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RE: Theos-World Questions to Dallas and other ULT-ers

Jul 21, 2001 04:49 AM
by dalval14

Saturday, July 21, 2001

Dear Jerry:

I have looked over several E-mail postings in the last couple of
days. I see that in some cases my meanings have not been
grasped. I tried to be clear and give information about the
procedures the U.L.T. used, which to my mind, are very much the
same as any "organization" might use.
The only difference is that in U.L.T. much of the work is done
by volunteers who confer on the best way to handle things. No
one is an "authority" or an "expert" but when several person
confer seeking for the best way to do things, it is more likely
that good results flow from that effort.

No one in U.L.T. is anxious to maintain a rigid "by-the-book"
process. The fact that we have no politics, by-laws, officers,
etc, implies that for 90 years or so, the U.L.T. has performed
its work on the basis it has set for itself (of course with ups
and downs), and continues to do so:

1.	Provide copies of the "Original writings (teachings) of
Theosophy" as done by H.P.Blavatsky W. Q. Judge , and others.

2.	Provide a free forum at which the original teachings could be
discussed in a regular, harmonious and expectant mode.

This activity was then maintained, and continues today, to be
sustained by some who understand the prime fact that

1.	THEOSOPHY is not "owned" by any organization.

2	THEOSOPHY is a statement made by the members of the Great Lodge
of Adepts concerning the History of our Universe, our world, and

3.	Organizations of Theosophists try to present these items of
information as best they can.

4.	The U.L.T. exists because, as time passed, either the
original teachings went out of print or were distorted by
unmarked "editing."

The students of today and tomorrow (who will no doubt be
ourselves, reincarnated) are due a chance to access the original
teachings and thus they are put into rapport with the original
writers and Minds, (as far as possible) without some blurring or
obscure interposition of other ideas and minds' opinions. [The
fact (as instance) that we have over 30 to 50 versions of the
BIBLE today, ought to point to the fact that in the hands of
copyists, interpreters and translators, the original teachings of
Jesus have had a difficult time for accurate survival. Most who
read them rely on their own intuition and power of discovering
the real meaning of that Teacher.

To spend time on "how is it done?" "Is it done fairly?" and
"Can I test the operation somehow?" detract from the short but
valuable time we have for actual study of the MEANING of what
H.P.Blavatsky and the Masters taught. It is a matter of
discrimination. Which is more valuable? I would rather not
spend my time answering this kind of query.

Let's take it for granted that every organization using the word
"Theosophical" is trying in its own way to point to the value
that can be fund in those teachings. Perhaps the reason they
were not placed in a professorial text-book form is that they
serve to reintroduce ancient ideas and teachings that generations
of priests and interested parties have deliberately obscured or
deleted from their scriptures. Further: the 7 "principles," and
the 3 "planes of human life" mentioned (S D I 257, 181) make it
quite difficult to readjust one's mind to the invisible, but
potent realm, of causes and consequent inflexible results, that
rebound always on the perpetrator. The idea of individual
Immortality, and the concept of NO MITIGATION by paying or
praying for indulgences or passports to "heaven," is a
restoration of forgotten truths which are shown to have existed
at the original founding of the root of every sect and creed.

Perhaps it would be a good idea if one wants to develop more
questions on procedure to select some quotation or statement made
by H.P.Blavatsky and adduce that as a basis for future study.
U.L.T. seeks to make the ideals of universal Theosophy
practical. In her articles, from time to time, it will be found
that H.P.Blavatsky did give practical advice for implementation,
and causal information. For example read her A PUZZLE FROM
SPEAKETH [ To be found in the U.L.T. edition of H.P.Blavatsky
Articles, Vol. I, pp. 217, 106, and 115 ]

Some believe Karma, for instance, is a limited affair and relates
to the person or individual in this Manvantara at the most.
However, there may be said to be a vaster aspect of Kosmic
KARMA -- the collective Karma of a vast mass of beings, of all
degrees, and this is represented in the cyclic alternation of
Manvantaras and Pralayas.

