Karma -- Lipika -- Recorders of Karma -- 4 Maharajas
May 31, 2001 02:25 AM
by dalval14
Thursday, May 31, 2001
Re: KARMA, etc...
Dear Friend:
Here are a series of quotes and references on the subject of
Specific to your inquiry into the "Lords of Karma."
I hope this (while lengthy) may prove to be useful as a
background to your study and the inquiry raised.
Best wishes,
============= COPY ========================
The Akasic Record and the Recorders.
The Builders of the New Universe.
Adepts, Mahatmas, Rishis, and Divine Man.
Lipika (writers) are the Scribes of the Akasa
The Lipika, are named the "Scribes", and the Four Immortals in
the Secret Doctrine, (vol. I 104).
They are therefore connected with Karma.
As Recorders, and Analysts it is their duty (dharma) to impress
the tablets of the Astral Light with all events, that occur on
any plane of action (will, thought, or deed. SD I 107-8
In the whole of Space exists a vast and eternal picture gallery
of all events. It is an eternal, and "faithful record." see SD
I 126 Is I 178-9 182-3
The Lipikas are thus closely associated with Universal and
Divine Thought (Mahat).
The Lipika stand parallel to the "7 Angels of the Presence," the
7 "Planetary Spirits," or the "Spirits of the Stars."
HPB calls them "the amanuensis of the Eternal Ideation--the
Divine Thought.
Looked on as an aspect of human destiny, we may see that they
are indissolubly connected with every human as they are connected
to that by their individual record in the Astral Light, but, they
are not to be considered as "fate." SD I 105
The Lipika are not the causes of Karma, since this is produced
and recorded individually, but they form the links which these
awaken as forces in the sidereal world that serve to
"magnetically and irresistibly" attract effects to those who
cause them." SD I 124
We must remember that thought is matter. "Every existing
particle must be a register of all that has happened [to it]."
This opinion was also offered by prominent scientists of HPB's
In ancient Hindu and Egyptian records it is indicated that one
of the functions of the Lipika is to form an impenetrable barrier
between man's personal Ego, and his impersonal SELF.
Thus, they circumscribe the manifested world of matter within
the ring: "Pass Not." ( SD I 130) Unless the differentiated
returns to its primal Element, it can never cross the Laya, or
Zero point. The Lipika thus separate the "World of Spirit" from
the World of Matter."
Mr. Crosbie states:
"...the Lipika are not personal beings...There are as component
parts of every human being, principles, which are drawn from the
7 great hierarchies of being. Action, whenever taken, is taken
with, through, and felt by one or the other or all of these
principles, and there is a registration of the general and
individual effect produced--all that is good and all that is
bad--among those hierarchies to which the principles belong.
The action finds its own place and focus of reaction. Each
hierarchy has its own individuality as a mass; individuality is
not characteristic of the units. Hence, the Lipika may be
regarded as the recording points of the general and individual
effects of Karma..." QUESTIONS. & ANSWERS, OCEAN CLASS p. 149
In Transactions of the Blavatsky Lodge, HPB states :
"The Lipika proceed from Mahat...[are called] the four Recording
Angels...4 Maharajahs, those who record every thought and deed of
man...directly connected with Karma...Day of Judgment...and the
"Day Be With Us."
Then every thing becoming One, all individualities are merged
into one, yet each knowing itself...[in} absolute
They [ Lipika ] are a division, four taken from one of the
Septenates that emanate from Mahat [which] corresponds with the
Fire of S. Magus, the secret and the Divine Ideation, made to
witness itself in this objective Universe through the intelligent
forms we see around us...The Lipika are on the plane
corresponding to the highest plane of our chain of globes."
[ Globes "A" and "G" ] Transactions,. 148-9
see also SD I 200 diagram.
One might ask about the Monads who incarnated directly in the
human form, and induce by their presence, an aspiration which
leads men to strive for perfection.
Mankind represents individuals at various stages on this path to
self-knowledge but who have not yet "reached the goal."
The implication is that they will only cross the "circle/Ring
Pass Not" on the day "Be With Us." At that time of the final and
great Mahapralaya, all will merge into the One Essence to become
not only merged, but one with Life itself. TRANSACTIONS, p.
One might inquire if this means a snuffing out of individuality.
Have all its efforts been in vain ? Is all lost? Theosophy
answers that indeed it is not. Nothing earned, nor any acquired
spiritually is ever lost, destroyed or diffused to such an extent
as to be unrecoverable.
It is apparent that it is one of the functions of the Lipika is
to guard this through vast reaches of time. And, upon the
emanation of fresh Universes, ( the "children" of the present one
and its past, they establish those living centers which serve to
focus the continuation of that wisdom erstwhile acquired by each
individuality. Hence they form for each such Individuality the
basis for its sense of continuity of duty and responsibility.
They also serve to act as a focus for that individual Karma
which compels each being, and all, taken together, to face and
meet those circumstances which they created as individuals and as
a collective host in the antiquity.
It should be clear also, that the human principle of Buddhi as
part of the Monad (Atma-Buddhi) works with the Lipika, as do the
"builders" of the new Universe who employ the scattered remains
(skandhas) of the old one to construct the "new."
Fohat, the Universal and Individual dynamic energy may be
considered as the "Life Divine" which activates and helps the
"Builders" animate and accurately rearrange all those elements
which, as energies, formed the basis for all "old" forms on the
many planes of manifestation that are needed for the continuation
of the grand, and never-ending process of Evolution in a "new"
The continued participation of sages and wise men in the
evolutionary process has been called: the martyrdom of
Self-conscious Existence. The myth of Prometheus illustrates
this and we find HPB stating: "...Prometheus...
