RE: [bn-basic] RE: Summary of First Fundamental -- RELIGIONS
Dec 23, 2000 00:04 AM
by dalval14
December 22, 2000
Re: Origin of Religions
Dear Mauri:
The problem with most religions is that there is a wide
difference between the ORIGINAL basic tenets of that religion and
the current practice.
Most peoples have allowed the "Priests, Padres, Curates, etc..."
to handle the matter of teaching religion -- and have left it
UNSUPERVISED. Inquiry into rites ritual and credo are NOT
INVITED. By the clergy -- In fact anyone who does this outside
the close supervision of the Church, Temple, etc. is deemed to
be, and treated, as a "heretic." [ An old word which means an
In most cases the lack of supervision has allowed the priesthood
to take over the people and impose on them from childhood (or by
peer pressure) their special and self-interested concept of
morals, culture, knowledge, functions, etc... They claim to have
divine inspiration and the creeds the impose on the unsuspecting
are distortions of the ORIGINALS. Anyone who has witnessed in
the past 100 years the attempts to restore the "Bible" to its
original meaning (as translated into modern languages) will
realise how much distortion existed in the older versions. But,
how many are diligent and sincere in examining for themselves
this evidence?
In orthodox circles, anyone who inquires into the reason WHY
things are done (by the Church) in some unusual or irrational
way, is deemed to be the "enemy," or under the influence of a
Theosophy is called the WISDOM RELIGION because it invites ALL to
enquire into its (Nature's) BASIC TENETS and their PRACTICAL
APPLICATION in DAILY LIFE by ANYONE. It looks on the rules and
laws of the Universe (call it NATURE), as being a sense common to
everyone -- "common-sense." Truth is Universal, and no one can
"patent it (not even a 'religion.'"
It therefore approaches morality and ethics, and the way in which
we deal with others, from an impersonal and a universal stance.
Any exceptions are dealt with on the basis of that which applies
universally, regardless of place, time, or tradition. If LAW
(Karma) rules the whole UNIVERSE, then even exceptions are
eventually seen to actuate and draw out from Universal Experience
a Law which is appropriate to that "exception." And this will be
in terms we can understand and which common-sense would
Meta (beyond) physics (actuality) are deemed to offer common
views of the Universe and of the purpose of existence for any
being or creature, whether this be a grain of sand, an amoeba, a
fish, a bird, an elephant, a human , a God, a Solar system, a
Nebula, or the whole UNIVERSE itself. ALL ARE ONE. LAW is a
common factor, just as SPIRIT, MOTION, SPACE and MATTER are.
Wisdom being ONE, the religions, without exception, new or old,
Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, Chinese, or any you may
happen to know of, all originate in the same fundamental idea(s).
What are some of them (expressed of course in my words, and as I
see it.) ?
1. DEITY. before "Manifestation." (The totally indefinable.)
Numerical symbol is ZERO " 0 " [ A circle, or a Sphere.]
It is SPACE UNDEFINED in any way. It is wholly unlimited.
Minds that are in manifestation can only deduce ITS necessary
The words ABSOLUTE and ABSOLUTENESS are used for IT.
It is the eternal and non-manifest SOURCE for LAW, MOTION, TIME,
and all forms and beings. It is totally undisturbed when these
It is not a "substance" as substance implies limits of some kind
2. DEITY in MANIFESTATION (Our present situation midway in this
ALL manifestation is an emanation from and within this
Which remains unaffected by any change [ just as 'space'
remains, whether a brick is placed in it or taken away from
it ].
SPACE IS (and as such cannot be defined).
3. DEITY as PERFECTION in all things (the End or Goal of
ALL-WISE (because of the accumulation of experience).
Numerical Symbol for the total focus of Manifestation is ONE =
" 1 "
It is SINGULAR. [Under the Law of Cycles and Karma]...It
radiates of itself innumerable "Rays" which impinging on the
smallest aspects of Matter form when so joined the innumerable
MONADS . [S.D. I 619-34]
Numerically we may say that the "rays" are infinitude --
uncountable, as they
Serve to work indifferent as to whether they animate an atom, a
human, or an Earth or, a whole Universe.
basic division of
Form in ever-undefined SPACE.
