Re: Re: Story on Cloning -- Should interest
Aug 25, 2001 01:34 AM
by Katinka Hesselink
Hi Doss,
That is like being replaced by a younger identical twin:
they would NOT have the same relationship with your family
that you have. Because growing up would have happened in a
different environment. Probably with you around. Also the
experiences the clone would have would not be identical. In
fact he would probably have the problem of always having to
live up to the expectations of doing that which you've
already done, or doing those things you did not end up
> From:
> Subject:
> I would go one step further. If only I could be cloned,
> then the clone can
> replace me and the old and run out myself can be ready to
> die and this
> would not make much of problem to those who depend on
> me!!! Instead of
> replacing a part, just replace the whole body.
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