"...who steals the divine fire to allow men to proceed
consciously on the path of spiritual evolution, thus transforming
the most perfect of animals on earth into a potential god, and
making him free to "take the kingdom of heaven by
iolence."...[ to become a conscious, hence a responsible
unity ] -- on to SD II 246 top:
"...the radiant Archangels, Dhyan Chohans , who refused to
create, because they wanted Man to become his own creator and an
immortal god..."
"Theosophy teaches that separation from the Primal Source having
once occurred, reunion can only be achieved by
will--Effort...tradition shows the celestial Yogis offering
themselves as voluntary victims in order to redeem
Humanity--created god-like and perfect at first--and to endow him
with human affections and aspirations. To do this they had to
give up their natural status and, descending on our globe, take
up their abode on it for the whole cycle of the Mahayuga, thus
exchanging their impersonal individualities for individual
personalities --the loss of sidereal existence the curse of
terrestrial life." SD II 246
HPB makes elsewhere another important statement concerning the
Immortality of the Reincarnating Ego":
"I maintain as an occultist, on the authority of the Secret
Doctrine, that though merged entirely into Parabrahm, man's
spirit while not individual per se, yet preserves its distinct
individuality in Paranirvana owing to the accumulation in it of
the aggregates, or skandhas that have survived after each death,
from the highest faculties of the Manas. The most
spiritual--i.e., the highest and divinest aspirations of every
personality follow Buddhi and the 7th principle into Devachan
(Swarga) after the death of each personality along the line of
rebirths, and become part and parcel of the Monad...the
individuality or the spirit-soul...is preserved to the end of the
great cycle (Maha-Manvantara) when each Ego enters Paranirvana,
or is merged in Parabrahm...That such Parabrahmic and
Paranirvanic "spirits" or units, have and must preserve their
divine (not human) individualities, is shown in the fact that,
however long the "night of Brahma" or even the Universal
Pralaya...yet, when it ends, the same individual Divine Monad
resumes its majestic path of evolution, though on a higher,
hundredfold perfected and more pure chain of earths than before
and brings with it all the essence of compound spiritualities
from its previous countless rebirths." --HPB "ISIS AND THE
VISISHTADWAITA," HPB Articles, Vol. III, p. 265
In the Secret Doctrine, HPB declares that there are seven orders
of purely divine Spirits, to the Lower six belong hierarchies
which may occasionally be seen and heard by men. This is perhaps
a hint as to the nature of man's Higher Self.
HPB hints at the fact that mankind are Their progeny on
Earth--and are, under the direct influence of Great Forces and
Beings, who communicate in their own way, and when permissible,
with their progeny of the Earth. ( p. 133) [see also
In the S D, HPB writes, speaking of the Star of the Soul :
"The star under which a human Entity is born says the Occult
teaching, will remain for ever its star...But this is not his
astrological star...the former [is connected] with the
individuality, The "Angel" of that Star, or the Dhyani Buddha
will be either the guiding or simply the presiding "Angel,"...in
every new rebirth of the monad, which is part of his own essence,
though his vehicle, man, may remain for ever ignorant of this
fact. The Adepts have each their Dhyani-Buddha, their elder
"twin Soul," and they know it, calling it "Father-Soul," and
"Father-Fire." It is only at the last and supreme
initiation...that they learn it when placed face to face with
the bright "image." ..Augoeides." S D I 572-3
"...the chief features of one's life are always in accordance
with the "Constellation" one is born under...with the
characteristics of its animating principle or the deity that
presides over it, whether we call it a Dhyan Chohan...or an
Archangel...it was always the Sun (though the Spiritual, not the
visible, Sun was meant), that was supposed to send forth the
chief Saviors and Avatars. Hence the link between the Buddhas,
the Avatars, and so many other incarnations of the highest Seven.
The closer the approach to one's Prototype, "in Heaven," the
better for the mortal whose personality was chosen by his own
personal deity (the 7th principle), as its terrestrial abode.
For, with every effort of will toward purification and unity with
that "Self-god," one of the lower rays breaks and the spiritual
entity of man is drawn higher and ever higher to the ray that
supersedes the first, until from ray to ray, the inner man is
drawn into the one and highest beam of the Parent-Sun." S D I
Writing on the processes of evolution, HPB adds:
"...an important point with regard to the double evolution of the
human race. The Sons of Wisdom or the spiritual Dhyanis, had
become "intellectual " through their contact with matter, because
they had already reached, during previous cycles of incarnation,
that degree of intellect which enabled them to become independent
and self-conscious entities on this plane of matter. They were
reborn only by reason of Karmic effects. They entered those who
were "ready," and became the Arhats, or sages.. [ see SD II
79-80, 93-4, 109-110]
It does not mean that Monads entered forms in which other Monads
already were. They were "Essences," "Intelligences," and
conscious spirits; entities seeking to become still more
conscious by uniting with more developed matter.
Their essence was too pure to be distinct from the universal
essence; but their "Egos," or Manas (since they are called
Manasaputra, born of "Mahat," or "Brahmaa) had to pass through
earthly human experiences to become all-wise, and be able to
start on the returning ascending cycle.
The Monads are not discrete principles, limited or conditioned,
but rays from that one universal absolute Principle.
