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Theos-World Square versus Oblong Square???

May 05, 2000 02:03 AM
by LeonMaurer


Thanks for pointing out this very interesting essay.

With reference to your opening question, I suppose, if you measure the 
dimensions of the oblong square (architecturally speaking) that is drawn on 
the chakrafield (or Tai Chi) diagram, you will probably find that they are 
"oblong numbers" (2 x 3), and that its diagonal forms two Pythagorean right 

Therefore, it's possible that HPB's inadvertent use of the phrase "oblong 
square" referred to the dimensional ratio of the palm leaf sheets.  However, 
that would be confusing in the context of the particular statement in the 
VOS, since this wrong English usage (in such a case) would be totally 
irrelevant to its solely factual informational meaning, and technically 
confusing to a reader who might think HPB was illiterate.  Remember, the VOS 
is an instructional handbook pertaining to the "Heart Doctrine," a yoga 
practice -- and not, as the SD, a metaphysical textbook. Thus, again, 
justifying WQJ's correction, since he very well knew the difference.


In a message dated 05/03/00 12:49:26 PM, writes:

>Some of you may find this essay BELOW quite interesting.
>Notice what the author writes:
>"An Oblong number can be arranged in a rectangle
>whose width and height differ by one unit."
>Is that an oblong square? See illustrations below and
>see web page listed at end of this essay for an undistorted
>view of the illustrations.  Pasting the illustrations into
>this email has distorted some of them.

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