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Re: Europe will lead

Dec 04, 2001 10:12 AM
by Nisk98114

Yes , AZ we have all those things you mention , but a further knowledge of 
karma would tell one that the greater the adversity the greater the 
perserverance and the growth potential is enormous for us here in the USA and 
to go elsewhere looking for the "Easy STREET" would seem a greater weakness 
than toughing it out in the greatest time of our age for TRUE growth."We 
SHALL overcome" is not just lip service for those who recognize this fact.
Our weakness , as you might call it , will become our greatest strength and 
that is why all the world has leaders that burden the populace , either for 
their detriment or their uplift and go where you will that CANNOT be 
escaped. Utopia today is INTERNAL , no longer external and to "Let my people 
go" is today a call to let go of our selfishness and our greed and develop 
through these wonderful burdens a greater , and more noble balance bringing 
about compassion above and beyond todays measly and trivial view of the 
immense panorama available to anyone who wants to prove himself a true 
citizen of the world and NOT of locale.
The sense of shared pain globally is a watershed to that development in us of 
those so greatly sought after "leadership" qualities.
No doubt we are all suffering,
Suffering is good when it can be viewed in this light i believe.
So , i wish you to find your "Utopia" and come back and tell us where it is 
and then LEAD!!!

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