as secrecy, and there can be no hypocrisy in our
dealings with NATURE. [ God is omnipresent and omniscient, and
hence knows everything even our secret thoughts and acts. ]

The "flesh" is a vital part of Nature. It is not naturally
opposed to Nature, nor does it cause us to do wrong, or sin. We,
the Lower Mind choose to break Nature's Laws and create our own
sins. We cannot blame any one else but ourselves. The Karma that
threatens us is that Karma that we have created in our own past.
The "terrestrial Ego" is the LOWER MANAS -- the mind that is
involved in passions and desires, and is impulsive and selfish.
In the present we can balance and offset it if we wish to. Yes,
it will take time. Spiritual knowledge is the sword that enables
us to cut away the illusion and delusion of selfishness and vice.

Karma operates always, it is neither "good" nor is it "bad." it
is impartial. If it may be considered to have a motive, we could
say that it encourages each being to progress in harmony with all
the rest.

What is the EARTH?

As to our planet the Earth -- it is made up those elements
(Monads of lesser experience) that depend on the Spiritual Monads
(ATMA -BUDDHI-MANAS) to help the Lower Mind to become pure. The
Earth will become spiritual and pure once that we have purified
ourselves. Humanity always stands midway between the pure and
the impure. It is we, as "Lower Manas" who are the great
cleaning agents. We don't have to leave the earth and go
elsewhere. Our work is right here. In fact, Nature will not let
us roam elsewhere until our duties and tasks are finished here.
We will have assisted NATURE (GOD) to make a "heaven on earth."
Then only will our work be finished. But, it will take a very
long time, so patience, generosity, compassion and calmness are
the first virtues to be cultivated.

Yes, this is what is meant by merging the "ocean in the drop and
the drop within the Ocean." It is another way of expressing the
paradox: The SPIRITUAL and the MATERIAL, the Good and the
Evil -- are everywhere present.

It is man, because of his HIGHER MIND, who is able to serve as
the magic "philosophers' stone" that transforms evil into good
by attention, discipline and wisdom that is patiently and calmly
acquired. We have to make the determination and the effort. We
are the Eternal Pilgrims in the Army of the SPIRIT THAT IS ONE.

Best wishes, as always,

Your brother,


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