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Theos-World Re: New Book titled "Book of Dzyan" by Tim Maroney is now available

Mar 19, 2000 04:45 PM
by Daniel Caldwell


If your current opinion is that "the Maroney book is
the same poppycock [as the Johnson books]," I hope
that that judgment will not deter you from reading the
book.  And IF you really do find "popycock" I hope you
will tell us about it and show us why it should be so
considered.  There will no doubt be many readers and
inquirers who will not be in a knowledgeable position
to detect the poppycock.  

Please write up your observations of the book and I
will post it on my web site.  And I will gladly post
on BAO any other reviews (positive or negative) of
Maroney's book.

It will be most interesting to read and see what
Maroney's "take" is on the Stanzas and on Madame
Blavatsky.  I hope this may generate some interest and
some may delve deeper into this subject.


--- Frank Reitemeyer <> wrote:
> > "The most insightful and balanced discussion of
> Blavatsky's
> > writings to
> > date."
> >
> > -- K. Paul Johnson, author of The Masters Revealed
> and Initiates
> ... that is enough to be convinced, that the Maroney
> book is the same
> poppycock.
> Everyone who will know who Blavatsky was should read
> the invaluble biography
> by Sylvia Cranston
> and not trust in modern specualtions of New Agers.
> Frank

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