Re: Theos-World Re: Aryel Sanat schedule for June-July
Jun 18, 2000 02:53 PM
by M K Ramadoss
At 10:15 AM 06/18/2000 EDT, Aryel Sanat wrote:
Dear friends,
As always, I'm most interested in meeting any of you personally that happen
to be in areas where I'll be. I wish others on the list would do the same, &
let us know when you're traveling. I think it'd be a great way to get to
know each other better.
I think personal one to one contact has some chemistry that is always
beneficial and also we can put a face to the name(or assumed name ? ) of
the persons we may be familiar with via these maillists and other private
I do not plan to be at the Annual Meeting at Olcott. So I will have to wait
for another opportunity to meet with you and it will come soon.
By the way, I live in San Antonio, Texas and I would like to meet with
anyon anyone planning to visit or pass thru San Antonio; if a couple of
days advance notice is possible, anyone visiting can stay with me. This
standing invitation is always there as I have indicated a couple of times
in the past.
Unlike some, who wants to keep their addresses, phone numbers etc.
confidential, I am listed in white pages, yellow pages, residence pages and
everywhere ... so contacting me should be no problem for anyone.
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