KARMA, the Great Karma, logically, survives -- as a CAUSATIVE
AGENT -- individually and collectively, the great gap of rest
between the reincarnations of the KOSMOS that Hindu philosophy
called Mahapralaya. It represent "unfinished business" in the
progressive march of all beings towards the final and ultimate
goal named "Supreme PERFECTION." A finite time frame is not
given for this. [ see H.P.Blavatsky's article "ISIS UNVEILED"
AND THE VISISHTADWAITA, H.P.Blavatsky Articles Volk. 3, p 265. ]

No matter how little is studied or read, something remains of
Theosophy impacted in the memory. I believe it will form "food"
for Devachanic meditation.

Should we not devote time to finding out what of Theosophy we can
verify? How much of it is explanatory and helps to bridge gaps
left in the field of learning that our academies have not yet

To my mind the difference between the mysterious "esoteric" and
the so-called exoteric is as remote and difficult to identify as
the "Eye Doctrine," is from the "Heart Doctrine." How many
students and aspirants are willing to take The VOICE OF THE
SILENCE (HPB) and use it as a basis for the study of esotericism
and occultism, after they have secured such fundamental data as
may be found in the KEY TO THEOSOPHY (HPB) ? Why do so many
want to secure "something for nothing," and then fall into the
traps of those who offer unprovable "sudden enlightment" at
inflated prices ? But true deep and esoteric THEOSOPHY is never
for sale. And all this discussion is at best, very superficial.
Who will learn anything from it?

Some desire to review if not rewrite history. But history is
irreversible in terms of what actually was chosen as motive,
thought, feeling and finally action.

How do we discover the "heart" of any subject or matter? Is it
not by developing first our own heart so that it may synchronize
and become sympathetic to the HEART of great NATURE ? Yes, I
would say this is mystic talk. But then, how can one's Buddhic
intuitions be put in Kama-Manasic terms? Does not KAMA-MANAS
have to train itself to become receptive to universal and
impersonal laws and facts? When we first think of this what do
we want? To satisfy curiosity? To acquire "power" over others?
To secure private wealth? How do we become familiar with our
"motives?" How do we compare them with the universal laws and
processes of "Nature?"

Some would like to find the "publishing" of the U.L.T. laid out
for their inspection. Particularly the magazines. But the
objective of publishing has already been declared and explained.
Why should the magazines offer anything different? All I can say
is that no one who submits an article, a question or a
speculation, need expect to find either complete acceptance or
total rejection. Sometimes opinions are offered, and sometime no
one ever hears anything at all. All writing is deemed to be in
the service of mankind. No one receives any acknowledgment for
their contributions. This is normal in publishing. No one is
entitled to be heard unreviewed, regardless of the time they
work, or the years of effort they have put into sustaining the
U.L.T. The criteria always is: will this benefit others in the
THEOSOPHICAL SENSE that we have all gleaned from H.P.Blavatsky ?
Sorry if that sounds vague. But this guides us all. The U.L.T.
does not ambitiously desire a vast following. It is, it
considers, to be a haven of refuge for those who desire to STUDY

This is not meant to imply that there are in U.L.T. any absolute
authorities or experts. All is conducted by committee review --
by the process of conferencing. But that I have already said
that. Those who work together closely in U.L.T. are satisfied
that the necessary procedures are Theosophically fair and useful.

Some asked why H.P.Blavatsky never showed up in 1975. How do we
know she did not in some other guise, or even earlier, or may
again later? And why limit this to the U.L.T. or any of the
various Theosophical "children" organizations? If we have
individually developed our intuitions we will know and recognize
and assist. She need not even show up as a physical personage.
Being an Adept her influence will be felt by every sincere
student who desires to see that Theosophy is made available to
others, for their benefit. And I would add,. So too, for the
MASTERS and Their influence. But HP in her writings and also Mr.
Judge have made this clear. This is no special news.

But no claims are ever made in or by U.L.T. , and no "Lo here,"
and "Lo there," is of any value. In fact any claims were made in
our physical, material world, they would be challenged, and only
serve as obscurations. People would rush here and there, blinded
and bewildered, because their expectations were not met in a way
they had predetermined to be "the right way." Can you imagine
H.P.Blavatsky arriving tomorrow at the gates of the THEOSOPHICAL
SOCIETY at Adyar -- as a "for instance ?" Did you ever read that
chapter in Dostoevsky's THE BROTHERS KARAMAZOV that
H.P.Blavatsky translated: THE GRAND INQUISITOR ?

