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Re: [bn-sd] Re: matter is eternal and flexible?

Mar 16, 2001 10:52 PM
by leonmaurer

Referring to the questions posed by students with reference to this topic as 
well as to the relationship between consciousness and matter, I would like to 
offer the following culled from a recent commentary posted as a scientific 
presentation of theosophical truths to the Journal of Consciousness Study 
online forum. I hope it might help to better clarify our understanding of the 
inherent logic underlying all the theosophical ideas presented in the Secret 
Doctrine and other writings of HPB with respect to its fundamental science, 
its metaphysics, its spiritual practices, and its moral-ethical imperatives. 

<<In going over the discussions related to dualism versus monism, It might 
help if interdisciplinary scientists referred back to fundamental concepts of 
universal origins as a basis of their arguments. In particular, the 
inseparable, although transformable energy wave nature of all things in (or 
as aspects of) the universe. 

Accordingly, I would like to offer the following ideas for consideration.

A true view of such origins, in a larger sense, actually would indicate that 
the universe operates not as a dualism or a monism, but as a synthesis of 
them both... With either being predominant, depending on whether we look at 
the universe from the inside out or from the outside in, e.g., from the zero 
point of initial origin starting from the fundamental sub-quantum 
"particle/wave" or initial energy ray as it involves from its near infinite 
frequency and energy state down to the lower materialized energies of the 
"space-time continuum" we experience... Or, from the outer limits of the 
coadunate, or interpenetrating fields of the fully evolved cosmos, to each of 
their individual zero-point centers of origin of all the apparently separate 
structures and fields within it... And, further consider how these fields 
interrelate with each other and transfer holographic information from one 
field to another through their transcendent, infinitely high frequencies and 
energies on the subtlest, non metric "zero-point" levels of spirit and mind 
to the finite and limited frequency spectrums and associated energy phases or 
vibrational frequency orders on the metric levels of quantal matter/energy 
fields that compose the *physical* or formative, bodily structures of these 
apparently separate, although interdependent *entities* on our space-time 
continuum/quantum level.

Hermetic occult philosophy, or theosophy, as accepted by all the great 
thinkers of antiquity from Pythagorus to Plato to Buddha, holds that Space is 
all there is and that the fundamental laws of such Space are of a cyclic 
nature. Since Space can be either manifest or unmanifest, there cannot be 
such a concept as "no space" or pure vacuum. It follows that there must 
always be an abstract laya or zero-point in and around which such Space must 
exist -- implying, a duality within a unity... Also, as occultism further 
proposes, since there can never be any cessation of motion -- whether such 
motion is represented as the objective (metric) cyclic movement of energy 
within the manifest space, or as the abstract (non-metric) cyclic motion 
(pure "spinergy") within the Absolute "mother" Space prior to initial 
manifestation -- this confirms the adage, as the Buddha said, "Nothing comes 
from nothing." 

Also, since abstract motion can only be equated with non-dimensional, or 
*abstract* spin, and since spin can only be equated with an endless and 
beginningless movement of absolute abstract space having zero diameter, there 
must always be a central, *motionless* or "static" point of zero (0) 
dimension around which both the manifest motion (circular) and the abstract 
motion (spin) is cyclically *moving* (turning or rotating)." Therefore the 
abstract zero-point, as is the Space surrounding it (whether manifest or 
unmanifest), must be both everywhere and nowhere (locally and nonlocally) 
*existent* throughout all eternity -- i.e., whether it is in temporary 
objective motion in linear time or in eternal abstract motion in infinite 

This static (inertial) point of zero dimension around which all motion must 
occur and be always tied to, and when manifest or "inflated", forming a 
continuous surrounding circular field whose basic force lines must follow a 3 
cycle spiral path that passes through the center (zero) point twice -- 
analogous to a figure eight inscribed within a circle, or in its spherical 
form, appearing as twin bubbles within a larger surrounding bubble -- is the 
only logical possibility that can fulfill the Hermetic statements, that "the 
center of the universe is everywhere and its circumference nowhere," and that 
"the universe is *triune" in its fundamental nature." That is to say, that 
the "monad" which represents the fundamental root of all life, as described 
by Leibnitz, is essentially two fields contained within one surrounding 
field. This fundamental monadic field represents the eternal link between 
spirit or consciousness, mind and matter, as well as the unity of the 
absolute life force with pure ideation or wisdom, represented by intuitive 
mind, and informational knowledge, represented by rational mind. 

Thus, the Abstract Origin must remain forever existent non-locally as both a 
zero-point (of absolute inertia), and as *spin* (of infinite energetic force 
or "spinergy") around that zero point -- whether the Cosmos is manifest 
(Brahma) or unmanifest (Parabrahm). This confirms the avatar Krishna's 
(representing Parabrahm) statement in the Bhagavad Gita, "I established this 
whole universe with a single portion of myself, and remain separate" -- 
implying, since infinite in both energy and motion, that it eternally remains 
completely *undiminished* as well as omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. 

