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Re: Theos-World RE: Did Blavatsky smoke hashish and drink alcohol?

Dec 19, 2001 12:36 PM
by Morten Sufilight

Hi Ho Bill, and you all on the list,

Thanks for your remarks.
I have insereted som remarks in the below - using * - stars.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Meredith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 9:04 PM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Did Blavatsky smoke hashish and drink alcohol?

> Hi Ho Sufilight,
> ----------
> > From: Morten Sufilight <>
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Did Blavatsky smoke hashish and drink
> alcohol?
> > Date: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 2:11 PM
> > 
> > Hi, Dallas,
> > 
> > I can only agree a whole lot with the below remarks of yours Dallas.
> > A very good email Dallas. Thanks.
> > 
> > But I also agree, that anyone should be allowed to say or email, what
> they want on this list - on the issue Theosophy - as long as they are
> sincerely interested in knowing about, what Theosophy is - and what it
> possibly could have to offer. Or if they have questions to ask - etc.
> How can you possibly know which of us are "sincerely interested" and which
> of us are just insincerely interested? Who is pulling whose chain here? 
> What do you propose to do with those you judge to be insincere?  
***The cat doesn't show it self - but its footprints does ! The crew behindTheos-talk - is pulling the chain - I just make remarks - and get a debatestarted. - I don't decide anything on what to do with anyone. So I couldn't really tell.***
> > 
> > I think: But let us also remember - that 'intellectual facts'
> theosophically speaking are limited in their view on truth as such - when
> talking about 'emails' etc.
> Excellent thought! Let us also remember that those who worship at the
> alter of Theosophy worship just the same. Do you have children? Is it
> your heartfelt desire that they worship you? Where else can we look for
> answers?

***Theosophy has nothing at all to do with fanatism - as you seem think in the above. We seek wisdom - and others reject that idea - and that is that. 
Please - leave my children out of this -- please. 
Where do you get the idea that - anyone should - worship anyone - in that manner, which you (more than one time) seem to have talked about it. Wisdom - doesn't imply 'worship' in the sense, which you put forward here - in fact I would say no worship at all. I would call it wise communication instead.
Theosophists studies wisdom etc. - others only study materialism ! - Beforeyou answer this email - please read the article by Blavatsky - "Is Theosophy a Religion?" - written 1888. - I think that will make something clear toyou - and maybe others.***
> > But that is just my humble view.
> > 
> > from Sufilight
> Sufilight, when I read what you offer, the word humble does not come to my
> mind. Do you want to know which word does? Or does it matter?

***Well, that is your view. And I read it. But what are the words - they could be important to mention - if so come with them - but I would suggest, that you only do it if they have a moral bearing.***
> Bill
> > 
> > 
> > 

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