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RE: Summary of First Fundamental -- VALUE OF METAPHYSICS -- and UNIVERSALITY

Dec 21, 2000 05:31 AM
by dalval14

December 21, 2000


Dear Mauri:

I think that the concept of the BUDDHI-WISDOM as a record of all
events and energies in a Universe includes also past universes.
There are no exception or dusty closets where the impact of
responses are lost and forgotten. The impact of the LIVING
UNIVERSE implies that all receive the impression of all the rest
and that has happened all the time. And, will continue to

Further, each feeling is related to thought, and the two together
produce ideas, plans, words, pictures, and finally actions. Each
"plane" impacts the rest and leaves its appropriate impression
there. Each aspect of change is Karma, whether this be of an
individual, a family, or a race of beings -- then expanding
further, we could say that the Karma of a World impacts its Solar
System, and from there the trails pass into the UNIVERSE.
Nothing is left out. We are related to the STARS. And all the
Buddhas, Dhyan Chohans, Bodhisattvas, Mahatmas, Adepts, etc...
represent not only great INDIVIDUAL successes in spiritual
attainment, but they are living proof of the potentials we can
achieve as we make our choice to grow into the positions of work
and responsibility which they presently occupy, and take up our
natural burdens.

The changes that we impose (by our free-willed choices) on the
billions of atoms, molecules, cells, (not to mention the
trillions of associated sub-atomic particles) represent for us as
thinking and responsible Units the Karmic impress of our motives
when we generated the choice and initiated a change in and around
us. NOTHING IS EVER "LOST." And we can further bedazzle
ourselves in thought, if we consider that these enormous figures
(individual skandhas -- or karmic Units), are all guided by the
rules of analogy and correspondence. Each of these small (to us)
Units is one of our 'children.' We attracted it, we placed it
where it presently is, we used it, and finally we sent it out
into the world and universe charged with the images of our nature
and the choices we make and made.

If we were to review the first Vol. of the S.D. one of the
important similarities we might grasp is that every image of the
evolutionary scheme given there, and every Being which regulates
and participates in recreating an earth, world, or system, in
which it can live, is analogetic to our every re-incarnation.

We draw and organize the entire plan and procedure of recreating
a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual environment in this
condition where a living MONAD and Mind, picks up the burdens of
its past, and majestically proceeds on its continued journey. It
is a picture of what we are and what we can do. It also shows us
what the bonds of brotherhood are fundamentally and superficially
as we continually cycle around each other, and interlap and
overlap constantly.

Just as in our daily sleep and waking cycles our memory of past
days and years is not obliterated by last night's sleep, so with
the Universes, a new Manvantara (manifestation) does not
obliterate the far older ones, but represents in fact the
cumulated KARMA for all beings of all their past as IMMORTAL

For our present personality to which a minute, an hour, a day
appear to be time elements of appreciable extent, so to the
and, is at any time, the summation of all its yesterdays. Our
present easily recallable superficial memories are seen to be
underlaid with deeper and far more complete memories and
records -- as hypnotism has demonstrated.

I think it is more important to seek for similarities and
analogies than constantly seeking for differences, which on close
analysis do not appear all that significant.. What do you think?

Look on Manas as that faculty which serves as a focus, or a
fulcrum, and which is a transmission point between the vastness
of our past experience (and added to that, the past of all the
beings in our Universe -- as analogy and LAW -- ) and the
vastness of the potentials of the future. We as free-willed
choosers will always be opening those new vistas and will always
be in the company of fellow immortal Pilgrims -- with the same
capacities and potentials as we have. It is the movement of a
great host of brothers. The Present represents one side of the
cone-funnel of Being and the other side is the cone-funnel of

Humanity is a single family, even if our present physiological
heredity is not (seemingly) that close. If you and I were able
to go back over the generations of our families and seek for
relations in the past, we would find that we and all the rest of
humanity emanate from a few ROOT-STOCKS. This would represent
physical heredity. For the emotional, and intellectual heredity,
we would have to develop senses that are capable of penetrating
and identifying the records of Akasic (UNIVERSAL) memory where
those records are impacted forever. Then we would also find the
many times that we have been in close contact assisting ourselves
and each-other down the ages. And that, I think is a great
concept to dwell on. No relation is ever lost in such a system.
No "involvement" is either unimportant, or forgotten, but each
receives its due response in the great HARMONY of Nature (see
S.D. II 420 on the importance of HARMONY and of SELF-REDEMPTION).

