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Re: Theos-World Blind leading the blind

Sep 09, 1999 08:45 PM
by clint mccray

-Rich wrote:

> The point of the story is that, wherever HPB and her
> Masters may be now, in 
> body or out of it, no true Theosophist doubts Their
> presence and supervision. 
>  But here before us in America, Great Britain and
> elsewhere we have the 
> foremost Lamas of Tibet -- giving out the VERY SAME
> teachings HPB did (and 
> more!!) using often the very same vocabulary and
> referring to the very same 
> texts.  Their LIVING PRESENCE is an incredible gift,
> and probably a very rare 
> one -- it did not exist 20 years ago.  Speaking from
> personal experience, 
> many of these lamas and monks are the very
> embodiment of humility, compassion 
> and wisdom.  
> Can you imagine what words HPB would use to ridicule
> us if, rather than 
> sitting at the feet of these very great LIVING
> teachers, we keep our noses in 
> our books and disdained to "abandon" our original
> teachers?
> I think she would have far stronger names than
> "flapdoodle" for us fools!!  
> The Dalai Lama is giving teachings in Los Angeles
> next month.  The greatest 
> known authority on Dzogchen, Chogyal Namkhai Norbu
> Rinpoche, is giving a 
> retreat in Tahoe this month.  I highly recommend
> both to this list's readers, 
> and I would be interested to hear what other
> teachings are going on around 
> us.  HPB did not scorn to make alliances with all
> forces which could help our 
> movement, and I urge all of us to do the same.
> I feel like Cassandra wailing on the walls of Troy,
> because I know almost no 
> one will heed my words.  But then again, "let those
> who have ears, hear" (to 
> quote another LIVING presence).
> Rich
> -- Well Written, can you give me more info on the Dali Llama?  I live
close to LA, and would enjoy it very much!

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