The entrance into a dark room through the same aperture of one
ray of sunlight following another will not constitute two rays,
but one ray intensified.
It is not in the course of natural law that man should become a
perfect septenary being, before the seventh race in the seventh
Round. Yet he has all these principles latent in him from his
[ follows explanation about "Fifth," and "sixth" Rounders ]..."
SD II 167
It is important to understand that this union is described:
"Tradition shows the celestial Yogis offering themselves as
voluntary victims, in order to redeem Humanity--created god-like
and perfect at first--and to endow him with human affections and
aspirations. To do this they had to give up their natural status
and, descending on our globe, take up their abode on it for the
whole cycle of the Mahayuga, thus exchanging their impersonal
individualities for individual personalities...this voluntary
sacrifice of the Fiery Angels..." SD II 246 [ see also SD I
207-210 ]
This "progeny," it is now plain to see, is ourselves. We are
indissolubly linked with them, each "principle" in man has its
direct source in the nature of one or other of those great
Beings--or the "Divine hierarchies." (SD I 273 715fn )
The human Monad is shown to be born of the nature and the very
Essence of the Original "Seven." Man's Atma, his highest
principle being constantly immersed in, or, enshrined in, the
Seventh Cosmic Element. Transactions, p. 135
The scheme of evolution contemplates a septenary Cycle [ of 7
circlings, called "Rounds," through a framework of States and
Degrees of Consciousness, called the 7 "Globes" ]. Within this
7-fold cycle it is destined to perform its septenary gyration
throughout the Cycle of Being and forms--from the
highest to the lowest--from human to "God." ( Transactions, p.
At the threshold of Paranirvana, it reassembles all its
scattered "elements/skandhas and conserving the memory of all
these in its Essential "form," it becomes "One with the Absolute
once more.
We are reminded of the hint contained in the 8th sloka of the
First Stanza (SD I 27), relating to the Open Eye of the Dangma,
(a hint of the never dying, highest intellectual, or Manasic
awareness) is awake and working planning the future under the
tutelage of UNIVERSAL KARMA. Hence in this intermediary period
Consciousness of the Rishis, the Dhyanis, and the Buddhas does
not "sleep," but, They are awake and active even during the
deepest Pralaya. ( Transactions, p. 135)
A few further references to the Lipika include:
"...we are in the Fourth Round, at the middle point of which the
perfect equilibrium between Spirit and Matter has taken place
[Fn. "...during the highest point of civilization and knowledge,
as also of human intellectuality, of the fourth Atlantean
race...that humanity branched off into its two diametrically
opposite paths: the right-and the left-hand paths of knowledge or
Vidya. "Thus were the germs of the White and the Black Magic
sown in those days, The seeds lay latent for some time, to
sprout only during the early period of the Fifth (our Race)."]
Says the Commentary...:--
"The holy youths (the gods) refused to multiply and create
species after their kind. They are not fit forms (rupas) for us.
They have to grow. They refuse to enter the chhayas (shadows or
images ) of their inferiors. Thus had selfish feeling prevailed
from the beginning, even among the gods, and they fell under the
eye of the Karmic Lipikas." S D I 192
The Lipika, compared with the Builders, are the great Spirits of
the Universe as a Whole. The Builders being of a special but
different nature. The Lipika, like them, are divided into 3
groups, but it is asserted that only the lowest of these 3 groups
has to do with this system of ours and that the other two cannot
be known; also, that those two are so high that it doubtful if
even the highest of the Adepts [we] know, knows them [directly].
It may be supposed that for the Adepts, the Lipika of the higher
degrees are as great a mystery as the Mahatmas are for us, and
that this is a hint ending a scale of greatness, which ever gives
to the soul something still higher, no matter how we may
progress, to which to look and aspire.
But as each of the 3 groups is divided into 7 others (SD I p.
127), it may be the 21st sub-group which has to do with this
globe; and it is said that as to the highest of the groups it is
distinctly connected with our karma. (SD Vol. 1, p. 128, last
line.) Now as Karma rules the entire universe, it must follow,
in order to make and keep harmony, that the "highest grade of
Lipika" referred to on p. 128 is not the highest of the last
series of 21 sub-groups, but the highest of the whole three
Note well. Whenever an "entity" is spoken of among the various
"hosts" it is to be known as composed of many entities, just as
man himself is similarly constituted, his total consciousness
being that of the whole mass of beings who go to make up his
intricate life." WQJ "Hidden Hints in the SD" -- WQJ
Articles, Vol. I, pp. 604-5
Study Notes from Vol. I of the Secret Doctrine pp 103 - 135
Stanza IV (6)
6. . . . . Then the Second Seven, who are the Lipika
produced by the three (Wind, Voice, and Spirit
The rejected Sun is One, the "Son-Suns" are
countless. Trans. 116 148-9 SD I 99
103-4 Lipika -- lipi : writing SD I 31-2 118-9 126-32
Glos 190 SD I 123 294fn Trans 148-9
104 Lipika "Scribes" Connected with Karma
104fn [the 4 Immortals, "Watchers," "Guardians of the Sky" SD I
128-9 124
104fn Recorders, Analysts - impress the tablets of the Astral
Light -- SD I 107-8
104 Picture Gallery the great picture gallery of eternity - a
"faithful record"
SD I 126 Is I 178-9 182-3
104 Record of every act and thought of all men
105 Book of Life Isis I 178-9 182-3 SD I 147-8
105 Plan from the passive Universal Mind
- projected by the Lipika into objectivity SD I 106 110 127
105 Lipika stand parallel to the 7 Angels of the Presence - the 7
Planetary Spirits -
or "Spirits of the Stars" SD I 163
105 Lipika are the direct amanuensis of the Eternal Ideation -
the Divine Thought
105 Eternal Record - no fantastic dream Is I 186 Trans 145-8
SD I 210fn 124
105 Thought, as movement of brain molecules, scatters impressions
the Universe
-" each particle is a register of all events." per: Drs.
