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RE: Influence of Theosophy on Practical Daily Life.

Aug 10, 2001 05:56 AM
by dalval14

Dear Friend:

In considering your questions and examples one is struck with the
multitude of inter-relations that are continually relative to
Philosophy and practical life. In essence the question is: Is
Philosophy useful? Is there a Philosophy of Fact and Truth in
our environment and Universe ? Have we "free-will" to discipline
and control our emotional and desire nature ? Where do we begin
to explore, to prove, to demonstrate the usefulness of
metaphysics, philosophy, science, and daily life?

One might say the questions are evidence of the independence and
free-will of the questioner. If we take this unitary CAUSE as
such evidence, then we begin with the observation of Nature
around us.

One thing springs to attention immediately: Nature presents us
with a vast tissue of active interrelationships that support our

We do not necessarily know all of these, (nor are we convinced
that these statements are true) but, using our powers of
observation and reasoning we can decipher most, if not all of
those. Our WILL is limited only by our imagination. Imagination
is one of the king-faculties of the human mind. But where does
that spring from? What gives it its unique position?

We all have a tendency to say : "Why try? It is so complex that
a life-time would be needed in each department of scientific
investigation to secure any real knowledge or do adequate
testing. So, as a "short-cut" let me assume that the reports of
academics and professors in those various departments are honest,
complete and valuable. Let me accept them on faith. And again
we adopt the statements of "authority" without adequate personal
investigation." In other words we now make of Science a
"religion" and scientific pronouncements are deemed to be a

Theosophy commences by offering for our consideration some
fundamental concepts -- it traces their presence to all great
religions of the present and past, to myth, legend and modern
psychological investigation of the nature of human mind, human
feeling and emotion, human fears and aspirations.

It is interesting to see how much these great foundation tenets
of Theosophy are to be found giving an understanding of
Immortality of the Spiritual Soul, of Reincarnation, of Karma and
of co-evolution are involved IN PRACTICE in all daily affairs.

The basic fundamental ideas and patterns are universal. They are
ethico-moral applications made individually under free-choice,
voluntarily, by individual who select, identify and idealize
them -- they set out to test them by daily practice and

If we truly grasp the idea that the entire Universe is composed
of basically the
imperishable MONADS and they are engaged in an ever more elevated
pathway of experience, then our responsibility to assist becomes
one of great depth and importance to all. It becomes a question
of what information ought to be released at what point in a
cycle. And that is not easy to decide.

The first point that is made in Theosophy and emphasized by
innumerable examples in The SECRET DOCTRINE, is that metaphysics
underlie and support the physics of our "form" existence in this
world of "forms."

SPACE is everywhere and has no limits.

LAW is all pervasive, is established in NATURE (SPACE) to
provide minute as well as complete support for the evolution of

EVOLUTION is a complete and interactive process whereby over
almost infinite TIME each Monad ( ATMA-BUDDHI or SPIRIT-MATTER )
acquires, as a final achievement made possible by its own
self-effort, of "SUBLIME PERFECTION." "The "part" acquires a
knowledge of the "WHOLE," and limits itself to voluntary service
of and work within that WHOLE."

This is metaphysical, intellectual, a mental ideal.

But this is also a basis for ethical and moral conduct.

It leads to an understanding of what is called "virtue." VIRTUE
is a practical application of metaphysics. An exaggerated
example is (in mathematics) the 4 simple rules of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division. One cannot start with
ZERO, although that is useful when the cycle of 10 digits, and
multiples of 10 are considered. -0- is essential in dealing
with METAPHYSICS, just as numeration ( 1 to 9) is essential to
mathematics, geometry and the materialization of algebra or
calculus and these deal with the definition of forms, time,
location, and continuity.

This COMPUTER operates on variants of the simple concept of 1 and
0 -- or the infinitude of numbers. In practice it deals even
more simply with the values of +1 and -1. A value (in these
simple terms) is assigned to each number of an alphabet and to
each digit. The Computer operates by applying mathematical LAWS
to anything that is imposed on it. It is interesting to note
that with 7 "bits" is formed a particular definition, a BYTE. An
8th "bit" is reserved for special functions and actions.