MONADS animate and bear the Karma of each smallest form of
matter as of the greatest. They unify all differences into a
single UNITY and form the basis for "Universal brotherhood."
Numerically they are represented by a DUAD = 2.
In actuality they form a Triad when their Source the ABSOLUTE is
also considered. [Duality is ceaseless and limitless expansion.
The TRIAD gives the limitations of form.]
"GOD" -- as Matter (forms, limitations, constant change,
substance, cosmos, etc...)
Numerical Symbol is ALL NUMBERS, but
The MONAD, as specifically the VEHICLE of a "Ray" of SPIRIT, it
is one of the
Uncountable MONADS of Spirit/Matter. All beings and forms are
centered on a
Single Monad which has acquired greater experience. It is the
natural duty of any
"advanced" Monad to guide and assist those Monads which are
attracted to it by Law.
4. MATTER or limitations, defined by the progressive evolution
and development of
CONSCIOUSNESS in any one or group of Monads. Individual,
group, family
and race, or national KARMA (the CYCLIC LAW of RECIPROCITY -- a
Definition of CAUSE and its resultant EFFECT) operate on several
"MATTER " -- as form and limitation, within which there is
constant change, includes time and motion. These three: form,
time and motion, define the limits of Karmic effects.
Karma operates when any change occurs, because change is ALWAYS
the result of choices and decisions by self-willed, independent
Beings: Minds, Emotions, Desires, Feelings, etc... are the
MOTIVES in such cases
5. MAHAT - MINDS -- are the plans and Karma of the Universe and
every being.
It is an energy, independent of either Spirit or Matter, but
capable of both recording all their interactions, and of
generating new ones. [ I believe that it has this capability
because it is the ever-present agent or representative of the
ABSOLUTE. It is "ever the same," and being "stable" it is able
to compare the interaction of all Karma.
Numerically it is 4 - represented by a square or cube.
Mind as a principle in evolution, and associated with the
incremental experience of a MONAD, is triple:
1. Buddhi-Manas (able to partake of the universal wisdom in
the Akasa);
2. Manas as OBSERVER and WITNESS; (and agent for the ABSOLUTE
?); and
3. Kama-Manas as the mind involved in personal desire and
6. DESIRE -- KAMA -- as the principle (for life, feeling and
action) that is ever unsatisfied, and which needs "others" to
come and "complete" it. Emotions and Feelings.
It is a sense of isolation that is ever unrequited.
Being unitary, and thinking it is aloof and isolated from
'others,' it frames a deluded attitude, and in this, it
opposes the cyclic laws of Karmic evolution. This continually
disturbs the even flow of progress, development and delays the
achieving of "Perfection." This may be noticed in the
individual so afflicted and by those who surround him. It
attracts the mind and when a reflection of the Mind is enmeshed
by it we have the
average, present-day state of consciousness Kama-Manas (the
desire-mind) in us all..
The desire to create a creed with ritualism, ceremonies, and
instruction causes those who understood these things
intellectually, ("Eye-Doctrine") to degrade and debase them
into control systems -- which most "religions" of today are found
to exercise. The "Heart-Doctrine is either not understood, or
understood so well that it is suppressed deliberately.
The primary tool is keeping the "flock" ignorant, and
anathematizing "thought" and "questioning." Religions, bye and
large, are money making organizations.
GOD has been transformed into a "proud Father" capable of making
whimsical grants to his worshipers. MATTER is the Universal
MOTHER. MIND is designated the "Son," the intercessor, and is
prayed to. DESIRE is the common basis for most of our selfish
modern living regardless of mercy, justice, compassion or wisdom.
The LOSSES to True Religion (or that which ought to bind humanity
into a single brotherhood) have been: [ True Religion would be
in my esteem one of complete freedom and access to the records of
wisdom, and all traditions being viewed with suspicion, and
carefully re-examined. ]
1. The Inherent Good-hood of Man. A "ray" of the ABSOLUTE is
present in all humanity.