This is why it is repeatedly said: One has to develop one's own
internal "guidance" depending solely on one's adherence and
practice of the disciplines hinted at in The VOICE OF THE SILENCE
(HPB) and in various articles by H.P.Blavatsky. And having
developed it: "remain silent." For instance, some of the most
valuable of H.P.Blavatsky's articles have been put together and
have been for years available for close study -- they were
gathered together in a little book titled RAJA-YOGA, or OCCULTISM
(originally published by the Theosophy Co. (India) Ltd. in

One correspondent asks about "EXPERIENCING." I do not know
exactly what is meant. If it is some kind of psychic event, then
no matter how one might express it, the event as such will not
help as it has to be put into terms whereby the CONSCIOUSNESS
working in our waking minds, and especially through our Lower
Manas, causes them to wake up to further possibilities of
spiritual advancement. These advances can be referred to the
PARAMITAS as defined in the 3rd fragment of The VOICE OF THE
SILENCE (HPB). The "Path" is always an inner path and relates to
the motives we permit ourselves to employ as we make decisions
for our future discipline and our own advancement. PATANJALI
mentions if in his YOGA-APHORISMS. One hint I have heard that was
discovered, is that as we give help and encouragement to others,
our own perceptions widen and deepen, and we seem to develop a
greater sympathy and empathy. The same friend suggested that in
his experience, our ability to practice universal Brotherhood
seems to increase. Our personal regard and selfishness diminish.
Personally I would call this a valuable hint.

As to friction between the "organizational children" of the
"original T S" -- it is really of no account, if each of those
tries to perform the task of promulgating the same original
teachings. All the trappings and restrictions of formalities and
offices and special meetings for the faithful, etc.. lead no
where, as they do not encourage active attention and intelligent
participation. They are like the rites of a church or temple and
are designed to keep people ignorant. So if you look carefully
at any overlays to Theosophy today you will see how the purity of
the subjects and information given has been gradually screened
from the eye of the inquirer, which now grows dull under the
overlay of useless dust, oil and ashes -- and, as in the analogy
recently displayed, the pure mercury can no longer pass the
material barriers that have been installed. Alone the fire and
heat of individual devotion and a strong desire to know the TRUTH
at the HEART of BEING, will burn away this dross, and then again
the pure SPIRITUAL mercury will flow into the general reservoir
of all BEING. But this is again mystical. [ see FROM THE CAVES
AND JUNGLES OF HINDOSTAN -- H.P.Blavatsky , 1975 Edn, TPH Adyar,
p. 364]

Those fragments, and the process of fragmenting of the
THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY was accomplished by the decisions that key
people (starting with Olcott) made, and others have followed
without inquiring independently into the rights and wrongs of
such decisions as were made. It was because of this continual
dispersal, and the subtle editing of H.P.Blavatsky's books that
caused the starting of the U.L.T. It was started FOR NO OTHER
REASON. It was determined by Mr. Crosbie that THEOSOPHY ought to
be the pivotal reason. It was therefore conceived with no
politics, no fixed organization and devoted solely to the study

The DECLARATION of the U.L.T. makes this amply clear. It is the
ONLY document on which the U.L.T. was established and is till
now continued. To make it easier for students to participate, no
questions concerning their affiliations or personal beliefs are
ever asked. No money is ever asked for. No set of views are
ever suggested as orthodox. Freedom is the key word for all its
operations -- Freedom moderated by cooperation, and by a strict
adherence to the study of the "original teachings" -- and this
is achieved by continual conferencing, and the active usage of
the PRINCIPLES OF THEOSOPHY in an impersonal and universal manner
on all matters.

One might say that everyone can perceive TRUTH. The perception,
however, depends on the individual's developing wisdom. It is
not mastery of details, but a capacity to view causes, and
compare them with universal, impartial and brotherly laws that
are fair to all. It is always recognized that wisdom develops in
degrees and, while it is ULTIMATE in itself, it is not always
perceived in its entirely until one masters the Lower Mind
enveloped in personal desires (selfishness) and, eliminating this
selfishness, makes it impersonal, accurate and UNIVERSAL.

