Let us not get confused concerning Realityand our
picture of Reality. We are all working together as artists and scientists
to atune to the creative will of perfected humanity to discover the
group-conscious picture of reality. As the picture increasingly dawnson
each one of us we are brought into a happy and adventurous conflict: our
personal picture vs the group-consciousness picture.
Zero as been symbolized throughout the many
years sometimes as a point and sometimes as a circle(or
chakra). With the help of the mathematicians, artists and scientists we
have learned that we can not picture a mathematical point with any
certainty. We can tighten the circle of certainty towards the central
point evermore but have learned that there is a limit due to our
"uncertainty". This leaves us with an unimaginable point within the
limits of our imagination. The circumference is the presence of the
limit. The area of the circle is the unknowable. This is the end of
our picture of zero . . . .and the beginning of our picture of
Reality. The unknowable draws us forward like moths to a