2. The respect for the feminine: mother, sister, wife,
daughter. [The MONAD is sexless.]
3. The concepts of Law-universal: justice, wisdom, fairness,
brotherhood and compassion.
4. The community of a living host or mass of brother-souls
animated with the same ONE SPIRIT.
5. A reasonable Goal of Perfection. Perhaps, defined as
Universal SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS. No "Personal" God." And "prayer"
to be abolished [ S.D. I 416 467-9 ]
6. An ethico-moral base for living and treating all others, with
no conditions or exceptions. All humans are equal, every speck
of "matter" is potentially human, and is a MONAD..
7. The knowledge that each one is an ETERNAL PILGRIM engaged in
a cooperative and interactive endeavour to reach the Perfection
of all Knowledge and the kind of Consciousness which embraces
the Universe. At that point there are, and cannot be any
"mysteries" that remain veiled to the "All-seeing Eye of Wisdom."
The Buddhists call this state of universal vision :
"Samma-Sambuddha." The Hindus speak of the "Divine Eye" which
Krishna gave to Arjuna ( BHAGAVAD GITA Chapter 11 .
This ought to answer the specific questions you raise. Karma,
Law, Nature, ethics and morals are all common to every individual
or race, regardless of color, creed, location or heredity and
culture or traditions. Differences become abolished and the
innate UNITY of all becomes the basis for all decision-making.
One may now understand why H.P.B. in her THE KEY TO THEOSOPHY
speaks of the 4 golden links that should bind humanity into one
family, one brotherhood: :
1. Universal Unity and Causation,
2. Human Solidarity;
3. The Law of Karma;
4. Reincarnation
I do hope this is of some help, let me know,
-----Original Message-----
From: Mauri []
Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 7:12 AM
Subject: RE First Fundamental Proposition S.D.
Responding to:
[bn-sd] RE: Summary of First Fundamental
Who wrote, in part:
"If we consider that Manas, in 'man', corresponds to
Mahat in the Universe we see the great potential that
is awaiting humanity. For it is through Manas, and
Manas alone, that we have the possibility of reflecting
the 'latent ideation' or 'Wisdom' of Atma-Buddhi (the
Monad). Latent Wisdom may then
become Wisdom in action. The more that we are
capable of doing so, the more we will be able to
become intelligent co-workers with Nature.
"Divine thought cannot be defined, or its meaning
explained, except by the numberless manifestations of
Cosmic Substance in which the former is sensed
spiritually by those who can do so."
(SD I 327)
If the various religions throughout history can be said
to be interpretations of Devine Thought, seems as if
there's been plenty of attempts to define and explain
that Devine Thought. One has to start somewhere, I
DTB The origins of all religions can be traced to a reform
instituted by a Prophet, a Sage, or a very wise Man/Woman of an
earlier religion which had become debased. Christianity is a
good example as Jesus came "but to the strayed sheep of the house
of Israel." [ NOTE: He did not come to reform the "gentiles."
It was left to Bishop Eusebius of Caesaria, and the influence he
had over Constantine to secure the universalization by force of
his variety of Christianity over the whole of Europe, wherever
the ROMAN EMPIRE extended (this is History).
The split between the ancient theosophical Wisdom
Religion/Gupta Vidaya (WR/GV) and its various
interpretive derivatives (such as the current
more-popular religions) has apparently come about as
a result of ego-centric politic motivations:
DTB YES -- also "good business" so long as motives are not
closely examined.
So that (?), if that split is a manifestation of Karma,
and if Karma is a derivative of (or made possible by?)