As to The SECRET DOCTRINE containing hints to the "path" of
esotericism and occultism, one need only make a careful study of
the places where H.P.Blavatsky uses those words. Some will be
found in The THEOSOPHICAL GLOSSARY, and others in her articles.
Each student can build his own perception, as he proceeds with
this special study.

As to the regrettable "disrespect" evident in some comments, one
can pardon this as a manifestation of ignorance. If the same ONE
SPIRIT is recognized as internal to all beings, those differences
that are so impolite and shockingly disruptive, will dwindle and
disappear. The misunderstandings and misapprehensions will
eventually vanish. In the meantime, we ALL have serious work to
providing of the same opportunity we have, and are enjoying, for

So, I would suggest that our first duty is to study and to know
what THEOSOPHY is.(SD I 14-19, 157-8, 181-2, 200-2, 272-3) Once
we have a good grasp of that, we will be better able to value the
words and ideas of all others. Following study, is application
to ourselves -- the testing. Then, when we are sure of what we
know to be actual laws and processes in Nature, we can become her
collaborator. "Help Nature, and work on with her. And she will
regard you as one of her creators, and make obeisance." The VOICE

Let us consider that the THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT never dies, but
represents the sum total of all the knowledge, history and wisdom
of nature's operations. As this covers universality in SPACE,
impersonal causality in LAW, and eternity in evolution and
motion, we will realize that the field of study before us is
vast, and many lives will be needed to finally garner a working
knowledge and a capacity to act beneficently. We may feel
staggered at the immensity of the task -- but Theosophy assures
us, that we are ETERNAL MONADS. As such we are the ETERNAL
PILGRIMS OF LIFE. We have the time to do this. We have the
Universe and our World as a School, and we have as goal TOTAL

It is suggested that in bringing the scattered children of the
THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY together we somehow patch them into Unity
again. Since all such units are made of their constituent
individuals you would have to secure unanimity of agreement. If
this is achieved, then indeed on the physical plane Unity can be
made possible. It is a great hope. But, surface patching is
inadequate to curing any disease of misunderstanding that has for
years been the basis for separation. Look at the periodic
attempts to reunite the scattered Christian sects. Can we hope
for a Theosophical miracle? But, if everyone is FREE to make
their own decisions, then the hoped for Unity has to be
spontaneous and ubiquitous. It a great hope. It starts and ends
with BROTHERHOOD. If that is agreed on, then the hoped for unity
is made. I will observe at least we have achieved unification in
one direction -- The SECRET DOCTRINE as a reprint of the original
edition is available from all the important Theosophical
publishing houses..

I apologize for so long an answer,

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry S
Sent: Thursday, July 19, 2001 6:27 AM
Subject: Questions to Dallas and other ULT-ers

<<<<<Dear Friend:

I do not have answers for your questions, but I will say what I
believe is a correct way of thinking about them -- at least this
is on my own responsibility, and in other way is it to be

Dallas, I didn't really expect you to give me direct answers,
although I
really was wondering. Each TS obviously dislikes the others for
one or more
reasons. It seems to me that the MAIN reason for each splintering
off into a
separate TS has to do with personalities that no longer exist,
and so I am
really asking EVERYONE: what is there now, today, to prevent a
union of TSs?

<<<This a kind of catch question. Any answer seems to point one
way or the
other to a conclusion.>>

Actally, I suspect that we all know the answers already. I was
through the ULT online histories, and these questions just kinds
came up as
I read.

<<<The MIDDLE WAY alone is the sure one. Try to find it.>>

Thanks for the tip. I have already done so.

<<<All effort begins with you, is sustained by you, and will be
attained by you.>>>

OK, but what does this have to do with the TS fragmentation?

