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Theos-World RE: That there monad SD I FOOTNOTE 174-5; Paradox: Spiritual and/or material ?

Sep 29, 2000 01:01 PM
by Dallas Tenbroeck

Sept 29th 2000

Dear George:

Perhaps the word MONAD is to be grasped as essentially the "US"
or the "I" -- and as such, cannot be thought as being something
different from the "THINKER" or the "PERCEIVER - WITNESS."  At
least that is as I see it.  (see again GITA NOTES pp. 98-102, on

In other words, the HIGHER SELF (MONAD)  is the ultimate
resolution, the essence of OURSELVES.  Is it not the ONE

this is always closely allied to the HIGHEST RECORD OF

Is it not a perfectible perception of VIRTUE and KARMA in so far
as we (as a Unit) are concerned.  It is (in our material vehicle,
of this incarnation) the SPIRITUAL UNIT (and simultaneously the
WHOLE) focused in SUDDHA-SATTVA  (see T. GLOS.  P. 311) --
Suddha-Sattva being the highest (akasic?) kind of SUBSTANCE.

But this view of "ourselves" -- (as a spiritual unit) is also to
be totally, and SIMULTANEOUSLY coordinated with every other UNIT
(having the same potencies and powers as we do -- our true
spiritual BROTHERS -- or, the actual UNIVERSAL BROTHERHOOD).  We
are never totally "alone."  "Isolation" as a concept or sense, is
the great "Sin" as I see it.

This does away with all "sense of SEPARATENESS."  As far as I can
see it eliminates selfishness, and the limited goals of
political, economic and physical "altruism."  It replaces them
with the sense of unity with all other beings.  And that is a
spiritual, endless, undefinable and perfect UNITY.  The "OCEAN"
replaces the "drop."  (To use an imperfect analogy.)

Also, to apply any political, economic, or physical theory and to
impose it on others would be a form however altruistic and
well-intended tyranny -- the imposition of our imperfect ideas on
others, who have a right to formulate their own parameters of
living and acting. And that is not within the purviews of the
Karmic LAW of spiritual progress in NATURE.  You can see how this
applies to work in the ULT and why the independence of every
"Associate" is to be respected.  There is no 'one right way' of
doing things.

But, a CONFERENCE, resulting in agreement to cooperate is always
essential and an example of the relationship that ever demands
the co-existence of the Higher and the Lower SELF.  It is through
collaboration alone (as I reason it to myself) that a center can
be made to exist which will allow all interested theosophists to
aggregate, to do beneficent work together, and through this
medium and focus, for humanity.  Each associate will have to
impose very strict disciplines on himself and his impulses,
however generous and well-intended.  I don't think anyone will be
able to impose their views as entirely beneficent and correct on
any others.  It will not last long because the generous element
of self-determination will have been curtailed somewhere.

This also explains why the Masters refuse to get involved in our
personal lives and those of others.  The ultimate rules of
progress in NATURE demand independent decision and learning
through our reaping the results of the choices -- good or bad --
we may make. Is this not the basis of the ULT DECLARATION ?

SD I 174-175 fn serves (as I see it) to illustrate to us the
paradox of expressing metaphysical ultimates in terms of our
limited concepts of personal ideas of "goals and perfections,"
which are limited by our present (material) concepts of (present
zone/globe/race "time and space."  The paradox is that the
aggregate of personal (but also spiritual) skandhas can be
karmically attached to the MONAD as a spiritual Unit.  This makes
of such MONADIC UNITS foci for the totality of SPIRIT (manifest
and un-manifest).

This implies that as evolution progresses for the "Personal Ego"
(Kama-Manas) its duality and sense of being separate from its
"spiritual Father." Is gradually eliminated as it strives to
deserve to remain ATTACHED to the Spiritual "Pole" of the 'egg'
that makes up the whole of its temporal existence in any one
incarnation.  {I am sure I am not saying this quite right.}

Hope this is not too long.  As I see it eliminates all sense of
duality and separateness -- hence of "evil and sin."
 Eliminates the error of vision implied in "the sundering of the
ONE." ]  The paradox (I think, also) could be expressed:  "How
can I think and act for "two" (or the many),  while still
remaining ONE  -- and that ONE is conjoined with all spiritual

Hope that this is of some use.


D. T. B.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 7:57 AM
Subject: That there monad

    My perception of Theosophy has always led me to believe that
"progress" was the  result of choices and action upon those
choices of
self-conscious, choosing, beings - men.  This leads me to
conclude that since
the Monad is not any of these, it cannot progress - it does not
do anything
different from what it always does - shine the light of unity in
diversity on
DTB:    WHAT is the basis for all CHOICE ?

    If the Monad can progress does that mean that somewhere there
something that can act separately from my actions and can affect
the results
of my Karma?  Does the "One Life" progress?  Does the Sun, as it
gives life to
everything, change or progress?
DTB     PROGRESS is universal, in time space and improved
CONSCIOUSNESS among the many Units, each at their own level of
experience and advance.  Immortality includes memory and an
increasing acuity of perception in regard to KARMA and SPIRITUAL

    Yes, in the long run, there will be progress and the Monad
will be able
to express itself further, but that progress is still due to the
work and
choices of guys and gals.
    And don't forget SD I. 174-5 fn
        And please, no long dissertation.  the light from My
Monad is having
trouble lighting up the many pages I have to read these days.
DTB     UNITY is WISDOM.  All returns to THAT  --  SAT  [ SD I
119;  ii  310, 449-50 ]
"The sundering of the ONE produces the 'Sin of separateness."
Therefore I conclude that a "return to UNITY alone harmonizes and
sets this 'sin' aright."


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