Atma (or "all that is"?) in some fundamental sense (or
in some inter-line capacity?), then it would seem as if
an Atma-Buddhic Karmic focus resulted in a split
that, among other things, (and, in keeping with the
nature and "fairness" of Karma), also has within that
focus all of the necessary aspects (such as "learning
opportunities") by which the collective Manasic
perspective can, potentially, evolve to a "higher" level
of insight and being: In other words (?), that
"fairness" of Karma might be said to be "Fair" in the
sense that the Atma-Buddhic Karmic focus (or
Kama-Manas stage) allows for Monadic
"choice-making" in terms that address the question
of whether one chooses to assert of one's Self (along
the lines of the WR/GV), or not?: Those collective
"nots" having led to the various ego-centric
interpretive permutations such as today's popular
"religious beliefs." And no wonder, since an
appreciation of the WR is not nearly as simplistic.
DTB Not correct. Review the 7 Principles and their
ATMA is not a Tyrant or a Dictator. ATMA may be called MATTER
on the 7th highest plane, and MATTER may be called ATMA on the
7th lowest plane.
In between are the balance principles MANAS (Mind) and Kama
(desire) These form the nexus or focus for the unification of
all 7 principles and also provide CONSCIOUSNESS.
CONSCIOUSNESS is independent of either Spirit or Matter. It (as
a condition or state, or stage of evolution) presents the EGO (a
MONAD that has achieved self-consciousness, and free will --
an: "I-AM-I" ) with the all-important decision-making
opportunity of choosing the Path of Spiritual Enlightenment or
the Path of Selfish Isolation.
The Path of Spiritual Enlightenment is the one that leads back to
the constructive and cooperative work of the brotherhood of ALL
BEINGS. This brings to its assistance the whole force in the
Universe of the urge to PERFECT LIVING and UNDERSTANDING of the
vast reason for cooperative living. If you look at your physical
self and all forms around, you will notice that there is in
existence a cooperative system which enables all such beings to
live and assist one another. The "death" of one form is not the
extinction of its LIVING BEING as that is preserved and finds a
new residence in an emerging and fresh form. [Re-embodiment and
The Path of Selfish Isolation eventually makes of the Ego that
chooses this, an enemy to all other beings in the Universe. This
Ego draws on its residence in the ABSOLUTENESS the energy to
resist the constructive trend of the brotherhood of all beings.
This brings on great pain and continual suffering for such an
Ego. No other being desires to be associated with such an one.
Nature abhors this kind of attitude and only some others who have
adopted similar views allow themselves to be attracted to such an
isolationist consciousness, knowing that they will either have to
grow in power of resistance or succumb to it and surrender their
real spiritual life to a series of transitory and painful
physical existences.
One might wonder what kind of Karmic scenario led
to that split. What kind of cause of the predecessors
of the WR might have resulted in the kind of Karma
that led to the destruction and suppression of the
WR? I wonder if one possible explanation might be
that, at some prior time or Manvantara, the
predecessors of the WR were far less advanced in
insight and knowledge, and so, as a result of their
ignorance and ego-centric behaviors, suppressed and
destroyed anything that represented a perceived threat
to them from whatever at the time represented that
threat that was comparable to what later became the
WR. (?) Or, might there have been a different cause
that nevertheless resulted in a similar outcome?
DTB The WISDOM RELIGION seeks no converts. Its expression is
simply that of letting the independent seeker know that the laws
and pathways of Nature are already explored and that he is free
to examine anything in Nature and adopt or reject the records of
the past. Theosophy is only a restatement of the discoveries
made aeons ago by Wise men and Great Explorers.
If one reads the SECRET DOCTRINE and ISIS UNVEILED attentively
the reader secures for himself a verifiable review of the HISTORY
of the world, in religions, arts, sciences, evolution. The study
of comparative religions, creeds, mythologies, numbers, geometry,
astronomy and symbols is opened up before him. It is all free.
The truly disturbing thing is: With such wisdom available, why
was it not more widely diffused in the past? Why was it hidden?
Who made themselves responsible for its concealment? Why was the
justice and mercy of Karma concealed and the thought introduced
that by special prayers and contrition one might secure from
"God" some kind of dispensation? Why is the doing of concealed
EVIL so attractive ?
Best wishes,
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