RE: Theos-World RE: [bn-sd] Re: Cosmic Ideation, Intuition and Mind
Dec 28, 2000 05:56 AM
by dalval14
Dear John:
If you do have, and can give a reference (I also know the
statement you quoted, but could not locate it) why not give the
source? It helps others save some time verifying.
-----Original Message-----
From: Compiler []
Sent: Wednesday, December 27, 2000 6:48 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: [bn-sd] Re: Cosmic Ideation,
Intuition and Mind
You said this about the item I wrote (which is found below this
To be fair, I think one ought to be able to give a reference
for such a statement -- NO?
Are you implying that I should not point out an idea that I'm
confident that I read in the teachings, just because I do not
where I read it? Maybe others can help confirm that I did not
make the idea up (which is also found below).
(John DeSantis)
------- wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Compiler []
> Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 10:27 AM
> Subject: Re: Cosmic Ideation, Intuition and Mind
> Steve Stubbs wrote:
> ======================
> It should also be said that this subject becomes less
> and less difficult to understand as one gets away from
> the origin of things and into the later phases of
> solar and planetary development.
> ======================
> This makes me think of a statement by the Adepts, that
> I read somewhere in the teachings, which says that "all
> their knowledge begins with manifestation".
> ============================
> DTB To be fair, I think one ought to be able to give a
> for such a statement -- NO?
> =============================
> this makes me think that even though they know everything that
> going on, on every plane, during periods of manifestation,
> they simply do not know WHY the universe works in the
> orderly way that it does. Now that don't make me correct,
> but this is how I happen to interpret their statement.
> What say others?
> Compiler
> (John DeSantis)
> -------
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