Re: Old and youth? not the issue
Oct 15, 2000 11:45 PM
by arthra999
> Not that all those who have not tasted the other side, would have
> loved it, but some might, some might not. My grief (or point of
> the discussion) is the opportunity to taste it thoroughly and
> really see any reason to appreciate .. then he can throw the idea
> in the rubbish-bin. ...I wish today's youngsters get that
> opportunity to taste many things, and some of them will
> appreciate, some won't, but certain things they are being
> deprived of, which can cause a serious unbalance. And not only
> youngsters, many who are twice my age as well..
> Things your father liked, even if you do not like, keep some or
> your son might yearn for it, and never find it.
> -Sham
The difference in the pace of life was vividly brought home to me
I went to the archives of the local public library to search for an
orbituary for my great grandfather who died in 1907 at the request of
my father. The pages were extremely yellowed and crumbly ...very
cheap news paper indeed...but I noticed that they had articles on the
comings and goings of people in our small town...There's be an
on someone arriving from Los Angeles or someone travelling out of
state... An article on who was the guest of whom and what parties
going on... This was an era where time moved extremely slowly by our
current standards and moved at an extremely leisurely pace. Likely
people lived around the sunrise and sunset or read by gaslight. Such
time had space in it...and undoubtedly quiet as well. Anyway, that
world is forever past but it does illustrate the tremendous pace of
life we live in today as well as the complexities. I wonder often how
much stress of modern life plays on our mental and physical bodies.
What impact does modern society have on our values? And as
theosophists what does this mean to us?
- Art
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