The impact of Theosophical Doctrines on Daily Life
Aug 07, 2001 05:17 PM
by dalval14
Dear Friend:
Let me say: It is interesting to see how much an understanding of
Immortality of the Spiritual Soul, Reincarnation, Karma and co-evolution are
involved IN PRACTICE in all this. If we truly grasp the idea that the
entire Universe is composed of basically the imperishable MONADS and they
are engaged in an ever more elevated pathway of experience, then our
responsibility to assist becomes
one of great depth and importance to all. It becomes a question of what
information ought to be released at what point in a cycle. And that is not
easy to decide.
I think H.P.Blavatsky has already discussed this in her article WHAT IS
TRUTH? [Lucifer, Vol. I, p. 425; U.L.T. H P B Articles, I, p. 1 ] In
fact the KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB) ought to be studied (not merely read) if
one desires to see how H.P.Blavatsky viewed the impact of Theosophical
doctrines on a person’s daily life. There she gives reasons for certain
disciplines that are recommendable.
Do let me know if this statement raises more questions.
Let me add some notes to your text below.
-----Original Message-----
From: Majorinc, Kazimir []
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:27 AM
Subject: Theos-World Influence of Theosophy on Decisions?
I'd like to ask all of you, experienced theosophists, how much doctrines
you accepted influenced your life: more detailed, do you think that
theosophy give you answer how to act in everyday dilemmas?
DTB Yes, I can use and apply what I perceive to be valuable there.
Do you feel you can, without doubt decide: for which political party you'll
vote, are you able to recognize the moment you should divorce, start or
quit relations with friends, are you completely able to decide in which
industry you should invest your money, how much money and time you should
invest in family, education etc, should you eat meat or dress leather
etc... From the simplest to the most important decision? Is it all still
equally vague as it usually is and you are left with tautologies like '
there are no recipes, you should carefully balance all sides an see in your
inner self, then carefully decide, without conscious or subconscious
ignoring any aspects?'
DTB There is no question in my mind but Theosophy offers a range of
responsibility that transcends any of the questions we are usually involved
in, including those mentioned above
Do you have some examples of decisions you routinely do nowadays thanks to
knowledge you achieved studying and practicing theosophy?
DTB The whole of my future and that of our world depends to some extent
on the decisions I make. Either we live in a Universe of LAW or we do not.
Either we constantly interact with one another or we do not. If we say LAW
IS, then the sooner we find out what those laws are, why they were
instituted and what can be done by compliance with them, then the better for
any part we might play while we live. If we cooperate, then the power of
mutual support transcends that of the “jungle -- red in tooth and claw.”:
If we view ourselves as presently spending only a fraction of time in this
life, and that LIVING is actually a long series of life-experiences (under
the rule of Karma and Reincarnation) then the care we will devote to
decisions that will inevitably affect our future ought to be substantial.
On may well ask how and why the sense of ethics and of practical morality is
found to be almost identical all over the word. Why is it that the
Theogonies of great “Faiths” are so similar?
If we inevitably reap the results of what we think, feel, say and do, then
why would we increase the risk of sorrow, pain and retaliation by our
presently doing (in public or in secret) such things as may first hurt
others and later hurt ourselves?
Best wishes,
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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