Babbage, Jevons
105 "40 Assessors" of Egyptian Book of the Dead in Amenti a class
of the Lipika
105 Which "accuse the Soul" -- [ Kama-Manas ? ] before Osiris
[ Higher Manas, Atma and Buddhi ? ]
105 Chitra-Gupta correspond to the "Assessors" and read out the
soul's life from
the "life-ledger" Agra-Sandhani Glos 82 10
105 Lipika - are connected with Life Eternal and not death. SD I
12 118
105 Destiny Lipika are connected with that of every human
by the record in the Astral Light, but, not
as "fate" SD I 128 181 668 572 Is I 178
105 Time Past, and Future are ever one, and alive in the
105 Horoscopy Lipika, hence, -- influence Horoscopy
Is I 313 -4 WQJ II 103-10 540
Astrology of a child is imprinted on the new brain
in relation to the past acts and thoughts
SD II 24 HPB III 402-9 WQJ I 275-6
116 Occult Dogma "It is one of the fundamental dogmas of Esoteric
Cosmogony, that during the Kalpas (or aeons) of life, motion,
which, during the periods of Rest "pulsates and thrills through
every slumbering atoms" (Commentary on Dzyan), assumes an ever
growing tendency, from the first awakening of Kosmos to a new
"Day," to circular movement. The "Deity" becomes a whirlwind."
SD I 2 9 17 106 108 77 99 557
116fn "Who, in Pralaya, can ascertain the difference in motion
SD I 13 51 132 II 153
116 Ans.: "Everything in Nature is to be judged by analogy.
Though the highest Deities (Archangels or Dhyani Buddhas) are
unable to penetrate the mysteries too far beyond our planetary
system and the visible Kosmos, yet
there were great seers and prophets in olden times who were
enabled to perceive the mystery of Breath and Motion
retrospectively, when the systems of worlds were at rest and
plunged in their periodic sleep." SD II 153 I 44 187-9 142 604
[Apparently reading in the Akasa the history of the past events
from the last Manvantara into the present one - which is the
"child" - of that one.]
118 Stanza V (4)
4. Fohat traces spiral lines to unite the six to the
seventh--the Crown (a); an Army of the Sons of
SD I 105 Light stands at each angle (and) the Lipika--in the
middle wheel.
They (the Lipika) say, "This is good" (b). The first Divine
World is ready, the first (is now), the second (world), then
the (S.D. I 105)
"Divine Arupa" (the formless Universe of Thought) reflects
itself in Chayaloka
(the shadowy world of primal form, or the intellectual) the
garment of (the) Anupadaka [parentless] (c).
119 Evolution of Nature and Man as spiral lines [correspondence
and analogy of cycles ]
Book II SD I 143fn II 60 86
119 Buddhi 6th principle in Man the Divine Soul is material when
compared to
divine Spirit Atma of which it is the vehicle ML 341-6
SD I 17 xix 471 177 453 WQJ Art I 603 HH
Glos 97 HPB II 195 270-1 SD II 231fn
SD I 244-5 639 Key 101-2 135
119 Eros Fohat as Divine Love Glos 115 170 SD I 201
SD I 76 109-10 635 II 65 176 234 576 626fn
Kamadeva [ Kama, Kamadeva Glos 171-2 SD II 176 576 ]
119 Sympathy an electric Power of affinity and sympathy
119 "Bridge" trying to bring pure Spirit (the Ray inseparable
from the ONE)
into union with the Soul [Buddhi] the 2 constituting the
Monad Monad in Man and Nature -- the 1st link between the ever
unconditioned and the manifested. SD I 130 II 176 Gl. 170-1
SD I 174-5 fn
119 Lipika World "The 1st is now the 2nd." SD I 103-7 122-3
SD I 126 128 Echoes 13-14 Trans. 147-9
Glos 190 216 TM 33-463
119 Army of the Sons of Light -- Dhyan Chohans
119 Dhyan Chohans [ see SD Index p. 40 ]
HPB to APS p. 245 Trans 47 50 98 95-8
SD I 22 36 104 159 265 279-80 452 635 Glos 101
119 Dhyan Chohans- guide and watch over humanity during
119 - "Mystic Watchers" of the Alchemists and Kabalists
119 Numbers - relate to the numbers of the Universe
- several groups and distinct ideas - leading to
misunderstandings among scholars
119 First World - is the 2nd because 1st cannot be numbered SD I
130 top
- it is the noumena as primary manifestation
119 SAT - Be-ness cannot be manifested Glos 292 SD II 449
119 World of Truth - threshold to the World of Truth or to SAT
S A T SAT Glos 292
119 1st World - through which the direct energy that radiates
from the ONE REALITY - the nameless Deity reaches us, SD I 16
53 II 449
119-120 Buddhi - anything manifested is phenomenal, not
everlasting nor sempiternal -- as a manifestation, all is
120 1st World - coeval and coexistent with the One Life the:
Secondless." SD I 130
[ therefore in Manifestation Buddhi and
Atma are cemented as the MONAD. The
120 Monad is present in all men as Mind,
and in all Nature as potential -- as
Intelligence. ]
120 Buddhi - "A bright star dropped from the heart of
Eternity " SD I 174-5fn 80
120 Hope - the beacon of hope on whose 7 Rays hang the 7 Worlds
of Being."
