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RE: Re: SD Stanza III Sloka 5. == S D I 68-9 == OEAOHOO

Nov 01, 2001 05:03 PM
by dalval14

Thursday, November 01, 2001

Dear Ramprakash:


OEAOHOO seems to be an expression on our physical plane of an
occult sound which, if viewed from the plane of our physical
matter consists of the potent vowel sounds [ English A E I O
U -- to which some aspirates like "H" might be added to show a
difference ]. Such a "word" will always remain "lost" to those
who would misuse it, or who do not know enough to keep its
effects within prudent and useful boundaries.

We could take it to be a "blind," as the sound we might make
would not, at this stage, produce much of an effect, except upon
ourselves as the first victims of our ignorance or evil desires.

Yet there are "Black Magicians" who have succeeded in securing
some occult powers and who therefore can wreck a degree of havoc.
But, fortunately this is limited, and generally does not affect
the pure in Heart, and those devoted to Brotherhood. But there
are those who have a curiosity, a desire to discover the secret
and the occult powers in Nature, and whose drive and intentions
are usually for amusement, and curiosity, if not for ambition,
and the actual power to harm and compel the obedience of others
of lesser intellect to them.

If one desires to read a couple of stories relating in general to
this, one could secure two books written by Bulwer-Lytton : 1.

I would venture to say that the use of OEAOHOO is not meant to be
literal, but, rather, to evoke some of the correlations on the
intuitive plane of the Buddhi and the Akas -- of which I would
say there are 7 on the invisible and supernal. Obviously this is
a matter for deep and intense study, theoretically, before any
practical experimental use can be attempted. One is inclined to
recall the delightful story put to music by Dukas: THE SORCERER'S
APPRENTICE. {the apprentice got use of a "word" to start the
filling of a large container with water -- but he did not know
the "word" to stop that process. His Master, returning, banished
the flood. (And got rid of the rash apprentice.) [ Conclusion:
One ought always to know how to STOP something before it is

H P B in CAVES AND JUNGLES OF HINDOOSTAN early in the book speaks
of a visit to the ancient Karli Caves near Bombay and Poona. The
visitors spent the night at a neighboring cave vihara and while
there, a tiger attacked. One of their companions stopped this.
Next morning a disciple of a local Yogi appeared, and brought
some of the hair of the tiger to them saying, as was the custom,
that they deserved a portion of that, as the attacking tiger had
been killed by "one who had the Word," and was a member of the
visiting party.

One ought to go through The SECRET DOCTRINE and draw together the
quotes and the ideas of the various 7 aspects of manifestation if
we desire to find out the correlations in nature and in man, as
life proceeds.

As to the power -- it is not physical at all but has to do with
the WILL as used by a true Yogi. It would be sparingly used, and
only in cases of dire necessity, and, as permitted by KARMA --
which only a YOGI would know.

One might surmise that its use draws together energy at a center
to create. But another correlation could draw energy to a point
to obstruct or to destroy. This power is real, as for instance
one find it described approximately in the sections that deal
with Keely ( S D I 565-6) or the "Vrill" of Bulwer Lytton (S
D I xxxv, 563) or the "Mash-Mak" of the Atlanteans (S D I
563). Mr Judge makes an oblique reference to this last in his
Story: WHERE THE RISHIS WERE, Letters (W Q J	) p. 244. We find
that Rider Haggard refers briefly to these things in his books:
"SHE,' and "AESHA."

As I understand it, while there are seven manifested (7) and 3
spiritual and supernal potencies in manifestation {as illustrated
in S D I 200 Diagram, and on S D I 596 (also S D I
570-75) } only Those who are perfect in Brotherhood, and have
the protection of all beings for their responsibility can use
such a force.

It has to be in harmony with all Nature (is this a hint as to the
nature of the MACROPROSOPUS -- or, ADAM-KADMON ? -- or
MAHA-VISHNU, for instance as the divine ALL -- that has to
manifest to men through a "human form" however divine or gigantic
?) One might well challenge such ideas, but if we recall that
the UNIVERSAL SPIRIT -- ATMAN -- splits, on manifestation, into
myriad "rays", each of those animating, or rather, overshadowing
the core of every being, we perceive the universal rationale for
a brotherhood to unite in the life of all, the purpose of the
universe in its tendency to do good to all without any partiality

And in case the Karma of the world needs it, such a force would
be used at a special conjunction in time when it is the last and
necessary effort to achieve the operational change of a huge bulk
of Karma. If we go through the 1st Vol. of The SECRET DOCTRINE
we notice that some

It occurs to me that if present man, as the Microprosopus (the
"Adam of dust" or as "Arjuna" -- striving to perfect himself
under Sri Krishna's tuition) we have an analogy.

We, using our power to choose, impose on the myriad of atoms,
molecules and cells that make up our bodies, our decisions as to
food, work, rest, recreation, exercise, laziness ... And these
impositions and changes, might be said to appear to them, at
their level of consciousness and intelligence, as a "god-like"
fiat, a ukase which they had no power to alter -- a kind of
Karmic imposition, or, accident, specially when their nature and
inclination, shaped by their tendencies to do otherwise, are now
forced in a different direction.

