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Re: Theos-World Re: Einstein and the SD

Aug 27, 2000 01:33 AM
by LeonMaurer


I'm still in process of correlating and transcribing many hundreds of quotes 
from the SD which refer to breakthroughs in modern and post modern science. I 
intend to use them as references in my forthcoming book.  However, This work 
is endless, and I can only fit it in as small increments among my many other 
eclectic interests and projects.  So far, I have managed to come up with a 
few that I have recently posted on the *How Einstein-intuited E=mc^2* web 
page.  <>
 To save you and others the trouble of accessing the site, I have copied and 
attached them below.  

Some references:  

pertaining to Einstein's theories of relativity (E=MC^2), photoelectricity, 
gravity; Heisenberg's theory of indeterminacy; quantum physics; holographic 
universe; String theory; unity of energy-light-matter; etc.  From The Secret 
Doctrine, H. P. Blavatsky, 1888, The Theosophical Press, Adyar, India 
(facsimile reprint, 1964, The Theosophy Company) Volume 1.

1-29 "Everything that exists has only a relative, not an absolute reality, 
since the appearance which the hidden noumena assumes for any observer 
depends on his power of cognition" (Ref: Indeterminacy theorem) but all 
things are relatively real, for the congress is also a reflection, and the 
things cognized are therefore as real to him as himself." 
1-45 "Metaphysical abstractions are the only conceivable cause of physical 
concretions a process of conversion of metaphysics into physics, analogous to 
that by which steam can be condensed into water, and the water into ice." 
(Ref: General laws of Phase Change Also Chaos, Complexity, Universal 
Inflation, Symmetry, etc.) 
1-75 "... there is but one universal element which is infinite, unborn, 
undying all the rest-as in the world of phenomena-are but so many various 
differentiated aspects and transformations (correlations as they are now 
called)" (Ref: Conservation of Matter/Energy, Special Relativity, General 
Relativity, etc.) 
1-77 "It (occult philosophy) indicates existence of things imperceptible to 
our physical senses" (Ref: all sub-molecular physics and chemistry) 
1-83 "Brahmâ (Sanscrit name of precursor of Universe) "expands" and becomes 
the Universe, woven out of its own substance." (Ref: Big Bang theory, 
Inflationary theory, String Theory, etc.) 
1-120 "The radical unity of the ultimate essence of each constituent part of 
compounds in nature is the one fundamental Law" (Ref: Unified Field theories, 
GUTs, High Energy physics, Quark theories, General Relativity, etc.) 
1-143 (footnote) * * " consider all the forces of nature as veritable, though 
super sensuous, states of matter" (Ref: General Relativity, E=MC^2, Quantum 
Chromodynamics, etc.) 
1-146 "Electricity, Light, Heat, etc. (i.e. energy) i.e. supersensuous states 
of matter light is - a supersensuous state of matter in motion, a Nature 
Force" (Ref: General Relativity, E=MC2, Special Relativity, Photoelectricity, 
Quantum Thermodynamics, etc.)` 
1-147 " all the so called Forces of Nature, Electricity, Magnetism, Light, 
Heat are in esse i.e. in their ultimate constitution, the differentiated 
aspect of that universal motion discussed (earlier) (see Proem)" (Ref: 
General Relativity, E=MC^2, Special Relativity, Photoelectricity, Quantum 
Thermodynamics, etc.)

Leon writes:

>Dear Leon,
>How kind of you to write up all your references for me like that... It
>almost makes me feel guilty that I have two other requests regarding the
>matter (no pun intended).
>First, have you ever actually SEEN any Russian textbook or syllabus that
>refers to the SD?  This would be extremely significant.  (If you
>haven't, I would like to know if you have ever researched this yourself
>- no sense my duplicating an avenue of effort that you might have found
>Second, can you give me the page references to quotes in the SD or any
>other HPB work that YOU found most convincing and powerful to both the
>AE-SD theory and to your own insights and meditations on the physical
>nature of the universe - which, judging by your web pages, have been
>quite fecund.  (Nothing from pseudo-theosophists, or later
>'confabulists', please.  Not that you're likely to cite these sources; I
>am a thousand percent with you in the judgment that these later sources
>of "Christianized gobbledygook" provide at BEST a kind of mental
>quicksand that ensnares the intellect, distorting  and distracting from
>our mental and spiritual focus upon the fundamental truths and
>propositions HPB was able to reveal at the present time.)
>Again, thanks for your time and input.  I have virtually zero expertise
>or academic training in physics, but I have friends (materialists, all)
>who do, and I would love to have a shred, just a thread...
> wrote:
>> Michele,
>> Thanks for confirming with your "intuitive insight" that the story about
>> Albert Einstein and the SD might be quite true.
>> Along with that, I have other, more direct reasons for my own belief,
>> however...
>> Back in the early eighties, while my science mentor and close friend, Dr.
>> Sebastian Perchion, former atomic scientist and biophysicist, a 
>> and an initiated Lama of the Tibetan Ningmapa sect (and also one of Sylvia
>> Cranston's science consultants, b.t.w.) and I were culling the SD for
>> references to modern physics --  Dr. Perchion showed the Secret Doctrine
>> (during that time of "detente") to several Russian Scientists (including
>> Sakarov and Z'eldovitch, if I recall correctly) attending a scientific
>> conference at the New York Academy of Science.  He described the SD to
>> them as a textbook of modern physics -- which they first thought 
>> --although they respected the fact that the book was written by a 
>> But, after he showed them some of its references to the "unity between 
>> and matter," as well as to the connections between light quanta, 
>> and matter -- they agreed that Einstein, if he read the book prior to 1905,
>> certainly could have intuited his theories from it... Since, they also
>> confirmed that it was almost impossible that AE would have intuited them
>> based on the state of knowledge of physics he had studied and been teaching
>> (as was earlier confirmed by Dr. Feynman's comments in Time magazine
>> during the 1975 celebration of the 20th anniversary of Einstein's death -- 
>>quoted on my AE-SD web page). It's interesting that relativity was still
>> controversial even up to the time Einstein got his Nobel Prize for his 
>> work in theoretical physics.
>> Incidentally, the Russians took back to the USSR the copy of the SD 
>> showed them.  Many years later, after the fall of the Berlin Wall, I heard
>> from another scientist friend, who had visited Russia, that the SD was 
>> as a physics reference book in several Russian Universities. This was very
>> interesting to me at the time, since Z'eldovitch had come up with some
>> controversial theories of proton decay, and Sakharov had some ideas about
>> universal brotherhood and human rights, that smacked of a considerable
>> theosophical knowledge.
>> In addition, Sylvia Cranston, in her HPB biography made some reference
>> in her notes that Einstein was given his copy of the SD by Robert Millikan 
>> Nobel Prize winner (for his work on the photoelectric effect, which 
>> originally theorized and received his Nobel Prize for in 1921).
>> Coincidentally (or karmacally:-) I also heard that Millikan was a personal
>> friend of Einstein's... Since, my employer during the late forties, a 
>> Russo-German immegrant and international industrialist, Lawrence Lesavoy,
>> Chairman of Lesavoy Industries -- who was a personal friend and business
>> associate of my father, as well as a fellow "alchemist" and "Mason" (and
>> judging from his sagacious knowledge of cycles and other esoterica, could
>> very well have been a theosophist) -- was the major "sponsor" of Einstein
>> when he emigrated to America to teach at the Instiute of Advanced Studies
>> at Princeton University.  Mr. Lesavoy, who had known Einstein since he was
>> a teenager, told us that he also knew Millikan, who, it is reported, had
>> corresponded with Einstein since some years before the turn of the century.
>> Millikan, incidentally, was also said to be a student of alchemy and a 
>> which is probably what originally led him to the SD, which Miilikan, as one
>> of Einstein's mentors, probably discussed with him prior to 1895 (when
>> Einstein wrote his first essay at age 16 implying relativity ).
>> To cap all this off, I saw an original photograph of Einstein that Mr.
>> Lesavoy always had on his desk that was Inscribed "Thank you, Larry,
>> for everything," signed "Albert." Incidentally, both Lesavoy and Millikan
>> were about ten years older than Einstein. It's also interesting that many
>> of Einstein's ideas of a spiritual as well as humanistic nature are also
>> cquite onsistent with the principles and ethics of theosophy.
>> Naturally, all this is quite anecdotal and strangely coincidental, and
>> certainly could not be valid as evidence in any court of law... But,
>> nevertheless, I have no doubts whatsoever, confirmed by my own studies
>> of the scientific correlations in the SD, that it had agreat deal to do 
>> sparking Einstein's insights into most, if not all, of the pioneering
>> breakthrough he introduced with his special theory of relativity in 1905
>> simultaneously with his theories of photoelectricity and quantum physics
>--some of which he had been considering and questioning older scientists
>> about since he was a young boy, according to his biographers.
>> I hope this is enough to set the record straight about AE and the SD,
>> and help reinforce your apparently correct "intuition and insight."
>> Best regards,
>> Leon Maurer

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