SD I 570-1 635
120 - the 7 Lights whose reflections are:
120 Human Monad the human immortal Monads--the Atma
SD I 135 215 570 139 HPB to APS p. 243
120 One Spirit, many or the irradiating spirit of every
Rays creature of the human family.
120 Divine World - Buddhis, or formless divine Souls
[Buddhas and Dhyanis] SD I 213 216
120 Arupa - countless Lights lit at the primeval LIGHT
of the "Last Arupa," formless, world
Manasa [ Last stage of the previous
Manvantara ? ] or "Sum Total"
120 Catechism - quoted: LIGHT and "countless Lights" SD I
120 - the deluded say: "Thy Soul and My Soul."
120 UNITY "The radical unity of the ultimate essence of
each constituent part of compounds in Nature-
LAW is the one fundamental LAW in Occ. Science."
SD I 17 130 277 632-4 HH
120 "The Deity is boundless and infinite expansion."
is an occult Axiom." SD I 58 566f 640
122 4 Winged wheels at each corner for the 4 Maharajas
SD I 119 Trans 118
122 Dhyan Chohans Kings, Maharajas or the Dhyan Chohans
SD I 126 294fn 379 408 II 427fn
[ Great Powers SD I 134fn 408
122 Cardinal Points Devas who preside over the 4 directions
[ 4 elements SD I 346
[ Zodiacal SD I 363
[ Mathematical SD I 616-7
[ Cosmogonical SD I 463 367 408 SD II 577 591
[ and Cross SD II 556
122 Cosmical Points: N S E W occultly SD I 126 II 400
123 Karma These 4 Beings connected with Karma
SD I 105 126 Trans 48 HH
123 4 Maharajas a universal belief SD I 118-9 HPB III 401
123 Cosmic 4 great divisions, Rulers of the
123-4 considered "Devils" by RC Church
[ St Augustine quoted in fn ]
123-4 [In "3rd Vol. SD" SD III 87 194 272 358 489 549 ]
Is II 29 206-7 450fn FP 184 (Saptarishis-Gl. 291)
Theosophy Vol. 5-519, 9-178, 12,p. 78
124 Karma of man rewards or punishes individually, and
collectively for nations
SD I 126-8 642-3
124 Causes for Karma are produced by men individually and
these awaken forces in the sidereal world
which are magnetically and irresistibly
attracted to those who cause them
124 Thought is matter. "every existing particle must be a
register of all that has happened"
Register -- Jevons, Babbage
[ Recorders SD I 104 128-9 132 II 329
126 Maharajahs- 4 Maharajahs [Great Kings] SD I 122-4 294f
- protectors of mankind Glos 20 Echoes 13
Is I 178 183
- Agents of Karma
- Gandharbas (sweet songsters) SD I 92 571
SD I 523f-4 554 II 90 369f 585 Glos 104
- Winged Globes
- Fiery Wheels
- Asuras Glos 40 SD II 59 78 86 92 487-8
SD II 227f 246 500 585 608 ML 107
- Kinaras Glos 178 SD II 63f
- Nagas Glos 222 SD II 132 182-2 ML 76
SD II 201 208 501 628 M Pan 223
Is II 234
126 Lipikas - concerned with Humanity's hereafter
WQJ I 604 Trans 146-9 Q and A 149 HH
127 Archangels [ Archangels : (Dhyani Buddhas) Tr. 98 top
Glos 28 SD II 242 248 584
127 "Fall" Cherubim Placed at gate to Eden after Fall
SD I 299 274-6 228 II 501 Glos 80
Is II 210 231 236
127 "Forbidden Science" Voice 67
127 "Fall" Fall of the "Gods" SD II 79 93-95
128 Planetary Spirits - Informing spirits of the Stars (in
general) and of the Planets especially.
SD I 53 105 572-3 646 II 24
Epitome 10 Glos 55
128 Astrology - Rule the destinies of men who are all born
under one or other of their
constellations SD I 570-574
128 Plan. Spirits - 2nd & 3rd Group pertaining to other
systems have similar functions and
rule various departments of Nature.
128 Loka Palas Rule over 8 cardinal points SD I 126fn
4 cardinal points:
East: Indra [King of Gods--Law, Justice ]
South: Siva [ Rules Death, Dispersion, and
Rebirth -- Time & Cycles ]
West: Varuna [ Rules Waters, Space, Life]
North: Kuvera [ Material Wealth, Greed ]
S.D. II 759
128 Lipika - Spirits of the Universe
[ Builders are Planetary deities ] WQJ I 604 HH
SD I 103-4 126 129-130 Q&A 149
128 - Most Occult portion of Cosmogenesis
[ details not to be given ]
128 Lipika - perhaps highest Adepts know this Angelic order
in details of its triple degrees Q and A p. 149
128 Karma The Lipika are connected with Karma.
They are its direct Recorders. HH
128fn Tree Universal symbol of Secret Knowledge Glos 337
SD II 214-5 4 36 254 293 295 587-8
Is II 184-5 294 HPB II 486 III 186
128 Lipika "scribes" guard the Tree of Knowledge which
bears "Golden" fruit, given by Female deity
to the Male. SD I 341 74 58-9 247
Glos 250 (on the "delusion of separateness") Q and A 149
129 Stanza V (6)
6. The Lipika circumscribe the triangle, the first one
(the vertical line or the figure 1.), the cube,
the second one, and the pentacle within the egg
(circle) (a). It is the ring called "Pass Not,"
for those who descend and ascend (as also for
those) who, during the Kalpa, are progressing
toward the great day "Be with us" (b). . . . Thus
were formed the Arupa and the Rupa (the Formless
World and the World of Forms); from one light
seven lights; from each of the seven times
seven lights. The "Wheels" watch over the Ring.