[Is this not a clue to the operation of Karma?] Is it not in
that way that we build or change our character for "good" or
"Bad"? And we, in turn, as families, communities, nations, find
ourselves enclosed in a general movement, as Karmic waves of
thought and desire sweep across the minds of all those involved.
We can think of the way in which our weather affects us and
periodical invasions by disease, or moods of elation, sorrow,
joy, or despair enclose a continent for a while ...

In the final analysis it has to be through a Human-Made-Divine
channel -- an impartial Power that once was an ordinary man --
that Karma acts at the appropriate time. The myths, and legends
in all countries show this to have happened. And those who have
only evil, selfishness and vice in their hearts desire to open
this secret and make it theirs. -- But the supreme Force will
never be at their disposal because it unifies, protects and is
always creative.

In the VOICE OF THE SILENCE it speaks of the great Brotherhood of
the Mahatmas and Yogis of all races past and present who unite to
form the "Guardian Wall." This wall holds back some of the evil
Karma that humanity has created through ignorance or perversity.
[ I find 'perversity' to be a definite puzzle. Who wants to do
evil and then engage others into that kind of a mess ? ]

That is as I understand it.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Ramprakash []
Sent: Thursday, November 01, 2001 9:18 AM
Subject: [bn-sd] Re: Stanza III Sloka 5 == S D I 68-9

I have a question. Is the magical Name OEAOHOO the same as the
"Lost Word"?

Since it refers to the Septenary Root of the universe, or, in
other words,
to the synthesis of the Primordial Seven Rays, to the
"Father-Mother of the
Gods", (Alaya-Akasa), it must be extremely potent. The Seven
Primordial Rays
of the Logos are the Seven Hierarchies, the Lords of the Seven
Planets, Spirits of the Seven Elements and of the six primary
Forces of
Nature synthesised by the seventh, if pronounced, it must have
effect. It must be the crown of Mantra Sakti.

Of course its right pronounciation can only be with Chief
Hierophants of
Adept Fraternity.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Moderator" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2001 7:22 PM
Subject: [bn-sd] Stanza III Sloka 5

As we continue on with Stanza III, this next sloka expresses the
truth of both existence and non-existence ie "the
Non-Separateness of all
that lives and has its being, whether in active or passive

Your comments and questions are welcome. One way to actively
engage in the
study material offered is to look up related material in other
parts of the Secret Doctrine (or other works by HPB, The Mahatma
etc) and bring it together here. First find the related material,
then we
can see if it will throw any light on the current sloka.

With this in mind, what other references to terms such as
ROOT", "the manifested ONE LIFE", "Father-Mother", "the SIX IN
ONE" & so
on, do we find in the SD?

STANZA III, Sloka 5, (SD I 68-69) reproduced below,


...Peter Merriott


(a) OEAOHOO is rendered "Father-Mother of the Gods" in the
Commentaries, or
the SIX IN ONE, or the septenary root from which all proceeds.
All depends
upon the accent given to these seven vowels, which may be
pronounced as one,
three, or even seven syllables by adding an e after the letter
"o." This
mystic name is given out, because without a thorough mastery of
the triple
pronunciation it remains for ever ineffectual.

(b) This refers to the Non-Separateness of all that lives and has
its being,
whether in active or passive state. In one sense, Oeaohoo is the
Root of All"; hence, one with Parabrahmam; in another sense it is
a name for
the manifested ONE LIFE, the Eternal living Unity. The "Root"
means, as
already explained, pure knowledge (Sattva),* eternal (Nitya)
reality or SAT (Satya), whether we call it Parabrahmam or
Mulaprakriti, for
these are the two aspects of the ONE. The "Light" is the same
Spiritual Ray, which has entered and now fecundated the Divine
Egg, and
calls cosmic matter to begin its long series of differentiations.
The curds
are the first differentiation, and probably refer also to that
cosmic matter
which is supposed to be the origin of the "Milky Way" -- the
matter we know.
This "matter," which, according to the revelation received from
the primeval
Dhyani-Buddhas, is, during the periodical sleep of the Universe,
of the
ultimate tenuity conceivable to the eye of the perfect
Bodhisatva -- this
matter, radical and cool, becomes, at the first reawakening of
motion, scattered through Space; appearing, when seen from the
Earth, in
clusters and lumps, like curds in thin milk. These are the seeds
of the
future worlds, the "Star-stuff."

[Footnote] -------------------------------------------------
* The original for Understanding is Sattva, which Sankara
(acharya) renders
antahkarana. "Refined," he says, "by sacrifices and other
operations." In the Katha, at p. 148, Sattva is said by Sankara
to mean
buddhi -- a common use of the word. ("The BHAGAVATGITA with The
Sanatsugatiya and The Anugita," translated by Kashinath Trimbak
M.A.; edited by Max Muller.) Whatever meaning various schools may
give the
term, Sattva is the name given among Occult students of the
Aryasanga School
to the dual Monad or Atma-buddhi, and Atma-buddhi on this plane
to Parabrahm and Mulaprakriti on the higher plane.
(SD I 68-69)


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