<<<Study THEOSOPHY. Read carefully what H.P.Blavatsky states in
the KEY TO

Have already done so. Again, what bearing does this have on any
of the
questions that I posed? Where does Blavatsky give us the
credentials for the
next Messenger so that we can recognize him or her and present
our "cordial

<<<There are all kinds of initiations, and most of those who make
claims are peddlers of the occult -- they can be classified as
money makers. >>>

I notice your use of the word "most" here. This implies that you
can accept a bonifide initiation, which is good. But, how do we
tell the
difference? What if an initiate does not charge money? Is that
enough? What
else must one do? I say this because Pasadena recognized
Purucker's attitude
as "spiritual authority" and him as a valid Messenger while ULT
did not and
instead considered his attitude as spiritual one-upsmanship and
Two different perceptions of the same thing.

<<<The SECRET DOCTRINE is an impersonal and universal record of
and of the PATH to it. It is open to all. No one can
"teach" it. All must teach themselves.>>

Dallas, my friend, while I am fully aware of your good
intentions, I
challenge you to find me this Path in the SD. Except for a
possible hint or
two, you cannot.

<<<True INITIATION would be the acquisition of WISDOM.>>

OK, but lets try to agree that both initiation and wisdom come to
us in

<<<KARMA alone is the GREAT INITIATOR of us all. It transcends
mortality and also is the force and power behind
IMMORTALITY ---and the
concept of SUBLIME PERFECTION ever lures us on..>>

No, Dallas, karma is not "the force and power behind IMMORTALITY"
at all,
because immortality is a transcendance of karma. Karma is, in
fact, the
power and force behind MORTALITY. You place karma on way too high
pedestal, and so long as you continue to think this way, you will
bound by it, so its just as well that you like it so much. Where
does HPB
tell us such a thing about karma?

DTB	To me there are several levels of KARMA what else creates a
new Universe out of the remains (old skandhas) of a past one?

<<<This has been said before: No one can unlock the doors of the
inner chambers of Nature' HEART, unless they become THE FRIEND
OF NATURE and of ALL HER CREATURES, and open their own heart,
unreservedly to the ETERNAL and the ABSOLUTENESS.>>>

Dallas, how can Theosophists spew forth disrepectful names to
their fellow
Theosophists and still be able to "unlock the doors of the inner
chambers of
Nature' HEART?" I don't really expect you to answer this, but I
would hope
that you and everyone else who reads this would listen - we are
supposed to
be a group of brotherly people trying to discover together what
life and
death are all about, and we can't seem to quit this mindless
bickering and
backstabbing and name-calling among ourselves. If nothing else,
it is pure
hypocrisy, and outsiders see this right away and steer clear. We
love while declaring our fellow Theosophist liars and black
magicians and
worse. HPB would doubtless turn over in her grave, if she had

<<<Therefore look into yourself. Are you such a friend? Do you
know what you ought to do to become one? Unknown to your
questing self, the trend of all human life places each individual
on the universal Path to self-initiation. It covers many lives.
The object therefore is to solve the mystery and paradox of human
intelligence, consciousness and purpose. This has to be thought
out, each one by, and for themselves.>>>

While we may, indeed, have to think about this for ourselves, we
are also in
an organized group(s). The TM is fragmented, and dying,
apparently because
of personality conflicts and the all too human desire to be gurus
the flocks. The BIG QUESTION before us is whether we get things
patched back
up. Can we replace old hatreds, injustices, and animosities with
forgiveness? I don't know.

<<<BROTHERHOOD (and not curiosity) is the FIRST OBJECT of the

Dallas, what you say here should be a truth, but when one
considers the
conflicts going on between the TSs, it comes out sounding like
hypocrisy. If
what you say here is so, then how do we explain the TM
fragmentation? Just
how much brotherhood does each TS really feel for its sister TSs?

<<<Can we say in our innermost soul that we are truly BROTHERS

Yes, but the real question is: Do we show it in our actions?

DTB	I am with you on this, but also no one can "judge" another.
Nor is it their duty to pry into the life and motives of others.
Organizations tend to mindless conformity. An association like
U.L.T. is, tends to evoke the most attentive and creative mind
activity as the individuals involved try to secure the most out
of their study, testing and application as BROTHERHOOD.

Best wishes to you as always, and many thanks,


Jerry S.

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