The LAWS of any country are based on certain uniform principles
of equity as ought to ideally regulate all interaction between
people everywhere. We note that the written, or accepted,
formulation of those adopted LAWS are under constant amendment
and refinement. But even when not written they are deemed to be
superior to the pedestrian statutes and decisions made by legal

THEOSOPHY exposes for our consideration the fact that NATURE (the
Universe) is pervaded by many laws. And, that LAWS, such as
cooperation and interaction underlie the reality and existence of
the physical forms and situations that are under continual
revision through the application of universal friction. Change
is ubiquitous and prevails everywhere. But for forms to change
there has to be some underlying CAUSE which serves to establish
the parameters of ex-istence. The outer appearance is supported,
limited and employed by the inner Intelligence. Intelligence is

It therefore posits the eternal, and immortal MONAD (an
infinitesimal and undefinable speck of intelligent
"Spirit-Matter.") It follows the progress of this entity. It
declares that although forms may change, die and be reformed, the
innate SPIRITUAL ENTITY never dies, but is in effect an "eternal
pupil (or an "Eternal Pilgrim"). [ Monad = SPIRIT-MATTER
intertwined ]

The Laws we apply to human relationships are automatically deemed
to apply universally and by analogy to all beings, and, with the
life-atoms at one end and the unresolvable limits in theory of an
infinite UNIVERSE of GALAXIES, there is a vast range for
experience over many transformations, reincarnations, and
reformations. All are essential to each other and all deserve
recognition and respect. The inner Intelligence is causal and
immortal. The forms are mortal and constantly changing.

LIFE is therefore considered universal, and entitative in it
components. But it is noticed that between periods of activity
there are periods of rest, inactivity and "sleep." Hence the
LAWS, while universal, operate in one way in dormancy, and in
another in the period of evolutionary activity. But the LAWS do
not disappear, nor do the "life-atoms" and the all-pervasive
relationships that are inter-established between them. We are in
effect examining ourselves and the purpose of our living, of our
being "Here." Life is Energy. Hence the metaphysical world
considers the energies, forces and powers that underlie the
physical appearance of things.

These Laws of inter-relationship have been named KARMA. A work
in Sanskrit that means "action (and re-action)." It is Universal
in scope and so delicately attuned that it considers and attends
to the needs of the smallest sub-atomic particle or energy.

If one takes the widest view, then Manifestation (or Evolution)
is not "Creation out of Nothing," but a "re-formation" out of
pre-existing materials, laws and Intelligences of the next period
of learning. There is a continuous link of life and of cause, as
well as meaning, in this that unites all disparities and the
problems of quality, character and relationship. Each day, each
life-period, may be considered to be a experience en the vast
SCHOOL OF LIFE. We are the "Eternal Pupils."

This single concept serves to bridge the gap of many scientific
observations as it relates disparity to an intelligent CAUSE.
Taking all causes into account and one has the Karma of an atom,
a cell, a person, their family, a nation, a World, a Solar
system or all the galaxies of the Universe.

It is the key to living and is called simply BROTHERHOOD.


Political parties are seen to be partial expressions of Law of
parity in operation -- the Law of equal opportunity. All surface
appearances that differentiate person are thus eliminated at a

Divorce is an agreement between individuals of opposite sex to
terminate what they originally had established as a contract to
unite, so as to form a family and to protect and nurture their
If they have off-spring, then under the universal Law of justice
and harmony, they are obliged to ideally arrange for a continuity
of that sacred bond of unity. It may be full of friction, but
considering the Law of Karma that extends beyond this life alone,
there are many qualities of individuality and character that each
of us has to learn how to con troll and adjust with others.
Every relationship and especially those that are the most
intimate are learning experiences.

Daily life ? And "Theosophists" are no different from other
people. They have (or ought to have) a deeper sense of
responsibility, and of purpose, if they consider themselves
immortals, and able to rationalize the virtues that mark the
progress of the immortal Being internal to each of them.

All "personal conflicts" are thus seen by the practical
Theosophist to be a matter of self-discipline -- a matter of
disciplining their fractious personalities.

But why is this so? Theosophy shows us that the "Personality"
(the "mask" we wear this life-time) is essentially a matter of
"feeling." Feeling relates directly to our Kamic (desire)

What is Kama? In a way it is the "karma" of our past choices.
It is: our capacities, character, and qualities taken as a
whole, it is our passions, desires and inclinations. It is NOT
the Mind.

