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RE: Theos-World RE: The Mahatma letters.

Oct 23, 2001 04:27 PM
by nos

Dear Dal - 'Irritant' time anybody's used that one haha.
Of course I've had a lot worse ;).

I like to think that those who read my (and ours) posts might actually
think outside the square a bit...i'minto chaos and fractals and poetry
and a little bit of TRUTH as well... ;)

I just reckon that in ISIS HPB gave away the ULTIMATE secret - (ie high
level initiation using drugs to kill yourself and go through the bardo
states and be re-born - hence SEEINg the TRUTH of all things) and that
in the SD she tried to cover it all up and obfuscate it. Maybe at the
behest of the Masters? Or the Rosicrucians?

The Great Pyramid was used solely as an initiation chamber... And as
I've said before SOMA is not the only way to do this. 
Of course the texts list many dangers - but I think Rudolf Steiner gives
the game away in 'Guardians of the Higher Planes' - If you read between
the lines. Ie What does Ganesha represent as the 1st guardian? Nothing
more than an inherent mental block that we as humans need to overcome.
It is of course fear related as I have mentioned in the past. Heavens
gates must be stormed - caution will avail the nought.

Now we can talk about the self , and the planes and all sorts of mental
abstractions - but whenever we talk or put into language any for of the
truth we are immediatley distorting it. It can not be passed on
verbally. The finger that points to the moon is not the moon.

As I'm only 15 it is of course hard to express my self verbally in an
cohernet or sensible form.


23.5 on the fm dial

|-----Original Message-----
|From: [] 
|Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2001 4:41 AM
|To: nos@granite.netau
|Subject: RE: Theos-World RE: The Mahatma letters.
|Tuesday, October 23, 2001
|Dear "Nos"
|I have enjoyed our conversations.
|Sometimes you act like an irritant (I guess, I do too) but I 
|try to think of those who also read our exchanges. How can we 
|best help them, even if we are having fun poking fun at some 
|things, "pulling chains" etc... How do they get to know if we 
|are serious or not? I, personally, would not leave any one in 
|I enjoy theosophy so much as a base for operations, I'd like 
|all to be able to share in it equally. There's a lot to 
|learn, a lot to un-wrangle, and a lot which we do not grasp yet.
|Best wishes,
|-----Original Message-----
|From: nos []
|Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 10:08 PM
|Subject: RE: Theos-World RE: The Mahatma letters.
|Hi DTB - comments as usual inserted betwixt...
||-----Original Message-----
||From: []
||Sent: Monday, 22 October 2001 5:56 AM
||Subject: RE: Theos-World RE: The Mahatma letters.
||Sunday, October 21, 2001
||Dear Nos:
||I guess I am too serious -- but Theosophy is an important 
|tool for me, 
||and I always hope to engage others who have studied it in a 
|dialog that 
||enlightens us both.
|Enlighten - to lighten up? Geddit?
||"Glommel" sound gloppy to me. Messy sticky stuff -- how to 
|escape from 
|See now we're getting somewhere...
||But I think that my view of the Universe and of Mankind is that they 
||are (in some ways) mirror aspects of one-another. Analogies but not 
||exact correspondences. A kind of individualism in a universe elastic 
||enough to permit personal latitudes. Hence no straight jackets to be 
||issued, but, to the extent that any one wanders from the 
|"straight and 
||narrow" of sensitive and cooperative life, so will the reaction be
||form Nature, in an impersonal way on the deviant. I see that
||this is called Karma by the old Hindus and perhaps they have a
|My interpretation is that - and to give an anaology here - we 
|as the individual 'ego' that seems to instruct and make 
|decisions for the field that seems tobe a body differnetiated 
|from other bodies on the physical plane - are in fact a HOST - 
|of smaller bodies whose will has been bent to that of the 
|'ego' and that also in this way that each of us indivudually 
|is like unto that host and that a greater willin fact controls 
|us all - what passes for indivualism is a differentiation on 
|that lower plane of will. Does that even make close to sense? 
|So I'm the boss of my blodd cells and dna etc - then say to 
|our sun - SOL - OM - ON - RA etc the planets are like his dna 
|-his light is like an akasic blood - the planets then are a 
|higer rank than us etc - but we as man are the experiencing 
|conscious of the universe that is - we as man exist for the 
|purpose of the universe in existing - that's not to say that a 
|species of being on a planet in a system lioght years a way is 
|not also that same expression.. Speed of light is a certain 
|number for a reason - there';s a geometric proof somewhere - 
|if I can find it... Gee I'm getting way from the point here..
||[Man the microcosmic Monad, mirrors the potentialities of the 
||MONAD -- which may mean nothing to you unless you are familiar with 
||theosohial terminology and meanings -- the Monad is said to 
|consist of 
||polar opposites: 1. SPIRIT (Perfection in all things) and 2. 
||PRIMORDIAL MATTER (or perfection in terms of limits and substance].
|Dal - at this point let me say this. I've been on this list 
|for like 4 years - You have corresponded with me persoanlly 
|before - we have had many online discussions - surely youmust 
|know thenthat I was pulling your chain with the Aldous 
|Huxley/Hobbit stuff. Of course I've read SD, vols 1,2,3 - 
|Isis, key to theopshy, esoteric budhism, the gita, the bardo 
|thodrol, the emerald tablet, the archidoxes of magik, keys to 
|kabbalah by bain, etc etc etc do I need to go on...
|| There is a duality in all things, one is constructive (if you will 
||allow the parameters to remain lose) and the other is 
|destructive. One 
||leads to a future and the other to annihilation of all life 
|or effort. 
||The first leads to a recognition of Karma (the law of cause 
|and effect, 
||justly and fairly administered) and of Reincarnation (the use of the
||immortal SPIRIT/SOUL of many bodies -- so that the "learning
||process is continued") The second is full of suspicion and
||doubts and sees only the chaotic side of a life of luck,
||chance and uncertainty. It therefore evolves in its
||consciousness no ability to perceive harmony among discords
||and dynamism with a purpose inherent in it.
|Shiva-Shakti-Vishnu - you left one out - sustainer, creator, destroyer.
|Nothing leads to annihilation of alllife and effort - you are 
|adding human attributes to these primeval forces. The universe 
|is destroyed and created endlessly - the cycle, the cycle, 
|nothing but the cycle (unless you breakit of course)
||Personally I "like" the building side, as the future (in which I hope 
||to be engaged) intrigues me. The concept of being abolished is not 
||evocative of any "fear," but appears to me to be a rather dreary and 
||self-limiting drag. It does not really in terms even of pessimism 
||appear to get anywhere. Strangely it finds itself impelled to draw 
||others into its intellectual circle, but never fully analyses 
||from start to finish.
|Like is an a attchment a desire - give it up - is that Hinayana?
||Yes I enjoyed the stories of Tolkien also.
|I prefer Stephen Donaldsons Thomas Covenant Trilogy (Donaldson 
|grew up in India - compelling if you haven't read it)
|Have you ever read any Phillip K Dick?
||Best wishes,
|Cheers from down under
|Mr Nos
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