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Re: Theos-World Re: Cable Modems and Security

Oct 19, 1999 08:45 AM
by Rodolfo Don

I am not a computer expert either, but it makes sense to me why cable modems don't provide security. Cable was not built to provide security. It was built to provide TV programming to its customers. The information that travels through television cable is not protected. Phone lines on the other hand are different. It is not easy to tap on your neighbors' phone conversations unless you are a phone repair person, and that is against the law.

This is the first time that I see the security issue being brought up on cable modems, but it makes sense to me. I wonder why it has not been brought up before.

My two-cents.


Yes there is. While I am not a computer "expert", there were cases where
neighbors can get into others files and cases where the print outs got
printed in a printer in the neighbor's home.

The basis issue is buyers beware. If they have any questions, they should
address it to their ISPs.


On 10/18/1999 , you wrote:

I received the following from a friend. As many in the USA are planning to
use cable modem, everyone should be aware of the security issue before it
is too late.

	Now that you have succeeded in scaring everybody who is not computer
literate, please explain to us what the difference is between security
concerns with a cable modem and any other kind of modem?

	Answer: There IS none. If you have no server software running, and you
almost certainly don't unless you put it up on purpose, you can get
attacked again and again, and nobody will get through.

	Bart Lidofsky

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Johnston []
Sent: Thursday, October 14, 1999 7:09 AM
To: Sweeney, Patrick
Cc: 'The Firewalls List'
Subject: Re: Unknown internet traffic

I agree with you.  Time Warner (RoadRunner cable modems) told me there is
absolutely NO security between customers and the Internet.  You are ON the
Internet and security is the customer's problem, not theirs.  They would do
nothing to help me.  I was told this by multiple technicians at Time
Since I installed Nukenabber, I have noticed attacks on my home PC from a
wide variety of states AND countries.  ISPs need to get serious about

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