Re: Theos-World Re: Einstein and the SD
Aug 27, 2000 01:00 PM
by Michele Lidofsky
Thanks so much, Leon, for taking the trouble to compile the quotes and
post them for me, and for us all.
Looking forward to your book, which is desperately needed. As a
teacher/lecturer (in my small way), I have often come up empty when
asked by mathematicians and people in the sciences (even philosophers
with non-reductionist views about consciousness, usually derided as
being 'new mysterians') for papers, books or web sites that explain
theosophy in terminology compatible with its scientific world-view. So
many of the books and sites draw so heavily on spiritual/religious
metaphor - specifically they seem to appeal to the sensibilities of
nineteenth century Christians- that they are off-putting even to the
more open minded scientists among us.
Michele wrote:
> Michele,
> I'm still in process of correlating and transcribing many hundreds of quotes
> from the SD which refer to breakthroughs in modern and post modern science.
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