The Lower Manas and personal mind is staggered by view of the
enormous number of factors that always accompany every instant of
our lives. Hence in occultism the sensitivity of Nature is dealt
with as a most important factor -- we are creators. And, as
creators, our responsibilities are vast. The stage we and the
rest of humanity has come to is one in which this responsibility
is exhibited in all its complexity. It forms the actual basis
for understanding KARMA and the way in which we (and everyone
else) construct our FUTURE (individually and jointly).

This is one of the reasons why THE SECRET DOCTRINE was written
for us to use and study in this CYCLE. It must be a very
significant one for our future development, we whose Karma it is
to approach and begin to understand the vastness of the subjects
treated therein.

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: Mauri
Sent: Wednesday, December 20, 2000 3:31 AM
RE: Summary of First Fundamental -- VALUE OF METAPHYSICS

Responding to:

RE: Summary of First Fundamental -- VALUE OF METAPHYSICS
Tue, 19 Dec 2000 13:21:49 -0800

Dallas wrote:

"This ONE SOURCE can only be expressed in terms of
infinitudes in time, distance, and motion. Any "solidity" on any
plane of matter might be considered to be the result of motion in
time and space. But the concept of MOTION alone demands a
depth of beginning which can never be defined in either "time,"
in "space.". Each plane of matter therefore demands a record of
events, motions, purpose, achievement, etc... and such a record
would be permanent and eternal -- These in their totality are
BUDDHI -- the wisdom of experience."


In other words (?), could one say that "Buddhi" refers to a
Buddhic FOCUS encompassing a universe: that universe
representing "Buddhi" in a form that might be known as
"Universal Wisdom": that "Wisdom" (of the universe) being the
current state of Karmic involvement and evolution of all Monads
in that universe? That is, could one say that the focus of
Atma-derived Buddhi (or Atma-Buddhi) within a Karmic
environment produces forms of universal wisdom in Atmic terms:
the nature of those "terms" being expressed more-specifically by
a Buddhic (or Atma-Buddhic) focus known as "our universe."

What might be a reasonable sense in which one might think about
"Buddhi" and "Atma" and "Manas" (?): I've had trouble picturing
a "ray" of any kind, but the word "focus" seems to have more
possibilities for me. So that "Buddhi" could mean (?) the
focus of Universal Wisdom represented by the current state of
Karmic (Karmically involved/derived) Wisdom represented
by/within a universe/Manvantara: the degree and nature of that
Universal Wisdom being fundamentally measured and compared
against the Atmic source of that Buddhic focus. So the Manasic
aspect of that Buddhic focus would represent the current degree
and nature of collective Karmic (or Karmically-derived) Manasic
Wisdom? In other words, "Wisdom", in the broadest sense (or
A broader sense, at any rate), could be seen as represented by
Everything, so that Everything = Wisdom, in Atma-Buddhic
terms? If so, and if Wisdom is a derivative of Karma, and if
Karma is Atma-derived, then the Buddhic focus of that
Atma-derived Karma would seem (?) to contain within it the
codes and clues that, within the Manasic aspect of that Buddhic
focus, would "offer" us the necessary opportunities by which we
(the Monads) might solve/absolve our Karmically focused

DTB	These cannot be separated as intertwined they represent the
moral progress of all the beings and Minds involved. The
ethico-moral link is the important one which theosophy restores
to importance as it furnishes the "reason why"


Something like that?


P.S. --- Thanks for that very insightful-sounding post, Dallas.
seems to have somehow supplied some missing links for me, I
think . . . Or did I go off on an imaginary tangent? I tried to
clarify my intended meaning above by various different

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