Therefore, the zero-point which is nonlocally *everywhere*, must contain the 
total *negative* energy complementing and supporting the *positive* energy of 
the entire manifest universe. This could account for the inertial forces, as 
well as the attraction and repulsion that maintains the entire universe in 
relatively perfect balance -- yet subject to entropy and enthalpy due to the 
condition of indeterminacy that comes into effect (due to intermingling of 
transformed energy) close to the intersection of all adjacent field phase 
changes (where transformational changes of cyclic phenomena begin to 
intersect and interfere with each other), and "simplicity" begins its 
transformations into "complexity" (or vice-versa, depending on which 
direction the change is occurring). 

If the above is true, Space, in its dual aspects of both static zero-points 
and energetic motion rooted in spin, no matter what its state or condition, 
whether manifest or unmanifest, temporal or timeless, objective or abstract, 
is always some-*thing* that can be grasped or imagined by our dual (nonlinear 
intuitive and linear rational) mind (related, on the material plane, by both 
the left and right brain's independent, as well as interdependent, 

Long and deep subjective meditation on these apparently paradoxical abstract, 
although inherently logical ideas, can result in a profound conviction of 
such facts. (Although, no "proof" in a reductive or objective scientific 
sense can ever be demonstrated that could unequivocally convince another.) 
However, some of the abstract topographical and set theory mathematics that 
underlie the current multidimensional Superstring/M-brane theories have come 
almost close to "proving" or, at least, verifying these theosophical 
teachings, and that could eventually synthesize both linear and nonlinear 
concepts with a complete merging of relativity, quantum and multidimensional 
field theories into one Grand Unified Theory of Everything.

It follows, if this is the true nature of the universe -- that the initial 
unity forms a duality within itself that could be the root of the separation 
between consciousness and matter, and if we carry it further down the scale 
of involution from infinite frequency and energy in seven stages or phases of 
descending energy/frequency orders, we can understand the inherent seven fold 
nature of all beings in the universe, (based on the nature of cyclic motional 
changes of direction and polarities between its neutral nonpolar states) -- 
starting from the ubiquitous zero-point through the transcendental fields 
within fields surrounding that point to the smallest sub-quantum 
particle-wave, and on through all the organic and inorganic "beings" to the 
largest agglomeration of such particles in stars and galaxies. Thus, we might 
be able to understand the duality of conscious and matter bridged by the 
unity of mind to form a trinity of cosmic space, consciousness and material 
forms. If we can view the transcendent field of mind, then, as a separate 
*entity* from the material-field structure of the brain, we can combine unity 
and duality within the fundamental trinity of the overall reality -- thus 
synthesizing monism and dualism as a fundamentally unified triunism. 

To further explore this idea, with relation to the study of consciousness as 
it relates to the hard problem of explaining the qualia of consciousness, it 
might be helpful to consider that the holographic sensory information 
transferred from the brain to the mind and thence detected by the awareness 
(that could be the inherent, or a-priori nature of the zero-point itself) is 
based on the nature of wave interference patterns that can be modulated in, 
carried by, transferred, demodulated and detected between one radiative 
field of energy to another -- analogous to the way all our audio and visual 
image information is collected, transformed (modulated), transmitted, 
received (demodulated), projected and perceived. These analogies could very 
simply be applied to each of our sensory systems that function as 
intermediaries between the physical world and our inner world of perceptive 

Leon Maurer>>

In a message dated 03/16/01 3:37:23 PM, writes:

>Thursday, March 15, 2001
>Dear Odin:
>1st Are there not always some who know more than we have? (as
>well as others who still have to rise to our level of learning?
>So why not assume that some of the information we receive (not to
>take in blindly, but to test and if possible verify ourselves) .
>Such things as a post meditative state named SAMADHI (and a
>still more remote one named TURIYA) may be possible and a
>description of them may be taken as an unverified theory, if you
>will, but certainly it is something that can be stored in our
>memory in the hope that we m ay discover eventually more about
>Theosophy being a record made by the ADEPTS and their pupils over
>millions of years will probably include information or notice
>about experiences we still have to encounter and deal with
>personally. For example we cannot yet all be astronauts, but
>those who have "been there" and "done that" have left records and
>directions. We may disbelieve in those, but some who dare, may
>take up the information, build space-ships and navigate them,
>based on the information secured.
>Before putting into practice anything, one needs to assure ones'
>self of the basis on which any process is constructed. So too
>with Theosophy
>The objective is for the Individual Ego to become proficient, in
>or out of a physical body with all the forces operating in
>nature. Perhaps many lives will be needed to perfect this
>attempt. But then, is REINCARNATION provable ? Can we
>demonstrate that there is a SPIRITUAL SOUL in all humans? Is it
>truly IMMORTAL ?
>What is the nature of the Mind? What are the Thought processes,
>and Who in us is the Thinker?
> What in us has desires and passions? How are they observed, and
>are they regulated in some way? Who or what does that?
>Best wishes,

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