Theosophy holds that in the Monad the Mind capacity is mid-way
between SPIRIT (Wisdom) and MATTER (Kamic desires and passions).
Mind is dispassionate but can be used by either of the eternal
opponents represented by WISDOM and FOLLY.

It should be noted that "virtues" can always be rationalized.
"Vices" cannot, and they are then hypocritically hidden under the
surface of apparent virtue.

"Vice" cannot be planned, used, or conceived of, unless there is
a corresponding "virtue."

The capacity of the mind to project forward in time to potential
results and effects, is the tool that the "personal Kamic nature"
uses to devise its nefarious plans. If the Mind (the real WE)
permits such a miscarriage of talent, then vice (fueled by
desire) becomes active. If on the other hand Mind supported by
the WISDOM of earlier experience controls the Desire Nature
(Kama) then vice is destroyed and virtue reigns. The Law of
equity manifests, and "chaos" is destroyed.

Theosophy views all problems in this light as the eternal
conflict between SPIRIT (wisdom and experience) and it polar
opposite MATTER (selfish, isolationist, confusion and ignorance).

Spirit is considered to be CONSCIOUSNESS and eternally dynamic
and progressive it seeks cooperation, generous assistance,
continuous service and attention top the support and needs of
other beings. It sees no reason to "defend" itself as it known
it is eternal.

Matter is considered to INERTIA and the power of retardation and
the retrogressive seeking to retain a "form" that is already
passing away in time. It is always selfish, isolationist, and
defensive because it knows itself to be only a passing phase -- a
temporary manifestation of an evolving immortal INTELLIGENCE. Th
is brings on the confusion that exists in having two "Selves"
(two Egos) in every human : "the Self of SPIRIT and the self of

You have listed a few of the objectives that attract the
attention and concern of the "Personality" -- the temporary
Ego-intelligence of this life, which has a name, form, race,
religion, economic situation, etc... Death and dissolution faces
all personalities. That finality cannot be rejected, no matter
how unpalatable.

The only alteration that a student of Theosophy would make to his
daily outlook is that he would try to make it the outlook of one
And that is not easy, as it changes the whole of a person's
attitude to life.

Jesus as reported in his exhortations captured in THE SERMON ON
THE MOUNT, Krishna as discoursing with his pupil Arjuna in the
BHAGAVAD Gita, Gautam the Buddha, as speaking to us through the
words of the DHAMMAPADA (the Footfalls of the Law) and Mme.
Blavatsky through The VOICE OF THE SILENCE, have all touched on
the practical side of the metaphysical fact that every human is
an immortal being using a temporary emotional disguise -- called
the "mask" or "personality."

Our modern developing science of psychology is beginning to come
to this as a basis for understanding the Intelligent
CONSCIOUSNESS that is the REAL human being (not his form, or the
tool, the brain) but his ever-evolving MIND.

I hope this proves to be of help.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Majorinc, Kazimir []
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:27 AM
Subject: Theos-World Influence of Theosophy on Decisions?

I'd like to ask all of you, experienced theosophists, how much
you accepted influenced your life: more detailed, do you think
theosophy give you answer how to act in everyday dilemmas?

Do you feel you can, without doubt decide: for which political
party you'll
vote, are you able to recognize the moment you should divorce,
start or
quit relations with friends, are you completely able to decide in
industry you should invest your money, how much money and time
you should
invest in family, education etc, should you eat meat or dress
etc... From the simplest to the most important decision? Is it
all still
equally vague as it usually is and you are left with tautologies
like '
there are no recipes, you should carefully balance all sides an
see in your
inner self, then carefully decide, without conscious or
ignoring any aspects?'

Do you have some examples of decisions you routinely do nowadays
thanks to
knowledge you achieved studying and practicing theosophy?


Kazimir Majorinc, dipl. ing. mathematics, prof. collaborator
Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Uni of Zagreb
Marulicev trg 19/III., HR-10000 Zagreb, 163., Croatia
Tel.: 385-(0)1-48 95 521 and ..522 Fax: 385-(0)1-48 29 958
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