RE: Theos-World Re: Eating our words ?
Jul 11, 2000 11:22 AM
As far as I know the only reason for being a vegetarian is that
it comes for a respect for advancing conscious life imprisoned in
animal forms. They have a right to their living.
If one views evolution as the trend of developing CONSCIOUSNESS
as a unity and one which is never killed when the bodies in which
it dwells are killed, one will get the idea that the animal form
is a necessary one for us and all other forms. Essentially our
bodies are made up of animal/human matter, which is refined to a
stage where the CONSCIOUSNESS is able to manifest as an
"persona." A THINKER -- a MAN/WOMAN.
Pity for the animals is compassion and generosity from man to
them who are following us on the path to conscious immortality.
J. Allen Boone wrote KINSHIP WITH ALL LIFE -- Harper-Collins
1976. In that he hives examples of the exchange of conscious
communication between animals an men as examples of that which
most of us overlook. It is a valuable book to have and to read.
A wise writer in theosophy once observed that the words that
issued from a mouth were more important than the food that went
down into it. Motive and karma surround this as does anything
D. T. B.
-----Original Message-----
[]On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, July 04, 2000 7:40 PM
To: Theosophy Study List; Thoesophy Activists List;
Subject: Theos-World Re: Eating our words ?
Thanks, Michelle.
One of the best theosophists I know is not a vegetarian; but is
so open
minded that will give his support for vegetarians.
On the other hand, there was a situation in which I wanted to
visit with a
well known member, a life long vegetarian, tee totaler, lead a
straight life and who resided in Adyar for years - center of all
action -- and was high up in all the related organizations would
not let me
visit with him. You ought to see his hypocrisy when you see his
dismeanour in public. There is yet another well known member, a
tee totaler, leading a traditionally straight life, who would
not address
me as "brother" because I did not agree with some of his
policies. If these
are the type of people I ran into when I came into theosophy and
would have runaway never to return. On the other hand, I had my
share of
wonderful and kind ordinary members who practiced real
"theosophy" --
brotherhood and that is what is keeping my interest even today.
At 07:08 PM 07/04/2000 -0400, you wrote:
Thanks for your response , Doss!
Sorry if some of the things I said have a sensitive nature...
I just wanted to get across my amazement at the hypocrisy of
those who
love to brag that it has been "thirty years since I put a
hamburger into
my mouth", when many of those same people can't go thirty MINUTES
without something REALLY nasty coming OUT of it.
Michele L.
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