SD I 60 87 90 Glos 106 250
129 Lipika an Angelic Hierarchy - Complex
>From the group of Four and Seven 4 & 7 emanates
the "mind born" group of 10, 12, 21, etc.
129 all these divided again into
sub-groups of 7s, 9s, 12s, etc.,
129 each having its distinct task in the visible
Kosmos during the Kalpa
129 Impenetrable barrier made by the Lipika ( Recorders of
the Karmic Ledger) between
the personal Ego, and
the impersonal SELF, the
129 Personal / Impersonal Noumenon and Parent-Source of the
SD I 56 60 13 90 142 HPB to APS 244
Trans 148-9
129 Lipika - they circumscribe the manifested world of
129 Pass Not matter within the ring: "Pass Not."
Glos 250 (separateness) SD I 142 528 592 597
130 2 ONES One on the unreachable plane of Absoluteness and
Infinity [eternal, absolute, immutable,
cannot be divided or emanate ]
SD I 2 25 109 110 120 TA&N 63-4 S.D. II 167
2nd ONE and the "Second One" on Voice 15
Emanation the plane of Emanations, as ITS Reflection
as Logos or Eswara (Vishnu-Krishna) in
the Universe of Illusion.
SD I 16 94 109 119-123
130 Emanation It emanates from ITSELF -- as the Upper
Sephirothal TRIAD emanates the lower
7 Sephiroth -- the 7 Rays or Dhyan
Chohans SD I 98 Trans 28 94 128-9
Glos 113 Is II 34-5 SD II 572 652
Theosophy V. 24 - p. 27
[ Man a Celestial SD I 210 614 635
SD II 61 111 595 613
138 - Homogeneous becomes Heterogamous Glos 145
Trans 37-8 SD I 109 Key 84
130 Laya Point Unless these return to their primal Element,
they can never cross the Laya, or Zero
point. Glos 187 SD I 145 147 155 258
130 Lipika separate the world of spirit from the world of
matter Glos 187 SD I 13 103-4 126 Trans 148
Note: In Ans. to Quest. p. 149, Mr. Crosbie states:
"...the Lipika are not personal beings...There are as
component parts of every human being, principles, which
are drawn from the 7 great hierarchies of being.
Action, whenever taken, is taken with, through, and
felt by one or the other or all of these principles,
and there is a registration of the general and individual
effect produced--all that is good and all that is
bad--among those hierarchies to which the principles
belong. The action finds its own place and focus of
reaction. Each hierarchy has its own individuality as
a mass; individuality is not characteristic of the
units. Hence, the Lipika may be regarded as the
recording points of the general and individual effects
of Karma..." Q & A 149
[ In Transactions pp 148-9 HPB says:
"The Lipika proceed from Mahat...[are called] the
four Recording Angels...4 Maharajahs, those who record
every thought and deed of man...directly connected with
Karma...Day of Judgment...day "Be With Us."
Then every thing becoming one, all individualities
are merged into one, yet each knowing itself...
[in} absolute consciousness...
They [ Lipika ] are a division, four taken from
one of the Septenates that emanate from Mahat [which]
corresponds with the Fire of S. Magus, the secret and
the Divine Ideation, made to witness itself in this
objective Universe through the intelligent forms we see
around us...The Lipika are on the plane corresponding
to the highest plane of our chain of globes."
[ Globes "A" and "G" ] Trans. 148-9 see SD I 200
130 Monads incarnated and men striving towards perfection but
who have not "reached the goal" will only cross the
"circle/Ring Pass Not" on the day "Be With Us."
(p. 131 top) into the One Essence to become not only
merged, but one with Life itself.
SD I 13 90 113 129 132 135 276 Trans 54-5
[ Note: See SD II 244 - Myth of Prometheus, and the
potential future by self-determination of man:
Martyrdom of Self-conscious Existence: Prometheus...
"...who steals the divine fire to allow men to
proceed consciously on the path of spiritual
evolution, thus transforming the most perfect of
animals on earth into a potential god, and making
him free to "take the kingdom of heaven by
violence."...[ to become a conscious, hence a
responsible unity ] -- on to p. II 246 top:
"...the radiant Archangels, Dhyan Chohans , who
refused to create, because they wanted Man to
become his own creator and an immortal god..."
