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Effort & Evolution

May 18, 2001 05:36 PM
by Gerald Schueler

Some food for thought:

G de Purucker, STUDIES IN OCCULT PHILOSOPHY (one of my favorite books) has
much to say about some of the topics I have been discussing. I recognize
that some list-members are not familiar with de Purucker, but he is well
worth reading.

On page 9 he lists the yugas and their length in years.

On page 81 he has an extremely interesting article titled "There is no
eternally unchanging principle in man" in which he notes that even atma is
changing and growing.

On page 161 he notes that the lifetime of our manvantara is 4,320,000,000

Somewhere (can't recall where right now) he mentions that there is a rule of
thumb to the effect that the average person spends 100 years in devachan for
each year lived, and that the average life on Earth was about 15 years so
that the average devachan was 1,500 years.

Thus we can, on the average, expect to undergo
4,320,000,000/1,515=(about)2,851,000 lifetimes during this manvantara.

On page 198 he says that at the end of the 7th Round "as then having
completed the evolutionary course for this planetary chain, will leave this
planetary chain as Dhyan-Chohans" etc, etc.

So, we can reasonably expect that the evolutionary force of kundalini will
carry us up to Dhyan-Chohans after almost 3 million lifetimes with little or
no effort expended other than normal evolutionary development vis-a-vis
learning lessons via our incarnations. If we want to shorten this apparently
long time period, we can expend energy through meditation and compassion,
but he never (and neither does Blavatsky) says that we have to.

Jerry S.

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