"Theosophy teaches that separation from the Primal Source having
once occurred, reunion can only be achieved by
will--Effort...tradition shows the celestial Yogis offering
themselves as voluntary victims in order to redeem
Humanity--created god-like and perfect at first--and to endow him
with human affections and aspirations. To do this they had to
give up their natural status and, descending on our globe, take
up their abode on it for the whole cycle of the Mahayuga, thus
exchanging their impersonal individualities for individual
personalities --the loss of sidereal existence the curse of
terrestrial life." SD II 246
130-1 Be With Us Final day of the cycle of manifestation when
all is resolved back into the One Essence without
destroying the individuality acquired by the
accretion of the Skandhas in the Immortal Higher
Manas a portion of the Divine Triad (Atma-Buddhi-Manas)
131 Non-separateness of the Ego within the personality.
Illusions of ignorance causes this non-perception
(see HPB Art III p. 265 SD II 246 )
131 [Note: HPB states: HPB Art III 265
[ No loss of Individuality in Nirvana ]
131 Astronomically the Ring Pass Not that the Lipika trace
"Pass Not" around the 3.1415 to circumscribe
those figures [ see SD I 142 - on
the "atmosphere of our Earth as a
"crucible."] SD I 13 90 103-5 142
131 Geometrical "Pi" and numerical figures correlated.
SD I 90 113fn II 38-9
131 Nebulae of astronomy are beyond this "Ring" -- but cannot
be located physically any more than the 1008
Devaloka worlds of the Hindu Puranas, Devalokas and
131 Light from the most distant Suns/worlds takes an enormous
time to reach us Some known exoterically as
well as esoterically SD I3, 142
131 Laya point Conceived of by chemists and physicists --
the end of matter that they deal with
[ a "transition point -- "black hole ? ]
- exists in concept on a plane only thought
or in the mind SD I 13 90 142 198
Glos 187 SD I 145 147 155 258
131 Pass Not ring exists in the "infinities of space" and
cannot be located physically
131 Infinity is dimensionless - from the physical to the
para-para-metaphysical SD II 252
Its existence is hinted at in ancient texts
132 Ring Pass Not Only the Lipikas - Recorders can cross it
Lipika Others will cross only at next Pralaya
132 Boundary separating the finite from the truly Infinite.
133 Lipika belong to higher worlds in the hierarchy of Being
would appear as Gods and collectively GOD
G. Notes 176 SD I 208 352 347
Glos 187 SD I 13 103-4 126 Trans 148
133 [ HPB gives us the example of Ant intelligence as
a vast gulf to man's ]
Trans 13 123 Is I 433-4 SD I 133 329
133 Intelligence Reasonable and intellectual beings other than
men may be on the physical plane
Science can only affirm that they know of no
intelligences similar to man's, who are
invisible and living under our
conditions SD I 620
133 Intelligence on other globes or worlds -- cannot be denied
as a possibility
133 And, there may be a limited communication
between them and ourselves
133 7 Orders of purely divine Spirits - SD I 207-210 200 313; SD
I 150 567
133 to the Lower 6 belong hierarchies which may
occasionally be seen and heard by men
[ HPB hints there is a relation between them and man ]
133 Progeny on Earth of Great Beings [ MANKIND ] HH
who communicate with their progeny of the Earth
[ "The star under which a human Entity is born says the
Occult teaching, will remain for ever its star...
But this is not his astrological star...the former
[is connected] with the individuality, The
"Angel" of that Star, or the Dhyani Buddha will be
either the guiding or simply the presiding
"Angel,"...in every new rebirth of the monad,
which is part of his own essence, though his
vehicle, man, may remain for ever ignorant of this
fact. The Adepts have each their Dhyani-Buddha,
their elder "twin Soul," and they know it, calling
it "Father-Soul," and "Father-Fire." It is only
at the last and supreme initiation...that they
learn it when placed face to face with the bright
"image."...Augoides." SD I 572-3
[ see also S. Rao on this, bottom, SD I 574 ]
[ "...the chief features of one's life are always in
accordance with the "Constellation" one is born under...with the
characteristics of its animating principle or the deity that
presides over it, whether we call it a Dhyan Chohan...or an
Archangel...it was always the Sun (though the Spiritual, not the
visible, Sun was meant), that was supposed to send forth the
chief Saviors and Avatars. Hence the link between the Buddhas,
the Avatars, and so many other incarnations of the highest Seven.
The closer the approach to one's Prototype, "in Heaven," the
better for the mortal whose personality was chosen by his own
personal deity (the 7th principle), as its terrestrial abode.
For, with every effort of will toward purification and unity with
that "Self-god," one of the lower rays breaks and the spiritual
entity of man is drawn higher and ever higher to the ray that
supersedes the first, until from ray to ray, the inner man is
drawn into the one and highest beam of the Parent-Sun." SD I
[ "...an important point with regard to the double evolution of
the human race. The Sons of Wisdom or the spiritual Dhyanis, had
become "intellectual " through their contact with matter, because
they had already reached, during previous cycles of incarnation,
that degree of intellect which enabled them to become independent
and self-conscious entities on this plane of matter. They were
reborn only by reason of karmic effects. They entered those who
were "ready," and became the Arhats, or sages... [ see SD II
79-80, 93-4 ]
It does not mean that Monads entered forms in which other Monads
already were. They were "Essences," "Intelligences," and
conscious spirits; entities seeking to become still more
conscious by uniting with more developed matter.
Their essence was too pure to be distinct from the universal
essence; but their "Egos," or Manas (since they are called
Manasaputra, born of "Mahat," or "Brahmaa) had to pass through
earthly human experiences to become all-wise, and be able to
start on the returning ascending cycle.
The Monads are not discrete principles, limited or conditioned,
but rays from that one universal absolute Principle.
The entrance into a dark room through the same aperture of one
ray of sunlight following another will not constitute two rays,
but one ray intensified.
It is not in the course of natural law that man should become a
perfect septenary being, before the seventh race in the seventh
Round. Yet he has all these principles latent in him from his
birth...[ follows explanation about "Fifth," and "sixth"
Rounders ]..." SD II 167
"Tradition shows the celestial Yogis offering themselves as
voluntary victims, in order to redeem Humanity--created god-like
and perfect at first--and to endow him with human affections and
aspirations. To do this they had to give up their natural status
and, descending on our globe, take up their abode on it for the
whole cycle of the Mahayuga, thus exchanging their impersonal
individualities for individual personalities...this voluntary
sacrifice of the Fiery Angels..." [ see also SD I 207-210 ] SD
II 246
133 Progeny This "progeny" is indissolubly linked with them,
Principle each "principle" in man having its direct
source in the nature of those great Beings
SD I 273 715fn
133 They furnish us with the respective invisible
elements in us. SD I 139 491-2 572 171-6
SD I 213 221-4 233 275 288fn 460-1 567
SD II 84-88 95-6 108-110 191fn 216
491 318fn 636 717fn
133 Materialism unable to make and connection between our
134 Scientific feelings, thoughts and sensations and
the physical material of the body
134 DAY: "Be With Us" A mystery of Bodhism [ wisdom ]
Expression from the Egyptian Mysteries SD I 130-1 II 490
134 Footnote From the French:
"The Book of the Dead..."the Day be with
us"...is the day when Osiris says to the
Sun: "Come ! I see it (him) meeting
the Sun in Amenti." [ Chap 17, p. 61 ]
Trans 148 Glos 18
13fn Parabrahmic Centers are innumerable S. Rao
134fn Square - Tetraktis symbol of the 4 sacred Powers
Trans 90-1 Path Vol. I, p. 40
134fn Circle - Boundary within the Infinite which no man,
Deva or Dhyan Chohan can cross until the
end of the cycle of Maha-Manvantara and
the "night" of Maha-Pralaya begins to
134f Paranirvana lasts for 31,040,000,000,000 years. This
is Paranirvana SD II 69-70 132 330 390
[ Paranirvana - absolute perfection
SD I 42-3 48 53 135 266 268 II 450
134fn - they all will cross that circle only when the
Great pralaya comes and all is resolved
into the ONE the ALL [ corresponds to the
Day of the "Last Judgment" ]
134 Day of Come To Us is the same SD I 32 34 129-30 138 265
135 Paranirvana Rest - [ sleep ] T. Mvt. V. 2, p. 27
[ Does HPB introduce the MONAD here to remind us ? ]
135 MONAD born of the nature and the very Essence of the
"Seven" SD I 132 171-5fn 169-184 619
SD II 146fn 150 180-1
[ its highest principle being immediately enshrined in the
Seventh Cosmic Element ]
135 Septenary Cycle [ 7 Rounds through 7 Globes ]
to perform its septenary gyration throughout
the Cycle of Being and forms -- from the
highest to the lowest -- from man to God
135 At the threshold of Paranirvana it reassumes
its primeval Essence and becomes the
Absolute once more. SD II 167 246
[ Open Eye of the Dangma, a hint of intellectual,
Manasic awareness during the deepest Pralaya SD I
27 ]
"...we are in the Fourth Round, at the middle point of which the
perfect equilibrium between Spirit and Matter has taken place
[Fn. "...during the highest point of civilization and knowledge,
as also of human intellectuality, of the fourth Atlantean
race...that humanity branched off into its two diametrically
opposite paths: the right-and the left-hand paths of knowledge or
Vidya. "Thus were the germs of the White and the Black Magic
sown in those days, The seeds lay latent for some time, to
sprout only during the early period of the Fifth (our Race)."]
Says the Commentary...:--
"The holy youths (the gods) refused to multiply and create
species after their kind. They are not fit forms (rupas) for us.
They have to grow. They refuse to enter the chhayas (shadows or
images ) of their inferiors. Thus had selfish feeling prevailed
from the beginning, even among the gods, and they fell under the
eye of the Karmic Lipikas." SD I 192
"The Lipika as compared with the Builders are the great Spirits
of the universe as a whole, the builders being of a special
nature. The Lipika, like the others, are divided into 3 groups,
but it is asserted that only the lowest of these 3 groups has to
do with this system of ours and that the other two cannot be
known, and also that those two are so high that it doubtful if
even the highest of the Adepts know about them. It may therefore
be supposed that for the Adepts the Lipika of the higher degrees
are as great a mystery as the Mahatmas are for us, and that this
as ending scale of greatness ever gives to the soul something
still higher, no matter how we may progress, to which to look and
But as each of the 3 groups is divided into 7 others (SD I p.
127), it may be the 21st sub-group which has to do with this
globe; and it is said that as to the highest of the groups it is
distinctly connected with our karma. (SD Vol. 1, p. 128, last
line.) Now as Karma rules the entire universe, it must follow,
in order to make and keep harmony, that the "highest grade of
Lipika" referred to on p. 128 is not the highest of the last
series of 21 sub-groups, but the highest of the whole three
Note well. Whenever an "entity" is spoken of among the various
"hosts" it is to be known as composed of many entities, just as
man himself is similarly constituted, his total consciousness
being that of the whole mass of beings who go to make up his
intricate life." WQJ "Hidden Hints in the SD" -- WQJ Articles,
Vol. I 604-5
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